Good or Bad Idea ?

I thought of this for some time now.

After I ate a meal, I'd try to burn half or all of it off...


20 minutes of EASA
1 hour of zombies run with chases enabled
90 zombies run no chases enabled and radio mode OR 30 minutes of EASA

also does anyone know if you can run zombies run AND runtastic or simular at the same time ?

32gig iTouch 4G
iOS 6.0


  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    It is a bad idea to try to burn off half of the calories you eat.
  • fueledbychange
    fueledbychange Posts: 132 Member
    Bad idea. You'll end up with a VERY low net intake, and you'll feel sluggish, tired, and probably won't maintain any weight you lose by doing this, if you do actually lose any.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i think it's a bad idea to think of a meal and be thinking of how many calories you are going to burning off immediately afterwards.

    i think you should aim to eat properly and exercise properly.

    you're listing almost two hours of working out a day. i admire your drive and intensity, but i don't think it can be sustainable.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Anytime someone asks that, I always think of this:
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    if you have to ask it is probably a bad idea... also there is such a think as to much exercise.. you didnt put that weight on quickly and you shouldnt expect to take it off quickly...
  • amjmom
    amjmom Posts: 32
    My fitness pal calculates the exercise in so you can eat more with your exercise and still lose weight so my fitness trainer has me eating the cals back from exercise and I am still losing. I have lost 21 lbs since Sept 12 so you should not have to do that. Suggestions to more effectively bring up your metabolism though are having fiber and protein with each meal. That is what my doctor is having me do. Lots of times for snacks I have a yogurt and apple or peanuts and another type of fruit. It should help. I also eat 6 times a day. Trying to keep each meal around 300 cals then snacks around 200. I have no idea about the games. I have a Wii Fit. I have a 1 hour exercise class twice a week and then I try to walk for 30 min 2 other days a week. If your cal intake is not enough to compensate for the exercise then you are just going to end up lowering your metabolism and making yourself tired.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Bad idea. You do realise that most of the calories that you burn are burned through just existing, and normal daily activities? Exercise is important, but the calories burned from additional exercise is only a small portion of your total energy expenditure. If you're eating a reasonable amount of food, burning off half those calories in exercise wouldn't leave your body with much to function with. I'm also not keen on the mindset that food, and calories, are not good for you. Eating too much is not good for you, but your body does need calories.
  • C00lCountry
    I think this is bad idea.

    It takes a certain amount of energy and blood to digest your food.
    If you are sending this energy and blood else where in your body.
    How it is to digest properly?
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    That way of thinkings is what kept me fat. It also kept me on the Yo-yo diet/gain cycle.

    Eat. Live. Move. Enjoy life.

    Choose healthy foods and move daily.