What is the thing that made you say enough?



  • Chelle265
    Chelle265 Posts: 46 Member
    For years I have tried to motivate myself... unsuccessfully. About 6 weeks ago I found out I have diabetes and had a huge reality check when I spiked really high. I immediately made a lifestyle change, cutting out soda, cutting down on carbs, sugars, fat & calories. I started feeling better during the first week, so I continued.
  • Kali_Dreams
    It was when my daugher (2 at the time) said, "mommy when I grow up, I want to be fat like you". : ( Ummmm...no you don't.
    LOL this is cute tho
  • GetFitCarly
    I cant actually think what it was that made me want to change my habits. I think the main one was not wanting to be fat for my dream holiday next year.
  • lawre028
    lawre028 Posts: 40 Member
    I knew I was overweight. I knew my "fat" close were tight. But when I got on the scale and saw how close I was to 200lbs! I said oh HELL NO! This is gonna change, and now!
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    Deleting pictures all the time.

    Not wanting to be as un happy in my 40's as I was in my 20' & 30's

    Motivation for my daughter to lose weight for her wedding ( which was in Sept and she lost 3 stones)
  • archduchess
    Being diagnosed with gallstones. I thought it was very bad IBS - I spent my nights bellowing like a heifer in labour because of the pain - I shouted myself hoarse and scared my partner so much he thought I was dying.

    I was into my biggest clothes, and they were cutting in, the nurse phoned me on New Years Eve to tell me I had high cholesterol in the bloods that they did when I went to the doc for the gallstones diagnosis. I cried and cried.

    I lost a stone, but ended up in hospital with the gallstones whilst waiting for my consultant referral. Whilst I waited for my surgery I dropped another stone and a half through living on spaghetti and jelly, but the pain was still unbelievable. After the op, I kept on with the reduced fat because my body can't process it (eating pig's knuckles for a treat in Munich proved that - having to be basically carried through the city by fellow choir members because I was in so much pain was a wake up the my habits would have to change completely - agony is not a treat!)

    It was like a different person was wheeled out of that operating theatre. I got back in the gym after a fortnight and decided that I wasn't going to stop until I looked like a figure competitor in a bodybuilding comp. I'm not there yet, but I *will* get there.