Eating fruit, too much sugar?

Hi everyone!
Everytime I eat a few pieces of fruit in one day (and I truly mean a few, like 1 banana and a handful of blueberries, possibly an apple), I go over the MFP recommended sugar intake for one day. Is this something that I should be avoiding? Can fruit sugar be an obstacle towards weight loss? I always thought fruit (in moderation of course, like everything else) was good for you and can be a good snack to help keep you full and keep your metabolism up. If anyone has any insight, please feel free to share! And add me on MFP :)



  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    The nutrients in fruit are well worth the extra sugar. Unless you have a medical reason for avoiding sugar, don't skip fruit because of this only. Just make sure you are cutting out added sugars and it won't be a problem. Enjoy!
  • fueledbychange
    fueledbychange Posts: 132 Member
    It's true, fruit is SO WORTH IT, even though it has lots of sugar. It's all natural sugar anyway, so no harm there! Fruit is great for you (: and if you're monitoring your sugar intake for whatever reason, cut out artificial sugary foods in place of fruit, so you have more room. Enjoy! Haha
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Fruit is great for you but yes you do have to keep an eye on the calories.
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    I found that the sugar limit here was silly small (I think I could just about have 1 small banana) so I did a little poking about on google to find that, depending on where you are in the world, most advice seems to be between 40g and 80g a day. I stuck mine at 60g and try to make sure that I only have half of that from things like sweets, if that. Most of it comes from fruit, veggies and dairy :smile: Everyone will offer up different info on this topic, which is a good thing helps to make an informed decision, but this is what I have found found works for me :smile:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    It's true, fruit is SO WORTH IT, even though it has lots of sugar. It's all natural sugar anyway, so no harm there!

    no. fruit is good for you but it doesn't mean you can just ignore all the calories and sugar.

    after oatmeal, the banana is second the most over rated food on the planet. limit your fruit. even too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member

    no. fruit is good for you but it doesn't mean you can just ignore all the calories and sugar.

    after oatmeal, the banana is second the most over rated food on the planet. limit your fruit. even too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing.

    This is a weird statement... What is it that makes bananas and oatmeal overrated, I wonder?

    In my opinion, if you're not following a low carb diet, and not diabetic, or for some other medical reason watching all sugars, then the amount of fruit you're consuming is not excessive. Berries are, relatively, low in sugars (especially strawberries) and for the calories, very high in nutrients that you need. So, if you're worried about it, eat more of those, and only 1 or fewer of the higher sugar fruits. If you're diabetic or something, then you need to talk to your doctor about what's appropriate for you.

    Good luck! :)
  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    Eat raw vegetables instead.
  • sometimes_blondie
    Some fruits have less sugar than others. Also, you can look up fruits on the glycemic index (how slowly they break down) Look at your other foods to check their sugar content too. Sacrifice something else, and enjoy the fruit.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    from what I have heard sugar is sugar is sugar and its all calories....I dont think from what your eating it would be a bad thing...eating a bunch of bananas could be- sugar overload-like having a regular pop or two....if you are concerned try eating mostly low glycemic fruits but bananas are a good source of potassium ...something our bodies need to function properly so dont say no to them:)
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i lost 80 lbs and fruit was a daily part of my diet ..its not bad for you ..only if you eat ten oranges as opposed to one lol ...moderation is the key to everything
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I never even think twice (or once, for that matter) about sugar content when I'm eating fruit. If it fits into my daily intake and I want it, I eat it. The amount you are eating sounds like a nice balance. If you are concerned about sugars for reasons other than weightloss, then you may need to re-evaluate.
  • charkane
    charkane Posts: 26 Member
    Fruits contain natural sugars, so I wouldn't worry about it.....unless you add some, which is bad.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Fruits contain natural sugars, so I wouldn't worry about it.....unless you add some, which is bad.

    the calories in fruit are also natural. just because the sugar is "natural" does not mean that you can ignore it. Too much of most things, even water, at some point can be an issue. Including "natural" sugar.
  • davidrolfe79
    davidrolfe79 Posts: 13 Member
    None of us got fat by eating Apples and Bananas did we! ;)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    sugar = carb.. so if carbs are moderate, sugar will be too.. don't worry about sugar in fruit. If you want, limit yourself to 1-2 servings a day.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    None of us got fat by eating Apples and Bananas did we! ;)

    lmao...EXACTLY !!

    Bananas and oatmeal are eaten by every professional athlete out there..... must be good for something !
  • Dawnymaries
    Yeah, I'm always going way over in sugar on here. The thing is, I used to eat like three chocolate bars in one sitting at one point in my life, so trading that habit for a couple fruits every day is a welcome change for me. I feel GREAT and I'm losing weight.

    Don't cut fruit out completely, like everyone else is saying, just have a few servings per day and you'll be good to go.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I go over on sugar literally EVERY DAY because of the fruits I eat. Hasn't affected my weight loss. As long as the sugar isn't coming from candy or other junk....I don't worry about it :)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    None of us got fat by eating Apples and Bananas did we! ;)

    maybe not, but you certainly could
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Everytime I eat a few pieces of fruit in one day (and I truly mean a few, like 1 banana and a handful of blueberries, possibly an apple), I go over the MFP recommended sugar intake for one day. Is this something that I should be avoiding? Can fruit sugar be an obstacle towards weight loss? I always thought fruit (in moderation of course, like everything else) was good for you and can be a good snack to help keep you full and keep your metabolism up. If anyone has any insight, please feel free to share! And add me on MFP :)


    I have a friend that went on a "diet".... she did not watch the sugars/carbs and indeed gained a ton of weight which clearly wasn't her goal.
    She went to her doctor and sure enough he told her she was eating too much fruit.
    Balance is key.