I lost 15kg in 5 months. i went from a size 16 down to an 8-10 and although i am very very proud i find myself in a funk now :-( i like to have goals- something to strive to- something to train for etc. my first goal was the weight loss- which i achieved in 3 mnths and then the 2nd goal was to be fit enough to run a 10k run which i also achieved a few weeks ago however without a new goal i am at a loss and i find myself eating crap again- i erally need some help with a new goal. my other issue is that i dont see a size 8-10 when i look in the mirror - i still see what i was 5 months ago :-(


  • When I first lost weight a few months ago I had trouble not seeing myself at my old weight too. I would say sign up for more races if you enjoy them - try hill training if you haven't. Set your goal to maintenance for a while so you can adjust to your new body.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Just because you did a race doesn't mean you "arrived". Set a bigger goal. Do something you already do even better.

    I'm trying to cut my 5k time down to 25 minutes.
    my other issue is that i dont see a size 8-10 when i look in the mirror - i still see what i was 5 months ago :-(
    I still look at my most snug pair of pants as if I won't fit into them. When I put them on they fall off without a belt. It's still hard to mentally accept that I'm that much smaller.
  • try bikeing, even a race....that mirror demon, I still see mine too. I lost a lot of weight a while ago, maintained it but now I came back to lose the last few pounds. I still have that mirror problem. People say to take pictures, then I see it. But not in front of the mirror.
  • tkeech
    tkeech Posts: 5
    ....So u have decided on a small triathlon- it is 4 months away so hopefully i can get myself into shape ready for the big day :-)
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    splurg on a really expensive, really expensive item of clothing you'd die for in at least a size or two smaller than you're wearing now. I've got my dream dress hanging on the wall and it stares at me, coaxing me to work harder.
  • pfradd
    pfradd Posts: 34 Member
    The next time your looking in the mirror! Think the Same think I'm thinking you look hot!
  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    I have one word for you. It JUST finished in Hawaii, so you have a whole year to prepare, strive, and train.

    "Ironman" ... ready, set, GO
  • susiejbrown
    susiejbrown Posts: 1 Member
    Have a makeover, hairdressers, nails etc and then go and buy something really glamourous to show off your new body, christmas parties coming up! Im aiming to get to 20 stone by the new year and have been promised a real leather handbag.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Did you enjoy the marathon? If you did maybe you can set goals to do different marathons/races throughout the year? Including ones in vacation destinations you'd love to go to. A friend of mine signs up for fundraising races in places he's always wanted to go because it brings a double reward of visiting a place he's always wanted to see as well as raising funds for blood cancers in memory of his sister-in-law who died a few years ago from ALL.

    As far as the mirror demon goes, I definitely get that and it will take awhile for your mind to adjust. Do you have an old piece of your clothing you can put your new smaller size clothing up to to show yourself what you've accomplished? Maybe that will help?
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    If you like to run, natural progression would be a half marathon or sprint tri. Or now that you've got a 10k under your belt, maybe you want to set a time goal for yourself.
  • Girl_du_jour
    Girl_du_jour Posts: 46 Member
    Think the triathlon is a good idea, but there's tons of different stuff you could try in terms of goals - a new dance? A karate belt? Strong enough abs to backflip?

    Also it sounds like you're really determined and dedicated - why not try helping someone else lose weight and/or train? That would be a real challenge!
  • charlite43
    charlite43 Posts: 4 Member
    Have you thought about giving a team sport a go? Like joining a soccer team or volleyball? Could add a bit of variety into your workouts and also give you other people to commit to and strive towards being the best you can at it.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I had the goal problem, so I moved up to a half as my new goal. I'm not as great about my diet right now but strive to be better.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    my new goal is to audition for/be on American Ninja Warrior! BOOM! (in other words, don't be afraid to set HUGE goals!)