Seriously frustrated!!!

I've been doing this for a few months now, MFP, that is....and holy crap am I frustrated! If I compare my activity (which was absolutely nothing!) a year ago to what I do now, why am I not seeing more results? I have tried many variations on activity and try to always do different things, bike ride, run, zumba, weights, yoga....I track my calories religiously, even my cheat days, which are few and far between. I try and keep a healthy mix of snacks, almonds, string cheese, fruit, carrots. I even cut back on my carbs a bit to see if that makes a difference. I drink a crapload of water, always have though, it's not never been an issue for me. I'm not sure what to do to get this weight loss thing going again. I'm on week three of not losing and so frustrated.

Thoughts? Help? Shoulders?

What do you guys do to break plateaus?


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Going 3 weeks without losing is not a big deal. The weight on the scale never tells the "true" story. I've probably only loss 3 pounds is 6 weeks on MFP, but I only have 10 total to lose, but I do see a big difference in definition and I'm wearing clothes from almost 2 years ago and they are loose. If you are wholly dependent on the numbers on the scale, you will always be frustrated because we don't lose weight consistently, it comes and goes in chunks. Many plateau after a while and sometimes it takes weeks or months to get it going again, just keep at it and it will work.
  • krorvik
    krorvik Posts: 30 Member
    I'm right there with ya. i have tracked what i eat and am doing Insanity even increased my calorie intake and still not seeing any results. I have no idea how to break thru to start losing the weight. Need thoughts also. And i havent even seen any results in how my clothes fit either.
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    Take pictures! I swear I gained the four pounds I lost this week back for no reason. But I have pictures and measurements to show what I've done. Lost 8 cm of bust and 1 inch in my hips. Which explains why I felt less wide in my clothes this week. You can do it!
  • DeanaThompson
    DeanaThompson Posts: 9 Member
    I have learned that I do way better on the scales if I only weigh myself every 2 weeks instead of once a week... LOL!! when I was weighing once a week..I would get discouraged... but I felt my clothes were a lot loose...but the scales never should anything... so I started waiting until a couple of weeks..and then I would show weight loss..and I would feel better!! LOL!! Hang in there!! It is working just haven't seen it on the the scales yet!!:)
  • Tosh_Here
    The reason I'm here is because I ran 47 miles in total last week, which at a conservative estimate adds up to 5640 calories, and do you know how much weight I lost?

    A big fat Freddy zero!!!

    I'm eating too much; that's the only thing I can think of, so as a last resort I'm forcing myself to count calories.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    You need to give more detailed information. Like how many calories a day you are eating, your weight, maybe open your diary so people can see it? If you are truly eating responsibly and exercising reasonably you should be losing weight. A trip to the doc may be in order. They could check your thyroid levels and other blood work to make sure there is not a physical problem. If you were steadily losing weight and now you are not, you may be experiencing a plateau. However, if you have never experienced steady weight loss since the beginning I would go to the doc and ask for some tests to be done. If you have the mobile app for MFP I would show them your food and exercise diary so they can see what you have been doing. Keep you head up and don't give up!
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    The reason I'm here is because I ran 47 miles in total last week, which at a conservative estimate adds up to 5640 calories, and do you know how much weight I lost?

    A big fat Freddy zero!!!

    I'm eating too much; that's the only thing I can think of, so as a last resort I'm forcing myself to count calories.

    After only 1 week of doing that, does not guarantee weight loss.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Going 3 weeks without losing is not a big deal. The weight on the scale never tells the "true" story. I've probably only loss 3 pounds is 6 weeks on MFP, but I only have 10 total to lose, but I do see a big difference in definition and I'm wearing clothes from almost 2 years ago and they are loose. If you are wholly dependent on the numbers on the scale, you will always be frustrated because we don't lose weight consistently, it comes and goes in chunks. Many plateau after a while and sometimes it takes weeks or months to get it going again, just keep at it and it will work.

    I would say that 3 weeks isn't bad either - but I'm only 10 lbs in....and have plenty to lose yet. It's too early to plateau is my point, more than anything, at least, I think so.....

    It's just hard watching my friends who are doing the exact same thing and they are losing weight while I'm not, especially when I am working out as much as I am.

    I started taking pictures last week - Friday's are my picture days, so maybe that will begin to tell a different story.
  • Bull2707
    Bull2707 Posts: 106
    Go with measurements our body fat percentage. You could be gaining muscle and losing fat but muscles weighs more. Plus drinking a butt load of water adds weight to. To answer your question how to break a plateau is to change or add exercises to your routine. Increase weight or reps. Run longer or add hills. Anything to shock the system.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    after a long absence i returned to MFP and have been working out consistently for six weeks, tracking calories, always staying around my set daily goals, and i've lost 1 pound. however, i've seriously toned up, gained muscle, lost inches and my clothes fit better and i look and feel much better. you CAN'T let the scale be your motivator, it will disappoint you as often (or more) as it makes you happy.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    You need to give more detailed information. Like how many calories a day you are eating, your weight, maybe open your diary so people can see it? If you are truly eating responsibly and exercising reasonably you should be losing weight. A trip to the doc may be in order. They could check your thyroid levels and other blood work to make sure there is not a physical problem. If you were steadily losing weight and now you are not, you may be experiencing a plateau. However, if you have never experienced steady weight loss since the beginning I would go to the doc and ask for some tests to be done. If you have the mobile app for MFP I would show them your food and exercise diary so they can see what you have been doing. Keep you head up and don't give up!

    Can I just say I HATE telling people my weight - which is part of this? Yeah, you know my butt is big, you really need my lbs? So anyway....for the sake of actually losing weight, here we go.

    Calories: 1420 per MFP and 1 lb weight loss a week
    Current Weight: 198
    Starting Weight (Before MFP tracking): 212

    As for bloodwork/thyroid - I get all that checked every year because my family has a history of crap, and I'm all good in the hood. I'm actually in excellent health blood wise! Let me tell you! On paper I'm awesome!!

    I do however have PCOS - which for women can be kinda crappy and make you insulin resistant.

    So there ya go. Phew, full disclosure.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Oh and workout schedule -

    Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday - Zumba
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Monday, Friday - Weights, Stronglift 5X5

    Saturday - rest
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    Are you measuring what you eat? Do you know that what you are eating is accurate? Do you also know what you are burning while exercising is accurate? That is where I would start. I have done some research and the number one reason people fail at losing weight is because they are not accurately counting cals in and cals out. The best way to do this is to get a food scale, use measuring cups/spoons, and get a heartrate monitor. Otherwise you won't really know for sure what you're doing is creating a deficit. Good luck you can do this!
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    Your diet looks pretty good. However eating a whole container of Ben & Jerrys last Sunday can make your weight maintain for a week. I see a lot ice cream through the month of October. I'm not saying you can't eat ice cream, but it needs to be low cal low sugar like a blue bunny popsicle or weight watcher ice cream sandwich, not full fat out of a tub.

    I'd permanent scrap McDonalds and American cheese out of your diet. Are you weighing the grapes? Grapes have a lot of calories and sugar, wanted to make sure you're accurately reporting it.

    Do you wear a heart rate monitor when you exercise? Wanted to know how accurate the number you record is.
  • helga_30
    I feel so out very hard this week and eat right and not even a half of a pound I lost!!! I feel so frustrated !!!!!
    It's like my body doesn't want to loose weight!!!
    I train with a personal trainer very hard every day , and this week did 2 hours of spinning , ...
    I don't understand!!!! 2 weeks since I started the diet , I lost 2 pounds the first week , and this week nothingggggggg
    frustrated like you
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Are you measuring what you eat? Do you know that what you are eating is accurate? Do you also know what you are burning while exercising is accurate? That is where I would start. I have done some research and the number one reason people fail at losing weight is because they are not accurately counting cals in and cals out. The best way to do this is to get a food scale, use measuring cups/spoons, and get a heartrate monitor. Otherwise you won't really know for sure what you're doing is creating a deficit. Good luck you can do this!

    Yes, I do measure what I eat - I count or else divide the food so I know exactly what the portion size will be. Also for the calories burned - I tend to undercount, and also leave a deficit in my calories for the day to account for anything that may be incorrect. I'm not a half-assed worker-outer, I get sweaty and push myself and make sure that I'm no wussing out or doing the bare minimum.

    As for the heart rate monitor - if money grew on trees I'd buy one in a heartbeat....hahaha....heartbeat. yeah.
  • katw9l1
    katw9l1 Posts: 4 Member
    I would try increasing protein intake, minimum 80 grams a day, it sure helped me when I reached a plateau. Good luck and do not get too frustrated - your hard work will pay off! Like most of us it is the mental not the physical that holds us back
  • Tosh_Here
    The reason I'm here is because I ran 47 miles in total last week, which at a conservative estimate adds up to 5640 calories, and do you know how much weight I lost?

    A big fat Freddy zero!!!

    I'm eating too much; that's the only thing I can think of, so as a last resort I'm forcing myself to count calories.

    After only 1 week of doing that, does not guarantee weight loss.

    I agree, it depends on how much I'm eating. But I do tend to eat sensibly, and I have already lost 21 lbs, but for the past month I've lost nothing, yet I'm running 25 to 40+ miles per week.

    Hence I'm here and gonna start counting calories!! Sorry to jump in.
  • onanapamela
    Increasing the protein intake helps lose weight? I didnt know that.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    also this may seem silly, but what's your stress level? if you have a stressful job/new baby, etc. it's harder to lose weight. your body fights back!