Cheat Days?

OK - we've all heard the controversy among the professionals on whether it is wise to add in a cheat meal, an entire cheat day or do neither. What are your opinions please? Experiences?


  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I don't allow myself personally, because I feel I would take advantage of it.
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    I've been completely stalled for 2 months because of cheat days. For me at least, one leads to another, and another, and another. It's hard for me to get back on track once I have that cheat day. I'm going to start incorporating a cheat meal once per week instead. For example, if I'm really craving chinese food, I'll have some for my cheat meal instead of using the whole day as an excuse to eat crap.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I don't "allow" it, as in, it's certainly not a scheduled thing in my routine, but if it happens, I don't sweat it too much, I just get back on the wagon and go again...
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I've finally found my will power so that 1 doesn't lead to another. 1 cheat meal per week. But I still don't go nuts. I just don't beat myself up if I go over my calories that day by a few hundred calories. It's a must for me to be successful..otherwise I'd be constantly scrounging for something yummy! That gives me my fix for the week!
  • burtnyks
    burtnyks Posts: 124 Member
    I personally do a whole cheat day. But no, i don't go entirely crazy. If there is something I've been craving all week (like sweets) I have it. I also usually have alcohol on my cheat day. So far it hasn't stalled my progress. I probably eat a little higher calories, but they are definitely not "good" calories. It helps keep me sane and gives me something to look forward to during the week.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I don't cheat because I don't have rules to break. Cheating implies something is bad, and I want to maintain a health relationship with food. I don't need to feel guilty for eating a cupcake because it's "cheating." I eat what I want. If I'm going to have something unhealthy, I usually ask if that's what I really want to need right now, or I'll tell myself I can have it later. I still eat cake, ice cream, and pizza, just not as much because I know I will feel better giving myself good fuel.
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    I think its necessary, restricitng urself for toooo long can be teh sense that you may OVERDO it and can structure a cheat day or meal, just dont go overboard.... and dont have them too often....

    Oh and i dont mean the entire day you cheat, i actually mean just a meal or a snack or something... an entire day is a MAJOR set back i think....
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I don't plan cheat days...but they tend to happen once in a while, especially on days leading up to overnights at work. On those days I'm up any where from 20 hours to 25 hours straight before going to bed the day of my overnight shifts. I tend to eat about 100 to 400 Calories over my goal on those days, but then on the overnights, I struggle to hit 800 Calories, so I figure it all evens out.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    i try to not put myseld in those situations. sometimes i make a bad eat 3 pieces of chocolate when i shouldve ate my fruit. if i know theres gonna be pizza or mcds involved, ill try to hurry up and eat. i buy 100 cal popcorn to stay on top of my munchies. the things we do to look good...or to get there :)
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I have cheat meals. I would go crazy without them. My trick is I bank calories for them so that even when I "cheat" it isn't as bad as a binge.
  • BellaEle
    I've been completely stalled for 2 months because of cheat days. For me at least, one leads to another, and another, and another. It's hard for me to get back on track once I have that cheat day. I'm going to start incorporating a cheat meal once per week instead. For example, if I'm really craving chinese food, I'll have some for my cheat meal instead of using the whole day as an excuse to eat crap.
    I TOTALLY AGREE AND FEEL THE SAME! one cheat leads to another..
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    during my offseason, I'll do cheat weekends, but I don't go crazy over. I just don't eat all baked chicken, sweet potatoes, etc, like I do during the week. I find a balance and still eat relatively clean. It's all in what you can handle. There is no right or wrong answer.
  • tjmist
    tjmist Posts: 45 Member
    I feel like the term cheat day suggests that there's an end game, like i'll diet until my goal weight and then i can finally relax and eat what i want and maintain (which if we're being honest i used to think). i know realize that there is no end game to this, at least not for me. The thought of never eating anything bad or drinking anything bad ever again is just unrealistic. Some people may do their paleo diets, and eat seeds and beans, and whatever, but i live in the real world where happy hour happens, as do poor decisions.

    If I'm going out, I'm going to eat and drink what I want, but with the knowledge that I'm going to pay for it tomorrow. I weigh myself every day and I can do that because I know the scale isn't always going to go down. if I go out for drinks with friends and weigh myself the next day the scale is going to go up. it's sort of the mentality of don't do the crime if you can't do the time. If you are going to be heartbroken if you see those numbers go up, and you're going to fall off the wagon then it may not be worth it. For me at least, those bad days are the kick in the butt I need to refocus the next day. This allows me to keep this plan going forever, as opposed to only for a few weeks.

    One caveat: when i do go out, I log everything, even in my drunken state, so I can decide for myself next time what's worth it and maybe what's not. By taking responsibility for my actions it keeps me honest and prevents me from going overboard.
  • MrsKTillman
    I agree totaly with a few of the posters here... i dont consider it cheating because that implies a DIET... im not on a DIET.. im changing the way i look at food overall. Having a scoop of ice cream once in a while isnt a bad thing... having popcorn at the movies is OK too... I just get a small bag for myself instead of sharing the supersize one smotherd in butter with my husband. its all about making choices... but one thing i have learned over years of battling food, is if you deny yourself ALL the time... your going to fall off the wagon alot harder.
  • jcparadiso10
    I have just started recently and I don't think right now I can do any cheat days. Maybe after a month or so, I might try it but for now I have enough trouble eating right.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    No cheat days for me. I eat healthy and on those rare days when the mood strikes or I'm PMSing something slips in that I wouldn't normally have. I enjoy it and move back to healthy eating.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    No cheat days, but I do have a treat day, I allow myself to have up to 2000 calories, eat or drink whatever I want, within those limits.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I'll have cheat meals, but make sure I have enough calories for the meal.
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    I don't cheat, I make choices.