how do you handle a slip up or worse...a horrible food day!

I have had a few days where I am left disappointed by the slip ups I had I know where all human and allowed a treat every now and then but I'm curious as to how you all handle slip ups and binge eating days???


  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    it's part of the process. shrug your shoulders. log it. try to minimize how often it happens. adjust your calories down accordingly over the next couple of days if you are trying to meet a goal weight on a goal date. if not, just proceed with your calorie/exercise plan...
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    I get back on the wagon. I'd rather have a generally healthy lifestyle with a few days here and there of "bad' days than a lifestyle of "bad" days with a few good days thrown in there. Just get back on your horse and ride it out.

    I spent about a week on a trip for work, gained five pounds--I knew it wasn't "fat" that was gained, but it was very disappointing. My choices: 1) get bummed out and give up; or 2) get back into my routine. I chose #2. Two weeks later I'm back where I was and then some.

    Don't worry about it and don't beat yourself up. Figure out a lifestyle you can keep up with MOST of the time and you'll be fine.
  • Kline123
    Brush it off, learn from it, and stay in the present moment! I know it's hard to do that sometimes, but I know if I let myself feel bad over eating too much or eating a lot of sweets, for example, I will just feel depressed and less motivated. I know that I want to be healthy for life, and I know I am not perfect, so there are going to be ups and downs. You'll be fine! :smile:
  • madonetwo
    madonetwo Posts: 24 Member
    Had one today myself. I'm adding the calories and plan to be back on track in the morning. Thanks for posting this as i needed the support.
  • Kline123
    Love your advice! Makes a lot of sense. Thanks!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Track it and get back to it.
  • citygirl04
    citygirl04 Posts: 286 Member
    I forgive myself & move on. Nobody's perfect. :)
  • blwalton70
    blwalton70 Posts: 71 Member
    I was .2 pounds away from my first goal weigh last week and because of several cheat days, I gained 2 pounds back this week. I went over by 300 cal today and am feeling pretty defeated. But tomorrow is a new day and I am gonna make this week count. We are on here, we are doing something about it and we are making healthy choices. We didn't gain weight overnight and a few bad days here and there aren't going to make that weight come back! Let's keep it up and be good!
  • bakz4
    bakz4 Posts: 64 Member
    Learn from it. Discover what caused the slip ups, why, and think about how tomorrow (and future days) can be different.

    One thing that I have learned is that none of us are perfect, we all slip. But going into this we have to be honest with ourselves, realize we are going to slip, but that we can get back on the wagon later or tomorrow...whatever the case may be.

    Most important...RECORD!!!! If you log, you are most certainly going to make better choices.
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    Go to bed - tomorrow is a new and different day and learn what triggered your bad day. Learn and move on - it is a process, not a destination and believe me this is a marathon not a sprint!
  • lexusgirl1
    Learn from it and keep doing what works. Look ahead.
  • Stanc68
    Stanc68 Posts: 5 Member
    Just like any other day... Log it.. Learn from it... Get back to work... Don't let it deter you from your ultimate goal. Not everyday will be perfect. You can't change yesterday, but you can do something about today and tomorrow....
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    had one of those days today.... :(.... and only 2 lbs away form my being in the 160's goal... so im sorta disappointed its going to affects that..... but all i can do now is refocus for tomorrow and PLAN...i.e prepare my meals, which i didnt do today..... keep ur head up, its only one day, dont follow the same pattern tomorrow and u'kk be fine :)
  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    I went to Red Lobster today, and after logging my calories, I sat here and decided it was a victory. Yes I am over calories however, I boxed up the food and brought it home, because after the appetizer and salad, I was full. So I had my shrimp for dinner. I also fit comfortably in the booth,,,,heck yeah. I know me, if I thought I would never ever have <insert ANYTHING> again, it would drive me bonkers. An occasional day at eating at maintain level is not going to ruin my progress, or send me spiraling into a binge from whence there is no return.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I have had so many slip ups that would last days, weeks, and sometimes months. The important thing was that each time, I still kept trying and getting better. No slip ups for 50 days this time. I am going to keep it up too. And then one day I will make it a permanent thing. I don't remember the day I quit smoking but I do remember the day I quit trying to kill myself with food.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Start the next day fresh! One slip up isn't going to derail your progress. I find doing really fun exercises like team sports gets me burning calories without realizing it, so I feel better if I overeat when I do something fun and healthy the next day.
  • m0pp3t
    m0pp3t Posts: 32 Member
    Track it and get back to it.

    Great mantra!
  • tbirney001
    My advise is similar to what the other posts have said.

    A very smart person once told me to worry about 'the week' and not so much on individual days. That way when you slip, you can 'catch up' over the next day or two and still be on track.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    As most everyone has mentioned slip ups happen best not to beat ur self-up because that is wasted energy. Take a good look at the photo that made u decide it was time to get back into shape, embrace what you see and start fresh the next day.
    Do some form of exercise and hold your head up high, you'll get there if you don't give up and quit.
  • hvelikans
    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. Condemning yourself is negative, you deserve better - hey you're here aren't you? It's done, over - tomorrow is a new day.
    Helen V