help, muscles are so sore

My shoulders from the neck to the shoulder joint just scream when I do the cardio dance. I use my arms quite a bit and am very out of shape. I have been trying to work out everyday because I can only last between 10-15 minutes. I try to do two times a day. Last night I only lasted 5 minutes before my muscles started screaming so bad I could barely lift my arms. Same thing this morning. What can I do to soothe the sore muscles and how can I proceed without losing my progress. I know 15 minutes is nothing to you but to me it is my starting point.


  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Take a bath in very hot water and add some epsom salts. Really works wonders on getting the inflammation out of muscles.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    foam rolling and contrast showers (60 seconds hot 60 seconds cold)
  • Cynkane
    Cynkane Posts: 55 Member
    Try some Ibuprofen. Also make sure you are stretching the muscles you used after your workout. :)
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    I've heard (don't know if this is true or not) that taking Tums after your workout can help decrease the lactic acid build up in your muscles. Probably complete B.S., but maybe worth a try.
  • BluEydDreamer
    For one you need to be supplementing with Glutamine and BCAA's after any type of workout whether its wieght training or cardio. They help to heal you're muslces and decrease inflamation. Look on for more information on both of those. Also, don't over do it. You're muscles need time to recover and heal in order to be ready for you're next workout. If you don't give you're body enough recover time you're body will never begin to build up any endurance in order to help you last longer with what ever workout routine you are following. I don't know exactly what routine or type of working out you do but I weight train and sometimes my muslces are very sore. I always give that muscle group and 24 hour rest and recover period before I attempt to train it again.
    One other thing, in regards to not overdoing it. Any type of weight loss takes time, so don't take on more than you're body can handle, start small and work you're way up, and keep with it, perseverence and dedication will get you where you want to be.
    Good luck!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    More is not necessarily better. Twice a day, every day? Your body needs rest into between workouts to repair and recover. If you don't give it time to repair you will end up injuring yourself.

    There is a difference between soreness and pain. Pain is your bodie's way of telling you that something is wrong. Soreness is just your body telling you that you worked it good.

    Are you stretching before and after your workouts? If your not, you should be.

    Perhaps you should try some less strenuous activity in between your intense workouts. Go for a walk or jog. Swimming is excellent. You might be trying to do to much to fast as many people do. It's great that your committed and willing to do whatever it takes but you didn't gain the weight in a month, your not going to take it off in a month.
  • thomasxaviersayles
    Stretch before and after your exercising. Next, make sure you breath a lot when exercising, oxygenation of the tissue along with good hydration is essential. I would also add a steam bath after your workout. Sweating the poisons out of your body is a good thing. In humans, fat holds poison so help your body by drinking lots of water throughout the day. If you are doing strength training make sure you eat carbs, fats, and protein in the ratio of 2:1:1. If you are not getting enough essential fatty acids in your nutrition add Dr. Udo's: Essential fatty acids 3-6-9. This will help your body heal.
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    I see by your ticker you have a lot of weight to lose...congrats on your efforts thus far!

    Excercising ehen you are very out of shape is HARD. Keep up with your cardio but build slowly.

    My first instinct, since you say that you are doing this twice per day, is that you are developing a bit of an over use injury. Dont forget that its In the recovery stage that muscle is built. If you dont give your body a chance to recover it will respond negatively to the stress.

    I would suggest alternating your routine so that you are not doing the same thing or working the same muscles in a repetative motion.

    As you lose weight and become more fit, your body will adapt...but remember, aleays, recovery is just as important as pushing yourself

    Good luck, you are doing great!
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    Suppliment with a good brand of fish oil tablets. This helps reduce swelling.

    Have some protein (a quickly digestible type is better- I like hemp protein powder) right after your workout (within at least an hour). This is a strategic time to provide your muscles the nutrients they need to repair themselves and will reduce or help eliminate soreness.

    Along with stretching make sure that you take the time to properly warm up and then cool down after your workout.

    Finally, make sure that you have the recovery time that you need in between workouts. When just starting out you will need more.

    ETA: I know its frustrating right now but you have to be patient and listen to your body and build up a base of workout stamina and endurance. I would slow things down a bit, do the warmup, stretching etc and go once a day and make sure you have rest days (or cross training days) and develop a graduated increase plan. Before you know it you will out do your teacher.
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    thank you everyone. i am going to combine it all for use. glad to have found some wise ppl