Don't know what to do anymore



  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    Is there a reason why 450 calories for a meal is necessarily bad? I'm a guy, so I get more calories, but I don't think 450 calories for a meal is ridiculous?

    That said, I've had probably one salad since I started this, and I've consistently lost weight. Because this is a lifestyle change and not a diet, you should try and avoid foods that won't become part of the long term "solution". If you don't like salad, then don't have it!! (The reason I had the salad was that after losing much of the weight and going for a long walk, I really actually just craved having a salad instead of fish and chips - it was strange).

    Try finding bread where the bread is a bit smaller, so a slice will contain fewer calories. Just have one sandwich (2 slices = 160 calories) and then fill it up with loads of goodies.

    Fruit is a good substitute for many things, because you can have a fair amount without being too calorie dense and it tastes good too. I used that as a filler when I didn't know what to do...
  • maro_p
    maro_p Posts: 57 Member
    1. I don't really like to eat salads. I but a bag of salad mix, or a head of romaine, and it goes bad before I've gotten halfway through it. The kind of salads I like, end up being 450 calories or something ridiculous like that. Otherwise, I'm hungry 30 minutes after eating it.

    I do like eating salads and the bag still goes bad. 450 calories if it is your main meal is not much as long as the calories come from protein and vegetable oils.

    2. I can't seem to find bread or wraps that don't end up making my sandwich 300 calories. Or maybe I need to make different types of sandwiches.

    Make your own bread. It will still be 230 calories in bread but at least it will make you fuller for longer. Or make sure you buy wholemeal/wholegrain.

    3. I need some kind of junkfood-like substitute for the actually stuff I crave. Chips? Candy? When I don't have it, I go grocery shopping and end up buying some very unhealthy stuff even though I don't intend to. And then I binge on it.

    Chips - try the following as substitutes: edemame (soya) beans with salt, nuts, more nuts, cheese, bread with marmite (rich in iron and B12 recently discovered)

    Candy? - Fruit, Cerial bars, and Protein Shakes! Bananas, milk, apples, nectarines, yogurt, strawberry, peanut butter, .....

    4. I really try to eat vegetables. Again, many of them go bad before I eat them. I buy bags of frozen vegetable stir fry, but find I need to smother them in teriyaki sauce to really enjoy them. Raw cut vegetables - I gotta have ranch to eat them.

    Frozen veg with olive oil and lemon, frozen veg with low calorie chili sauce. Boil/steam do not fry.

    5. How the hell do I break these habits/addictions? Sometimes I just feel hopeless. I need more self control.

    Make informed choices and plan. Make sure you have your own food so you do not give in.

    6. Someone brought in a bag of candy yesterday at work, I ate SIX pieces (Twix, Snickers) instead of controlling myself and having one or two and working them into my calories.

    Someone brought celebrations in the office and I ate loads.. **** happens enjoy it and do not regret it. Be careful next time and go down the gym.

  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Nature's Own 100% whole wheat bread is 50 cal a slice. Sargento sells thin sliced cheese that are around 40 cal a slice. Turkey, chicken or ham are low calorie. For wraps, I like either Xtreme Wellness wraps or Flat Out with flax.

    If you don't want salad, don't eat salad. I know I don't.

    Instead of chips try dipping sugar snap peas or carrots in hummus. The peas are really crunchy and immitate chips nicely.

    ETA: As far as the not eating enough veggies, just get over it and do it. Fill at least 1/2 of your plate with veggies and just deal. You'll learn to like them. Buy frozen veggies instead so they won't go bad as fast if you want (they're just as good). Also include them in homemade pizza on flat bread, sandwiches, chop up some in your tuna, etc. There are ways to get 'em in.
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    Your post was the most honest of most things I read in here. The truth has to be stated..... Losing weight is work.. It is not easy... You can see how a forum of support is necessary.. because we have our weaknesses. I understand your entire dilemma. For possible solutions.... I think I am going to write out my meals for the week... total up the calories.... cook, store, freeze, buy.... the food and follow the menu to the tee.... and see if I lose a pound. I need a prescription .... literally... for what to eat... so that I don't have those cravings.... or get tempted. I read that eating protein in the morning keeps you full to lunch time.. so you won't snack. I;ve seen a dinner plate divided into three sections.... protein, carbs, sugars...... and you have to put the food in each third.... and don't go over that....... /I'm sure there's ore... but... yes..... this is like breaking an addiction.... The MFP .... where they tell you. "You have earned 262 calories due to exercise should be ignored... because it ... too often, justifies why I will eat candy.... Best wishes..... Pleasehelpmeloseweight.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    Buy frozen veggies if the fresh go bad. Green Giant has a new line of steamable veggies that are really good. I highly recommend the Tuscan broccoli and Backyard griller potatoes. Salads can be filling if you add the proper amount of protein to them. Don't let one off track meal ruin your entire day. You have to look at this as a lifestyle change and figure out what works for you and you can sustain for the rest of your life. I never deprive myself. If there's something I want, I find a way to make it work. It takes dedication and a lot of effort, but the rewards are incredible.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    Drink lots of water, that helps with my cravings Also ideas for salty snacks, beef jerky or almonds. Sweet stuff, I usually get apples, plums, grapes. They tend to stay fresh longer than say bananas.

    Wrap your sandwich items in lettuce or you can by the bagel thins or low calorie bread like another person said.

    I keep a variety of snacks on hand at work all the time to help me with snacking or grazing. Good luck!
  • jrmartinezb
    jrmartinezb Posts: 147 Member
    Other than what others have posted my one piece of advice would be to log everything, -specially- on a bad day.

    I find that logging what I eat helps me owning up to it. I can't hide from my mistakes if i put them in writing.

    Feel free to send me a fr if you want.
  • peejay34mason
    peejay34mason Posts: 138 Member
    Lean proteins are totally the way to go. You will feel full longer PERIOD! Also, be sure to keep your intake of water way up to help facilitate the full feeling as well. Good protein sources are: protein bars, almonds, beef jerky, turkey jerky, eggs, beans and lentils.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    I do things a bit differently but end up staying within my calories. I CANNOT and WILL NOT give up certain foods. If I do, I'm just setting up myself for failure. Have treats just as long as you stay within your calorie count for the day. I find that when I do this, I don't crave anything. As for veggies, I love them. But for someone who is not used to eating them, I would suggest getting some fat free ranch dressing and cut up some fresh veggies like broccoli, carrots, celery, etc. I love eating fresh veggies this way. I love salads but don't find them filling. So to fill me up, I roll up a couple of pieces of deli ham, one slice of cheese and add a hard boiled egg.

    Hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
  • diligentjosh
    So I have some problems:

    1. I don't really like to eat salads. I but a bag of salad mix, or a head of romaine, and it goes bad before I've gotten halfway through it. The kind of salads I like, end up being 450 calories or something ridiculous like that. Otherwise, I'm hungry 30 minutes after eating it.

    2. I can't seem to find bread or wraps that don't end up making my sandwich 300 calories. Or maybe I need to make different types of sandwiches.

    3. I need some kind of junkfood-like substitute for the actually stuff I crave. Chips? Candy? When I don't have it, I go grocery shopping and end up buying some very unhealthy stuff even though I don't intend to. And then I binge on it.

    4. I really try to eat vegetables. Again, many of them go bad before I eat them. I buy bags of frozen vegetable stir fry, but find I need to smother them in teriyaki sauce to really enjoy them. Raw cut vegetables - I gotta have ranch to eat them.

    How the hell do I break these habits/addictions? Sometimes I just feel hopeless. I need more self control.

    Dairy Queen - pumpkin pie blizzards are amazing! It has taken all I have not to go get one, and that's mostly because I can't afford to waste the money and the closest one is across town.

    Someone brought in a bag of candy yesterday at work, I ate SIX pieces (Twix, Snickers) instead of controlling myself and having one or two and working them into my calories.

    It's like I just give up once I've made one bad choice and make six more bad choices before bed time.

    I need to exercise but I don't want those exercise calories to be an excuse for not eating well.

    I log my calories in the morning and by the afternoon, I've blown it so bad that I just don't bother logging the rest of the day.

    I really want to be healthy, but it's like I'm addicted to a drug that just won't let me go! I don't want to give up but I don't know what to do anymore..

    Just had to get that out there.

    1. Salads aren't mean to be distasteful. Find a dressing you like ( I prefer Caesar), and the veggies you want (that variation possibility is endless). Then, I looove cheese, so I sprinkle a serving of cheese into the salad. Lastly, I use croutons. Spruces up the salad so much. Creates about 300-400 cals depending on the amounts, but it is hearty!
    2.I threw out bread altogether. Generally, the better the bread, the more expensive it is, and chances are, you would only use bread to eat processed meat or other stuff that is not good. So I said Ole! and do without.
    3.Chips Candy? Try Saltines (unsalted) and salsa, or peanuts, or sunflower seeds! Carrots and ranch is awesome! I love it. For a filling snack/ lunch. I put some chopped up potatoes (about 2 or 3) into a skilled of about 4 tbsp of healthy margarine. fry em up, and you got a powershot of potassium.
    4. You will love this option: get some veggies of any kind ( I love california blend, or spinach), and boil them up in a pot. let em get soft. Use it as a side, and get the spray verson of "I Can't Believe Its Not Butter" and smother it in that. It is soooo good. Same things works well for rice!
    5. You need to enjoy life. Do not feel guilty for takin a snickers bar or a Blizzard. Those are the joys. Just learn to have them in moderation, and you will be okay. I love the butterfinger blizzard. they are my favorite!
  • sayrahlyn
    sayrahlyn Posts: 2 Member
    I have a dislike for salads, but mostly because I cant stand lettuce. I do like spinach, so if I buy a bag of it I can put it on a sandwich and make a salad. I was on a kick for about a week where I did the spinach, peppers, raddishes, sesame seeds, mushrooms, dried cranberries and italian dressing. I don't know how healthy it was, but I'm sure it was better than getting McD's or DQ.

    You sound a lot like me and my eating preferences. I think that just having to log what I eat helps me to adjust what I choose. Get excited about every little victory and fake it til you make it. Don't give up every sweet or treat, just find ways to cut the stuff that you can until you find more ways to make it better.
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    I love to cook, love to eat out, love to eat good food. I've spent the last year figuring out how to recreate my food world to be healthy & nutritious and still be delicious and satisfying.

    Please feel free to friend me if you'd like to share menu ideas and tips.

  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Baby steps - don't try to change all your habits in one go. Choose one and work on that until you come up with something that works for you. Are there any vegetables you do like? I use a lot of vegetables in soup, its very filling and not too calorific. 300 calories for a sandwich sounds ok actually, if you're having it for lunch and not a snack. You could have 300 calories for breakfast, 300 for lunch, 400 for dinner and still have some left over for snacks, even if you don't exercise, so if you like your 300 calorie sandwich, I say go for it!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Baby steps, and give yourself time to adjust to them.
    Substitute light popcorn for chips. Get the single serving 100 cal bags.
    Can you find the 100 cal whole grain thin buns at your grocery store? If you like cheese on your sandwiches, try spreading one of the Laughing Cow wedges on (35 cals per wedge). Can you add some veggies to your sandwiches--baby spinach and a thick slice of tomato? That should cut some calories off your sandwiches.
    How about frozen Greek yogurt in the place of ice cream? Thick, creamy, and high in protein!
    I LOVE chocolate. I keep a bag of dark chocolate chips in my freezer, but I have no problems eating one tbsp at a time (70 cals). They also make chocolate and caramel rice cakes that won't do you in calorie-wise (I think they are 50 cals?)
    In the afternoons, apple slices with a spoon full of peanut butter--the fiber and healthy fat is filling keeps evening sweet cravings at bay. Or I'll mix a handful of almonds with a tbsp of dark chocolate chips.
    Good luck! You can do this!
  • LitaRose77
    LitaRose77 Posts: 124 Member
    Rather than smother the veggies or salad with sauces & dressings, start using a small dish or bowl & dip...use light ranch dressing. You don't have to cut them out, just use less.

    Salads in general are acquired taste & for most, are not filling & unsatisfying. If I eat one, I try to use only olive oil & vinegar with a sprinkling a sea salt & fresh ground pepper. To switch it up a bit, fresh squeezed lemon juice kicks it up a bit too!

    It is hard, we didn't get the way we are overnight & as much as we want, we won't lose weight & get healthy overnight. I for one am one of these impatient folks. I am easily discouraged. If I don't see the results I want quickly, I give up. It is a flaw I am working to overcome.

    Hang in there, you can do it!
  • LordByproduct
    if you dont love salads and veggies its my guess you arnt preparing them correctly.

    1) salads are boring unless you make sure they arnt. heres what i do and its REALLY GOOD.
    romaine, spinach, red cabagge (shreds) in equal proportions. next you need flavor AND color so Red bell pepper hunks, carrot shreds, green onions, red onions, radish slices, peppercini, and dried cranberry. top the salad with tomatoes and/or avocado. DON'T USE RANCH!!!! use light balsamic type dressing... if you dont like this...then learn to like it because its AWESOME!!!!

    2) veggies. buy fresh real veggies when possible. steam most veggies GENTLY until their colors brighten and they soften just a LITTLE they NEED to be CRISP still to be good. a little salt and pepper and a small amount of butter should be DELICIOUS. if its not you need to learn to like them. i do most veggies in a covered pot with a steamer tray and some water in there cook time for 3-5 minutes.
  • BritainPaige
    I've found a lot of delicious & healthy recipes on pinterest!! So many new ideas on how to prepare veggies!!!
  • lshaunessy
    Sara Lee makes a whole grain bread that is only 9 carbs and 45 calories a slice. That has helped me immensely.
  • scarletgenesis
    Spaghetti squash- cook then pull apart with a fork. Use the squash threads instead of noodles and top with a sauce of some kind (tomato, etc). You get the consistency of pasta w/o all the calories and it's delicious!