has any one tried the 7 day diet?

xocrystalox99 Posts: 34
edited January 2 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone tried the 7 day diet where you're supposed to lose 10 pounds? (The one where you're supposed to eat fruit the first day, veggies the next day, etc. etc)

How effective is it? Is it easy to keep the weight off if you maintain a healthy diet afterward?


  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I have no idea what this "diet" consists of, but it sounds horribly unhealthy and damaging to your metabolism. I am sure your body will be eating mostly muscle tissue if you are not consuming enough calories. And weight loss cannot be sustained until you learn how to have a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, you will just keep gaining and losing and damaging your body. Eat at a slight calorie deficit, consume healthy whole foods, and exercise to have a strong body. I promise it will work and you will have an easier time maintaining weight loss if it comes off slowly. No more than 2-3 pounds a week. Good luck..
  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member
    I stumbled upon this diet and considered doing it, but I have to cut back on acidic foods and most days consists of them so I've held back on doing it.

    Anything that can help me lose 10-17 pounds is very intriquing I'm still considering doing it.
  • thanks guys!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have no idea what this "diet" consists of, but it sounds horribly unhealthy and damaging to your metabolism. I am sure your body will be eating mostly muscle tissue if you are not consuming enough calories. And weight loss cannot be sustained until you learn how to have a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, you will just keep gaining and losing and damaging your body. Eat at a slight calorie deficit, consume healthy whole foods, and exercise to have a strong body. I promise it will work and you will have an easier time maintaining weight loss if it comes off slowly. No more than 2-3 pounds a week. Good luck..
  • Has anyone tried the 7 day diet where you're supposed to lose 10 pounds? (The one where you're supposed to eat fruit the first day, veggies the next day, etc. etc)

    How effective is it? Is it easy to keep the weight off if you maintain a healthy diet afterward?

    This diet looks extremely stupid, and you will most definitely put the weight back on afterwards.
  • Good lord, really? Just eat right and exercise and you don't have to worry about gaining the weight back! 2-3lbs a week is healthy... 10 is just water weight.
  • I have seen a similar diet. Its called the Cabbage Diet where you eat as much cabbage soup as you want and you start with fresh fruits n day one, fresh vegetables on day two and so forth. It is typically administered for over weight patients who are to undergo surgery and need to lose weight before that can happen. I know I have a copy of it somewhere. There is a recipe for the cabbage soup. The entire process will definitely clean you out. i am uncertain whether it has lasting effects since most people go back to bad habits afterwards but it does work. Many patients will lose even more than the 10 pounds you are suggesting. If you want a copy of it, let me know and I will look for it.
  • iamluce
    iamluce Posts: 64 Member
    surprisingly, the diet isn't bad for you
    you don't eat anything unhealthy, and you don't starve

    i did it twice while i was in high school and lost about 15 pounds in total.
    i did end up gaining it back in the course of two months, but because i didn't keep up with a healthy lifestyle and it was my 18th birthday and my hs graduation so i ate like a PIG for those months. i think if i had kept on eating healthily, the weight would have stayed off.

    now. this doesn't mean i believe you can lose 10 pounds in a week. i mean, surely you can, but half of it it's probably going to be just water. which doesn't mean that the diet doesn't work, just means that the 10 pounds are virtual and in reality you only really lose 5 or 6 pounds? (which is still A LOT and probably not recommended but i think it can be a good way to get a confidence boost when you're starting because it gives you motivation to keep going through the first weeks, which are the hardest)

    i think as long as you drink the soup and make sure not to go too low on cals (i mean. you're supposed to eat 8 bananas in one day- i doubt you'll be too low) there's no reason the diet won't work.
    but keep in mind that some of the weight you lose will be virtual and come back right away.
  • nogoldilocs
    nogoldilocs Posts: 87 Member
    I have seen a similar diet. Its called the Cabbage Diet where you eat as much cabbage soup as you want and you start with fresh fruits n day one, fresh vegetables on day two and so forth. It is typically administered for over weight patients who are to undergo surgery and need to lose weight before that can happen. I know I have a copy of it somewhere. There is a recipe for the cabbage soup. The entire process will definitely clean you out. i am uncertain whether it has lasting effects since most people go back to bad habits afterwards but it does work. Many patients will lose even more than the 10 pounds you are suggesting. If you want a copy of it, let me know and I will look for it.

    Please! The "cabbage diet" has been around forever. There's also the "grapefruit diet" and the "insert-food-of-your-choice diet". And sure, you can lose weight on these "diets" but it's mostly water and you will gain it back when you go back to eating whatever it is one eats when not consuming all of one thing. And the larger question is "what is the point of doing that?!" If you want to lose weight and do it in a healthy and lasting way, ditch all the gimmicks and just do what others here have already mentioned: eat at a slight calorie deficit, eat a balanced variety of mostly whole foods, exercise, lose weight slowly. Anything else is just temporary. "Diets" don't work, lifestyle change does.
  • PortiaZabrina
    PortiaZabrina Posts: 15 Member
    As someone that is acing her certified personal trainers course, I will tell you one thing.
    it's complete BULL****.
    It's not real weight (fat) and you will definetly gain it back instantly.
    To loose 1lb, you have to cut back 3500 cals a week (500 a day by counting cals and exercising) Does 10x3500 seem healthy to you? Probably not.

    This is a yo-yo diet scam, and it'll actually hurt your metabolism. You can read more of what I mean in depth in one of my threads I posted about the dangers of yo-yo dieting.

    The reason you loose up to 10lbs is because of how you'd be cutting down on food intake.. which would be less weight of food your carrying around in your body. (Food stays in your stomach 2-3hrs, it'll then travel to the small intestine where it will stay for 4-10 hours depending on ones physical state and the amount of food eaten, and it'll then wait in the colon for 1-3 days where it waits to be eliminated from your body) So, if you intake less food, you will weigh less, but once you go back to eating what you were eating before hand, the weight will just come right back.

    An example of that is with bulimics... When they are going through a bing and purging spell, they will weigh less, because their stomach, intestines and colon is generally empty. But if they need to visit the clinic, they'll be back up 10lbs in a matter of two days.
  • mmcorner
    mmcorner Posts: 154 Member
    I think its called GM motor diet. You can google for more information, sharing one of the many available links below.


    I am not sure if whatever is claimed in the article is true or works...
  • nalinidevi96
    nalinidevi96 Posts: 1 Member
    I have started my 7 day diet today, will follow through out the week. My current weight is 65.9kg.
    Wish me luck:-)
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