metabolism reset... OPINIONS

so i'm doing a reset via instructions from my trainer.. in 4 days i hit 3 weeks of eating at maintenance......i started mfp back in jan first time doing vlcd at1300...i think somewhere in march i heard about em2wl. at this point i had lost about15 lb then plateaued at 197. i then upped to my cut of about 1730. i did not gain. after about two weeksi lost another 4. down to 193...i was doing the occasional fasting. only 24 hrs about one every two weeks for maybe two month....didn't lose anything.. inches have gone down.... somewhere in that time i went from dancing for 20 min a day and occasional jog in place for ten min to doing c25k MWF and 10 min calisthenics (push ups, situps etc) and then alternating 10 and 15 every other day.. resting on sat and sun... well then i uppe back up to like 1930 cuz of the increase in excercise...well then my grandma said i was eating way too much... o let me add i gained the 4 lbs back after upping to the 1930... well anyway, after she made her comment saying i should only eat about 1600 i felt so depressed about all the comments she kept making i went back to 1300.. all this within two weeks....after about a week at 1300.. my trainer friend said i was eating enough.. i took a rest week cuz i was also over working myself to exhaustion. i could not hold myelf up at all for dips or push ups for even one...and way way tired. so i took a week off of excercising minus an occasional hour walk... so my friend had me up to what's considered my maintencance at fat 2 fit... at 2250...his instructions were to eat at 2250 for a month and then every two weeks reduce by 50 calories only until i get to 1600 to what i should be eating at to lose weight.....and then after i lose my weight down to 140 to maintain at about 1800-1900. so after all of that i've only lost 15 lbs and have been 195-197 for like the last 4 or so months..... will begin week three in a few days of 2250.. my excercise is now still c25k every other day. but now calisthenics have been reduced to 20 min 3 days a week and still rest sun... so whats ur opinions? i will follow this plan so don't tell me to change.. opinions are welcome but no u should do this u should do that please. lol but do u think it will work for me? oh to add i have lost 6 inches in waist and hips and have lost about 2 pant sizes but the weight has now stalled......


  • HeatherPH
    HeatherPH Posts: 125 Member
    I won't even pretend to know enough to advise you on this, but well done on the loss and on the inches! Those are great accomplishments! Are you continuing to lose inches, even though the weight is stalling?
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Are you saying that between Jan and March you lost 15 lbs...and from that point until now (after the metabolism resets)...You still have lost 15lbs?
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    That was really poorly written and structured. You can probably get better advice if you edit that such that it contains actual sentences.

    So, I wasn't patient enough to read that fully. However, it is true that eating in a calorie deficit lowers your metabolism, and taking a week or so off every few months isn't a bad idea.

    I have no clue what you were asking, because I found the OP completely incomprehensible, but I hope someone else understands you and can help. Slowly lowering calories is nice in that you can see what calorie level is the most you can eat and still lose a pound a week...but I wouldn't have the patience for it. I would lower by 500 if I was maintaining at 2200 (and not gaining at all).

    Good luck!
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    That was really poorly written and structured. You can probably get better advice if you edit that such that it contains actual sentences.

    So, I wasn't patient enough to read that fully. However, it is true that eating in a calorie deficit lowers your metabolism, and taking a week or so off every few months isn't a bad idea.

    I have no clue what you were asking, because I found the OP completely incomprehensible, but I hope someone else understands you and can help. Slowly lowering calories is nice in that you can see what calorie level is the most you can eat and still lose a pound a week...but I wouldn't have the patience for it. I would lower by 500 if I was maintaining at 2200 (and not gaining at all).

    Good luck!

    ha ha yeah it was poorly written.... i took like 3 phone calls while writing that so i got in a hurry. i realized toward the end it was pretty much a big run on sentence lol
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    Are you saying that between Jan and March you lost 15 lbs...and from that point until now (after the metabolism resets)...You still have lost 15lbs?

    yes pretty much. though i haven't actually finished resetting... i thought just upping was enough.. apparently it wasn't
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    I won't even pretend to know enough to advise you on this, but well done on the loss and on the inches! Those are great accomplishments! Are you continuing to lose inches, even though the weight is stalling?

    uhmm yeah. the lost inches didn't really come off til the weight first started stalling. but it has been awhile since the last measurement drop
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    That was really poorly written and structured. You can probably get better advice if you edit that such that it contains actual sentences.

    So, I wasn't patient enough to read that fully.

    Yeah....this. Might want to edit and make your post a bit more user-friendly.
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    Yes, I think some adjustment needs to be made since you have seen no changes in weight in 15 days and also no changes in inches. Some believe that a one day or 24 hour fast can reset and change a plateau--others advise to ramp up the exercise length and intensity.
    Let us here know what you finally decide and if that works for you. Good Luck
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    so i'm doing a reset via instructions from my trainer.. in 4 days i hit 3 weeks of eating at maintenance......i started mfp back in jan first time doing vlcd at1300...i think somewhere in march i heard about em2wl. at this point i had lost about15 lb then plateaued at 197. i then upped to my cut of about 1730. Nothing happened.. after about two weeksi lost another 4lbs which put me at 193. At the time i was doing the occasional fasting. only 24 hrs about one every two weeks for maybe two months...Still nothing except a few inches lost. Ok, so my excercise at first was dancing for 20 min a day and occasional jog in place for ten min. Then it was c25k MWF and 10 min calisthenics (push ups, situps etc) and then alternating 10 and 15 every other day.. resting on sat and sun..Well turns out it was too much for me. i could not hold myelf up at all for dips or push ups for even one...and way way tired. so i took a week off of excercising minus an occasional hour walk... . well then i uppe back up to like 1930 cuz of the increase in excercise.(which is the excercise that i wore myself out on) I gained the 4 lbs back that i had lost.

    so next part. my grandma made a comment...that i was eating way to much and that's why i was not losing weight anymore and that anyone who eats close to 2000 will never lose weight and that i shoud be eating. about 1600 i felt so depressed about all the comments she kept making i went back to 1300.. all this within two weeks....after about a week at 1300.. my trainer friend said i wasnot eating enough obviously. lol .. so my friend had me up my calories to what's considered my maintencance at fat 2 fit... at2250...his instructions were to eat at 2250 for a month and then every two weeks reduce by 50 calories only until i get to 1600 (what he says should be calories to lose weight for my height) Once i reach my goal weight of 140 140 to maintain at about 1800-1900. so after all of that i've only lost 15 lbs and have been 195-197 for like the last 4 or so months. I will begin week three of attempting a real reset in a few days eating 2250 My excercise is now still c25k every other day. but now calisthenics have been reduced to 20 min 3 days a week and still rest sunday... so whats ur opinions? i will follow this plan so don't tell me to change.. opinions are welcome but no u should do this u should do that please. lol but do u think it will work for me? oh to add i have lost 6 inches in waist and hips and have lost about 2 pant sizes but the weight has now stalled...... so what i'm asking as now u know what i've do u think this might work and get me out of my plateau. and any more info about metabolism rests

    ok so i don't know if this is much better but here's an attempt
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    Yes, I think some adjustment needs to be made since you have seen no changes in weight in 15 days and also no changes in inches. Some believe that a one day or 24 hour fast can reset and change a plateau--others advise to ramp up the exercise length and intensity.
    Let us here know what you finally decide and if that works for you. Good Luck

    no no changes in weight. i am way hungrier than i used to be..i read that was suppose to be a good sign if i'm hungrier w eating more. lol
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    back to basics - you're about 200 lbs, 5'-5" and 25(F). Let's say 45% BF so Katch-McArdle says your BMR is 1450. Add a reasonably active 30% to that gives you 1885 to maintain. Take 20% off that and eat 1500. Come back in a month and tell us how it went.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    so whats ur opinions? i will follow this plan so don't tell me to change.. opinions are welcome but no u should do this u should do that please.

    aka "only respond if you think what's I'm doing is correct. All other opinions need not respond, they will be automatically disregarded."
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    so whats ur opinions? i will follow this plan so don't tell me to change.. opinions are welcome but no u should do this u should do that please.

    aka "only respond if you think what's I'm doing is correct. All other opinions need not respond, they will be automatically disregarded."

    wow ok, not what i meant at all. i meant not to be rude and say oh ur doing everything wrong ur just ****ing everything up as some ppl do on these forums because its not there to say i don't believe its right u might think about trying it this way....not oh ur completly stupid and doing it all wrong u should be eating 1200 or less for ur
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    You are losing inches and probably look tons more toned/less fatty. In my opinion, that is way better than just losing pounds although I totally understand wanting the scale to move! If you really want the scale to start moving, you have to burn more calories or eat less than what you are doing now.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    back to basics - you're about 200 lbs, 5'-5" and 25(F). Let's say 45% BF so Katch-McArdle says your BMR is 1450. Add a reasonably active 30% to that gives you 1885 to maintain. Take 20% off that and eat 1500. Come back in a month and tell us how it went.

    i've tried this for the last 5 months or so. it did not work for

    my body fat going by covert bailey is 27.6. it takes the most measurements
    military is 37
    using military since i know nobody will believe 197 lb person can be at 27.6. lol Katch McArdle says Bmr is 1589 and moderate active would be 2251... which is actually what i'm eating now. lol i dont know where i was going w i'll just leave it at that.

    i guess just to help anyone if they have anymore opinions my stats are as of today
    25 yrs
    waist 34 inches
    hips 42
    wrist 6
    forearm 10
    thigh 27
    calves 15.5
    um neck is 14
    i have a small to medium frame....doing the wrist test i have a small frame but i myself find it hard to believe lol
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You want opinions, but you don't want people suggesting what you should do as you will still do your original plan... So what are u actually asking!?
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    You are losing inches and probably look tons more toned/less fatty. In my opinion, that is way better than just losing pounds although I totally understand wanting the scale to move! If you really want the scale to start moving, you have to burn more calories or eat less than what you are doing now.

    yes i think i look smaller.. lol and yeah i got that....attempting to reset/speed up my metabolism to a higher calorie so when i can start cutting again it will do it better instead of dropping ten lbs and then stops again... i think after one more week higher calories and then drop little by little til i get down to a reasonable amount that it should keep the weight loss going......instead of a big drop in calories and lose nothing but ten lbs in water weight lol
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    You want opinions, but you don't want people suggesting what you should do as you will still do your original plan... So what are u actually asking!?

    lol i didn't say not to give suggestions.....i said i didn't want ppl being rude and say i'm doing it completly wrong and say this is how i should/suppose to do it.... it was meant as in tell me u think i could try not say u have to do it this way or u won't get any results at all unless u do it the way i'm telling u.......some ppl on the forums are like that....
    opinions/suggestions are one thing........belittling someone because they aren't doing it a certain way is another......does that make more sense?
    i'm not trying to sound stuck up or what not lol
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    so whats ur opinions? i will follow this plan so don't tell me to change.. opinions are welcome but no u should do this u should do that please.

    aka "only respond if you think what's I'm doing is correct. All other opinions need not respond, they will be automatically disregarded."

    wow ok, not what i meant at all. i meant not to be rude and say oh ur doing everything wrong ur just ****ing everything up as some ppl do on these forums because its not there to say i don't believe its right u might think about trying it this way....not oh ur completly stupid and doing it all wrong u should be eating 1200 or less for ur

    ..... Yea really wow.... But at you, I would never suggest that. Maybe you should calm down and think about the things you write so people can understand them and not misinterpret them.