Had an awful binge day. Need advice!



  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,209 Member
    Agree with everyone. Just let it go honey. Tomorrow is a new day. One day does not a lifestyle make. You can do this.
  • elishazf
    elishazf Posts: 332 Member
    If you skip meals you'll just binge more so certainly don't do that. Everyone has days where they over eat. It's not the end of the world or like you completely sabotaged your weight loss. Just log it and forget about it and stay within your calorie goal the next day. This sort of thing happens to the best of us
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You think that is a binge?
    I wish my binges were like that.
    Try 5-6 days of uncontrollable binges on in excess of 5000 calories, one of the pleasant side effects of having bulimia.
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    I've been stressed the past two weeks, busy, tired of feeling like I can't enjoy food because I have to log the cals right away. Ate a whole bag of chocolate covered macadamia nuts at work, 4 blueberry and vanilla frozen yogurt bars this morning, 3 slices of pizza at work, 2 slices of toast with too much butter, and an egg/turkey bacon/green pepper sandwich this morning.

    I would lose weight if I could just stop eating whole packages of things.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I'm sorry you're having trouble, but that is NOT a binge. Just because you ate a few things wrong doesn't mean you failed or that you're going to gain all the weight back. My binges consisted of eating sometimes 2000 calories or more in one sitting; that is a binge. Please be glad you don't have a true binge eating disorder. Just wake up tomorrow and know you have the opportunity to make better choices. :wink:
  • LivingInPuglia
    LivingInPuglia Posts: 122 Member
    The best thing to do when you overeat (eating 4 cookies isn't a binge -- it's just plain ol' overeating), is to NOT punish yourself by skipping meals, which will only lead to another binge.

    Log your intake and move on to your next planned meal, and eat healthy foods in moderation. You cannot undo eating the 4 cookies. Don't let shame, guilt and punishment enter into the equation.

    Just log it and move on.

    I know that early on in my weight loss, I never "cheated" or strayed from the plan, but after I'd done it for a while, I needed a "cheat/treat" meal once in a while to keep me psychologically on track. Even now, in maintenance, I try to stick to a healthy, moderate plan during the week, and have a few "treats" on the weekends. Allowing myself to have things that I really want, and setting limits on when/how much I can have really helps me to stick with this as a lifestyle. Really, there is no end-point in all of this -- once you're in maintenance, you still have to do everything you're doing now, so you might as well try to work in a few of the things that are tempting you now.

    Good Advice Sunshine. Pick yourself up, brush yourself down and start again - it wasn't so bad; don't let it make you give up completely
  • gargisingh
    gargisingh Posts: 123 Member
    I build in two "binge busters" into my daily calorie requirement. :wink:

    Binge busters for me that correct a sugar/flour attack or other binge trigger would be hard boiled eggs or a teaspoon to a tablespoon of organic fresh first cold pressed olive oil. Anything with fat BUT NO CARBS or artificial sweeteners or flavoring etc usually works! Those things corrects my blood sugar down spike and keeps the blood level steady for a good long while. :heart:

    I just make sure I leave calories for them-- If I don't use them, it's okay. I just save it up for another day where I have my body acting on its own accord -- IE food possessed. LOL! :devil:

    Binge busters: That is a great idea! I will take the hard-boiled eggs or soy milk.
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    I will also reassure you that 4 cookies is not binge eating. If you find yourself having a heavy carb day then make the next day a low carb, high fiber & protein day with LOTS of water. You will be fine.
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    You can enjoy food and still log into your MFP. Suggestion - take a week off from MFP. It is a tool to assist you NOT your life. Another suggestion - Continue to use MFP but log your food in at the end of the day or if you are a meal planner, then log your total day in at the beginning. Good Luck!

    Sorry - this is for the one who ate the nuts, pizza, bars, etc. I forgot to include their post in my reply.
  • gargisingh
    gargisingh Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you everyone! A lots! (I just love MFP and this group for all the support!)
    I feel much better now. I am ready to live a new day and a new week. I will summarize all the things I learnt from your awesome replies:

    1) Leave room for weekly treats. (Seriously I had the cookies for the first time in 4 months probably.)

    2) Dont cut too heavily on carbs. My body will crave it more.

    3) This probably is not a binge. I probably dont have a binge problem. I should be thankful for that.

    4) I over-ate. I should own it; do extra and move on.

    5) Binge busters- high protein, high good fat food cuts the blood sugar roller-coaster. (Amazing idea.)

    6) (I loved all the humorous replies. They cheered me up- so much. Thank you!) Despite everything I can always try to be cheerful.

    Thank you to all of you! Thanks MFP!
  • gingersnapx00
    I have been a chronic binge eater since a young age. It was a learned behavior and them it turned into an emotional/stress issue. I would always exercise tons to avoid the weight gain. Then life started slowing down a bit with having kids and college and had less time to exercise. The weight started sticking....bad habits just got worse. Finally I decided to start logging on MFP to get an idea of the crap I was eating and how much of it wasnt necessary. I now manage my budget of calories and eat my sweets in moderation and exercise when I have time. I'm a busy mom of three boys and a student and try not to beat myself if I miss a day and take it a day at a time.
  • Drink tons of water and carry on as normal. You can't change what you did, but you can control what you do RIGHT NOW.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Binge Day:

    I am really disappointed today but I want to face it and think of how to avoid such days. Here is a summary:
    We had a symposium today and I gulped in four large cookies! They were certainly not in the plan. They were not really good either. :=(

    SOS response: Skip dinner.
    So, I skipped my dinner (just had 4 walnut halves).

    And, late in night few minutes ago- some weird feeling hijacked my mind and I ate a slice of bread with lots of peanut butter and sunflower seeds.

    I feel awful. But worse I am afraid that I will gain back the weight I have lost over these 90+ days on MFP. Earlier in my weightloss journey I would not have these binge days. Why am I having them now? What can I do to avoid them?
    I think you are overreacting.
    Do you know what your calorie parameters are....
    Your TDEE and BMR?

    I don't see anything wrong with those foods, nor with the desire to eat.

    I don't like the idea of "binging" followed by punishing restrictions. If you get hungry and eat, like you did, just enjoy your satisfied tummy. And I am glad you chose nourishing healthy foods. Great!

    I don't think you should avoid higher calorie days. I think those days should be part of your diet...when you allow yourself more cals. You can track it and keep it at TDEE, if you like. And the other days, you can eat with a deficit.
  • babersbh
    I have been on a worse binge for 2 weeks now. Every second day I swear I have been eating over 2000 calories and then maybe some...I have bee sick with a cold and it seems all I want to do is eat.
    I have decided to give myself a bit of a break ....but Monday I WILL get back on track or none of my new clothes will fit me. I am hoping it is just a being sick thing and that my body is needing the extra to fight this bug.
    Don't be so hard on yourself...one day at a time!