Friend lost hope.



  • EPortJake
    EPortJake Posts: 54 Member
    BY THE WAY...............

    You have THREE friends on your friends list...... two are male.. that leaves ONE you are talking about.. she is eating 600 caloreis PER DAY

    sooooooooooo THAT could be why she isnt losing weight........

    so she isnt eating.


    geeze.. *smh*

    Which day did she eat 600 calories on then because I can't find the day you are fefering to?
  • jesloseit23
    jesloseit23 Posts: 10 Member
    Is she tracking her sodium, sugar, and protein? What kinds of foods is she eating? If many are processed or there isn't enought real food ( fruits, green veggies, lean meats, low fat dairy), she could be doing more harm than good. She needs at least 64-80 oz of pure water daily. And, cardio is a must.
  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member
    Time of month is also relevant to weight, water retention etc.
    At the risk of TMI: I often weigh less right before I get my period, then bounce back to mid-month weight a few days later. Dunno why. It took me a few months of weighing and keeping track to figure it out.

    Also, is she weighing dressed or undressed? Different clothes have different weights - jeans and a t-shirt compared to a light cotton dress for example. Try to eliminate as many variables as possible.
  • kayre2
    kayre2 Posts: 5
    She needs to keep motivated for more than a week, and make sure she isn't weighing herself more than once a week. She needs to pick a day and time and stick to it. Weight varies greatly not only throughout the week but also throughout the day so it's hard to tell whats going on if she weighs too often. Also, you say she isn't getting enough water, but water also comes from all foods and drinks. It's perfectly normal to get enough water from just eating fruit and veg, and meat, being muscle is mostly water as well. If she doesn't like drinking plain water suggest she adds a few slices or lemon, or even a sugar-free squash/cordial, but fruit juices work just as well, they just have a more calories. It is actually bad for you to drink too much water because while an excess of water will be flushed out by your system, if you're overdoing it you'll be taking in more liquid than your kidneys can process at once and in the meantime all your other systems will become overly dilute which will make you feel lethargic. Also, ask if she's getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep will really help kick your body out of survival mode and get it back into action.
  • At 190 lbs if she isn't losing weight on under 1500 a day I would consult a doctor or assume she isn't logging accurately.

    Your metabolism can't slow that quickly in one week, her new intake should show up on the scale.
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167

    You're gonna be one of those guys that takes one comment, analyzes it, and ignores the rest. Cool.

    I highly doubt that if she has no work out regimen, as you said she doesn't, that she is taking in less calories than she's using. If you lost 75% of your weight by not exercising, good for you. Many people can't do that due to genetics or body type or whatever reason. If she wants to complain about not losing weight, obviously something needs to change. And obviously her current diet and no real exercise plan isn't cutting it.

    Her BMR is 1531 calories, so if she stayed in bed all day she would still be taking in less calories than she uses. You say genetics or body type or whatever but I have not heard of these things being a problem (feel free to explain further). I agree she will lose weight faster if she exercises (provided she still maintains a calorie deficit) but at the moment she isn't and wants to know why the calorie deficit , after a week, is not showing on the scales.

    BMR is still only an estimate and should be taken as such. You can certainly loose weight from counting calories alone; I know several people who have lost 30+ with just an approach. Some activity should boost her metabolism enough to make her BMR more accurate.

    As others have said she could be 'cheating' as well. I know I'll don't count certain things into my calories; fish oil pill, random 4-5 sliced pickles, claiming I had a vodka soda when it was really a vodka tonic. These are things I'm OK with because I don't feel like adding an entry or a new item to account for it at the time and place it happened. It's just as easy to neglect 'cheats' that are substantial calories.