How many calories should i eat?

Hello :)
Could someone please make some sense of these numbers for me?

I am 34 female, and 5'4
Hmm my BMR is 1534 and my TDEE is 1841... My rmr is 1517.

What these mean, i do not know. :)

My fitbit reading suggests i burn 2500 cals a day (ish) on a weekday, and about 2000 on a weekend (i am so lazy)
This includes about 10 mins per night rowing at around 200 cals which i manually enter on fitbit.

so to lose approx 2lb a week i should eat around 1500? * whilst i would love to lose more, i think this is sensible?*

Thanks in advance


  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Yep 1500 sounds resonable to me. It's not that much under your BMR and if your fitbit is right (it probably is I don't have one so I can't pretend to know lol) you should be on track. =) Good luck!
  • Gennacy
    Gennacy Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you :) Stupid question but is my maintenance then 2500?
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Your maintenance should be around TDEE. If you burn 2000-2500 daily then your TDEE is higher than what you have noted. Based on what you're saying closer to 2300 but I'm no expert. If your TDEE is 2300 then 1500 is too low for you.
  • Gennacy
    Gennacy Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you both for your help, i think i am getting there slowly :)