Suddenly, I am constantly hungry



  • mnearing2000
    I am totally serious. It works. You will never maintain weight loss eating meat and dairy as a mainstay. Totally works for me and everyone I know who has actually tried it. It is very good advice.
  • AZiegenhorn
    AZiegenhorn Posts: 19 Member
    I've recently started drinking a protein smoothie for breakfast, I've found that I'm much less hungry throughout the day.

    But, it's possible you are in a growth spurt and really do just need more calories - you may want to work with a doctor or nutritionist - your needs are probably different than those of us who are well in to adulthood.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Looked at a few days of your diary. Not totally complete so it's hard to know what to suggest. I have 2 sons. When they were aged 14 to 21 they were hungry all the time. They ate all the time. But they ate healthy food. No fast food at all. Lots of fruits and veggies along with lean meat, eggs, milk, cheese, bread and pasta. And they were not over weight.

    Your in college, so are you in a dorm room? Have a mini fridge?
    I'd keep apples, bananas, yogurt, if you like it, milk, aged cheese (cheddar or any kind you like), sliced turkey, ham, or beef, peanut butter and bread (preferably at least partly whole grain). You can make sandwiches or roll up the meat and cheese with some mustard. Any combo makes a healthy and satisfying snack.

    When you fill your plate in the food court....divide it into quarters. Four different things in each spot 1. protein (meat, fish, or eggs) 2. veggies, 3. fruit, 4. starch (pasta, bread, potoato, or other grain).

    If you stick to healthy foods you can eat a lot for 2,000 calories even if you are not able to cook your own meals.

    Wish you the best and hope this helps a bit. Ani
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    You are only 18 and a male. Have a think back to when you had your first big teenage growth spurt. Were your friends taller than you for a while or were you the first to grow? If your friends were quicker off the mark then you may be still finishing off your last bit of growth. Measure your height accurately each week over the next month. If you have grown a little then you are constantly hungry for a reason - your bones are still growing and your body is saying 'feed me the good stuff'.

    You need protein, calcium and good fats - protein/energy bars, nuts, yougurts.

    (bananas are good snacks for growing young men too - all the right stuff for you)
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Why is none of the food in the stomach picture chewed? I get the premise but the picture is silly.

  • thomasxaviersayles
    Eat six meals a day and increase fruits and vegetables along with protein. Of course at your age, your metabolism is working all the time in overdrive.