What is the thing that made you say enough?



  • rsboyd
    rsboyd Posts: 12
    When I was told I had to have by-pass surgery, NOW!!!!

    Changed my life
  • AliciaAnne1984
    For me it was all vanity. I knew I was gaining weight but wasn't ready to do anything about it. I started pulling myself out of a massive slump I had been in and finally decided to weigh myself. I couldn't even get upset because I knew how it happened. That same night I was trying a really great online shopping site and realised I had gone up a couple of sizes and was officially a large (in all brands).

    Funny though how something happens and you're finally ready. I knew before this happened that I was gaining but you have to be ready and willing to change.
  • hollyday11
    hollyday11 Posts: 14 Member

    My sand volleyball team was doing really well in our corporate playoffs and an employee of mine took some great action shots of our matches. They were amazing pictures, but I barely recognized myself. I blamed my age and playing in sand for my lack-of-vertical. I didn't bother to take into account the extra 40 pounds I'd packed on in the last year and a half.

    I can fool myself when looking in the mirror that I still look good, but pictures don't lie.

    I would post a pic, but I don't know how.
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    A friend that I had not seen in years came to my workplace, saw my picture on the webpage and told my supervisor that I had really gained weight. I think she used some ugly words. It hit hard, and now I am on my way, Thanks friend, according to my supervisor, you are not one, but at least you put me back on the right track to health and a healthy attitude. Now, what keeps me still going on this weight loss journey? People have recently been asking me how much I have lost and asking my opinion about diets, which could make me feel I am at a good place, until ..... my dear sister sent me a picture of myself with my niece. Let's just say, I still need some work.
  • toya316
    toya316 Posts: 137 Member
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    Pictures of myself were a definite factor.

    But I want to have children and a friend that had a baby ended up with an emergency c-section because her ab muscles weren't strong enough to push the baby out. My future children deserve the active me that I have always been with my neices and nephews and as the weight came on, that slowed down. I want it back.

    I want to be able to climb mountains, and one day I'm gonna.

    Also, the moment I was on a white water rafting trip and couldn't pull myself into the boat...with help.
  • ariesmom07
    ariesmom07 Posts: 57 Member

    My sand volleyball team was doing really well in our corporate playoffs and an employee of mine took some great action shots of our matches. They were amazing pictures, but I barely recognized myself. I blamed my age and playing in sand for my lack-of-vertical. I didn't bother to take into account the extra 40 pounds I'd packed on in the last year and a half.

    I can fool myself when looking in the mirror that I still look good, but pictures don't lie.

    I would post a pic, but I don't know how.
    You are so right about that. Often I see myself in the mirror and I'm like "well....its not THAT bad..." But when I see a picture Its like OMG....is that real?? I read something on reddit a while back saying that people actually prefer their image in the mirror than that of pictures but friends and relatives prefer the picture over the mirror image. Our brains trick us in the mirror :/
  • Morenosn
    Morenosn Posts: 28 Member
    when i looked at the picture i have on my profile.. i knew i was big, but dayuhmmmm i didnt realize i was so roly poly
    I haven't allowed any one to snap a picture of me full body for over 6 years and even then I hated it. I just didn't want to see it because I knew it would depress me!

    Oh my goodness, ME TOO! I hate being in pictures. I will only allow face shots and even then i dont like what I see. If i am forced to be in a group pic and everyone crowds around the camera to see what it looks like, I don't look. I just dont want to see the mess I have created! :(
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    I was in denial about my weight until the day that my PC doctor suggested referring me to a bariatric surgery group...The term "morbidly obese" can be a real wake up call. .I decided to try and do it on my own.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    when i looked at the picture i have on my profile.. i knew i was big, but dayuhmmmm i didnt realize i was so roly poly
    I haven't allowed any one to snap a picture of me full body for over 6 years and even then I hated it. I just didn't want to see it because I knew it would depress me!

    Well after you get that rockin hot bod you are gonna wish you had more 'fatty' pics. So take some NOW!!! but for you lose too much weight.
  • Brujah1981
    Brujah1981 Posts: 23 Member
    I was drinking way too much Mt. Dew and would get horrible headaches if I skipped a day. So after cutting pop out of my diet, the next logical step was watching my other eating habits. The hard part was already over, now it's just about sticking to the plan.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    When I saw THIS pic of myself.

  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    when i realised i had 2 bellies instead of one, i reckon you could hide a small dog in the middle :laugh:
  • ariesmom07
    ariesmom07 Posts: 57 Member
    when i looked at the picture i have on my profile.. i knew i was big, but dayuhmmmm i didnt realize i was so roly poly
    I haven't allowed any one to snap a picture of me full body for over 6 years and even then I hated it. I just didn't want to see it because I knew it would depress me!

    Well after you get that rockin hot bod you are gonna wish you had more 'fatty' pics. So take some NOW!!! but for you lose too much weight.
    I actually told my husband yesterday that this weekend we're both gonna take pictures. I want to have something to compare later!
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    Pictures of myself were one thing.
    But other than that it was an accumulation of small things. I have an 18 month old son, and one day about 6 months ago, I said something to my husband about me losing the "baby weight". His response was, "I love you even if you are heavy." that hurt. Even though I am just plain old fat, it still hurt.
    My little sister lost 40 lbs. We were always basically the same size, part of me never realized how big I was, until she gave me all of her "fat clothes".
    This year I turn 36, and I look 36. I don't want to look 36!!!!
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I was hurting all the time! And the scale topped 260 :noway: I couldn't let it go any higher. I decided 100 + needs to come off!:
  • Morenosn
    Morenosn Posts: 28 Member
    I get comments from kids all the time about how huge I am, usually I can ignore them because I know they don't know any better. One day I was grocery shopping and I heard a kid say "mommy that girl is fat" and his mom said "yeah maybe we should put your treats back" as if to use me as a caution to her kid on what could become of him.
    I've had a few comments before from kids too even before I was as big as I am now and so I know how that goes :/ People can be so rude and mean. From your profile pic I can tell you are a beautiful lady so feel good about that and F*** the haters :) You got this!

    I so second this! Adults can be worse than the children. I know that kids don't know what they are saying is hurtful but for the mother to join in on it is absolutely disgusting! My son saw a REALLY large man at walmart once, this poor guy looked like he was in pain trying to walk thru the store with everyone just gawking at him and my 3yo son (bless his heart) says "Mom! That guys i HUGE!!" And the man was right next to us so I made my son appologize to him and of course I apologized as well for my son. He said he is used to it and hears it almost everytime he goes out but was soooo nice and funny! People dont know other peoples stories of why they are that way and what they are doing to change it. Keep your head up and keep working hard and do not let anyones comments get in your way. People can be mean and hurtful but just focus on bettering yourself! Good luck with everything!
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    My boyfriend weighed himself in front of his family, and he was about 170...His family joked, telling him he'd gained weight and he's gotten a little tubby, and all that...I later went to the bathroom (by myself) and weighed myself, and I was 175.
    My bf is 3 inches taller than me and a dude, it was unacceptable, I promised myself I'd never weigh more than him again unless I was carrying his baby....

    Now he's got almost 30 lbs on me =)
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    The pic did it for me as well. Saw a picture taken at prom season of my daughter and her friend. She tagged me on FB. I have to approve all pics. I told her I looked way too fat to have that pic on FB. She told me pics add weight. I told her TV adds weight NOT pictures. Then I realized my size 14's were getting tight and then I was diagnosed pre-diabetic. My dad died from that and an Aunt lost a leg. It has to stop with me!

    I'm now wearing a size 9. Working on losing more of my belly. No six pack here but on my way....
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    My boyfriend weighed himself in front of his family, and he was about 170...His family joked, telling him he'd gained weight and he's gotten a little tubby, and all that...I later went to the bathroom (by myself) and weighed myself, and I was 175.
    My bf is 3 inches taller than me and a dude, it was unacceptable, I promised myself I'd never weigh more than him again unless I was carrying his baby....

    Now he's got almost 30 lbs on me =)

    same here. My hubby was 180. At my highest i was 184...