I don't know how many calories I should eat!!!!



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    1650 sounds fine. remember, your body works more on a weekly basis, rather than day-to-day. so if one day your just not as hungry and you eat only 1500 calories, and the next day you are starving and you eat 1800 calories, you know it all balances out.

    be mindful of days you are more hungry than others. look at your protein and carb intake.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    You need to be doing more vigorous cardio and longer. 60-90 min of cardio 5x a week for weight loss. Try doing some speed interval training with your walking since you like to walk. Eat a few less calories too. Keep in mind that just because something is healthy doesn't mean that it doesn't have calories. Track consistently. Eat protein and lots of fiber to feel full. You need carbs, so don't cut them out of your eating plan.

  • To say eat more is wrong.

    To say eat less is wrong.

    Do what works for YOU.

    I second, third & fourth this.
  • You need to be doing more vigorous cardio and longer. 60-90 min of cardio 5x a week for weight loss. Try doing some speed interval training with your walking since you like to walk. Eat a few less calories too. Keep in mind that just because something is healthy doesn't mean that it doesn't have calories. Track consistently. Eat protein and lots of fiber to feel full. You need carbs, so don't cut them out of your eating plan.

    Vigorous cardio is not a must to lose weight. And, exercising 3 times a week is fine. Your body needs an ample amount of rest to recover.
  • 1650 sounds fine. remember, your body works more on a weekly basis, rather than day-to-day. so if one day your just not as hungry and you eat only 1500 calories, and the next day you are starving and you eat 1800 calories, you know it all balances out.

    be mindful of days you are more hungry than others. look at your protein and carb intake.

    Thank you :)
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    i have taken the numbers that you have given in your post and plugged them into the roadmap


    this is what you get - - - - - the calorie target in the following activity table is what you would need to maintain your current weight. to lose weight you should take a 20% cut from the calories listed.

    Harris-Benedict Formula
    There are a few different methods to calculating yourbasal metabolic rate (BMR). One of the most popular, developed in the early 1900's is called the Harris-Benedict formula. Based on this formula, your current BMR is 1497 calories.

    How Many Calories Should I Eat?

    Based on how much activity you do on an average day, the calories in the right column will be the number of calories that you will be able to eat at your goal weight. If you start eating those calories right now (eating like the thinner you), you will eventually become that thinner person. As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point.

    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1796
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2058
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2320
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2582
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2844
    NOTE: Please remember that this calculation is just a guideline. Your metabolism may be higher or lower based on the amount of lean muscle you have. Use these numbers a a starting point and tweak them up or down based on your weight loss or gain. It may take a couple weeks to get your exact calorie level.

    Are you lifting heavy? - doing Stronglifts 5x5 or starting strength or new rules of lifiting for women? if so then you are light to moderate - so a base intake of 2000 - 2300 before your 20% cut.

    If you are not lifting heavy then you would be light if your steps are less than 10,000 per day. If you walk enough to be over 10k a day then you are probably moderate.

    Your light target would be 1600 and if you are moderate then it would be 1800.
    Start out at 1600 and give it a few weeks to see how you do - if you are not losing then add 100 cals a week until you start to lose. Be prepared for some experimenting to find your sweet spot. If you find that you are not losing at a given amount for a few week and then have a drop after you have a pigout/cheat day then you have proved that you do need to up your calories!
    Just be sure to eat above your BMR!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If you want to lose more weight first, you can concentrate on all cardio right now.

    Bite your tongue, heathen!
  • Californiagirl seems to have the best handle on how to approach weight loss. I'd been having problems losing weight for years because I was counting & monitoring everything but calories. Plus, I wasn't doing enough cardio in my workouts. I do pilates, yoga, work with tubes & balls & then aerobics. I'm adding an elliptical to my routine, so we'll see how all this pulls together. Muscle does burn fat, but you also gotta burn the fat that's already there -- so more cardio, for me anyway.

    I've only been using MFP for a week now, but it seems to keep really good track of your calorie intake, but I haven't figured out the calorie output yet in the exercise section. It's database is pretty extensive too as far as finding the exact foods you're looking for. But remember, these numbers are just tools, not absolutes. They're just to help keep you on target. So don't stress when you don't see the number you're hoping for.

    The key thing is to PLAN AHEAD! Plan all your meals including snacks & when you're going to exercise. Getting in a routine gives you your best chance at being successful!

    Hope this helps! Good luck! :smile:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    You need to be doing more vigorous cardio and longer. 60-90 min of cardio 5x a week for weight loss.

    ignore this also...

    OP: your plan sounds very intelligent. Good for you for doing strength training. Don't be afraid to go heavier. And good for you for not falling into the "omg I need to eat 1200 or less" trap.

    You've got this!
  • You need to be doing more vigorous cardio and longer. 60-90 min of cardio 5x a week for weight loss.

    ignore this also...

    OP: your plan sounds very intelligent. Good for you for doing strength training. Don't be afraid to go heavier. And good for you for not falling into the "omg I need to eat 1200 or less" trap.

    You've got this!

    Thank you!!! :D
  • i have taken the numbers that you have given in your post and plugged them into the roadmap


    this is what you get - - - - - the calorie target in the following activity table is what you would need to maintain your current weight. to lose weight you should take a 20% cut from the calories listed.

    Harris-Benedict Formula
    There are a few different methods to calculating yourbasal metabolic rate (BMR). One of the most popular, developed in the early 1900's is called the Harris-Benedict formula. Based on this formula, your current BMR is 1497 calories.

    How Many Calories Should I Eat?

    Based on how much activity you do on an average day, the calories in the right column will be the number of calories that you will be able to eat at your goal weight. If you start eating those calories right now (eating like the thinner you), you will eventually become that thinner person. As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point.

    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1796
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2058
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2320
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2582
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2844
    NOTE: Please remember that this calculation is just a guideline. Your metabolism may be higher or lower based on the amount of lean muscle you have. Use these numbers a a starting point and tweak them up or down based on your weight loss or gain. It may take a couple weeks to get your exact calorie level.

    Are you lifting heavy? - doing Stronglifts 5x5 or starting strength or new rules of lifiting for women? if so then you are light to moderate - so a base intake of 2000 - 2300 before your 20% cut.

    If you are not lifting heavy then you would be light if your steps are less than 10,000 per day. If you walk enough to be over 10k a day then you are probably moderate.

    Your light target would be 1600 and if you are moderate then it would be 1800.
    Start out at 1600 and give it a few weeks to see how you do - if you are not losing then add 100 cals a week until you start to lose. Be prepared for some experimenting to find your sweet spot. If you find that you are not losing at a given amount for a few week and then have a drop after you have a pigout/cheat day then you have proved that you do need to up your calories!
    Just be sure to eat above your BMR!

    Thank you! I think I'm only lightly active since I'm not exercising more than 3 - 4 days a week, and only walking for cardio. So, I'll stick with 1600 for a few weeks. Thank you!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If you exercise 3-5 times doing the mentioned activities, you would be considered moderately active. Thus, do not create a deficit that's excessive and not needed by choosing light activity.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    You need to be doing more vigorous cardio and longer. 60-90 min of cardio 5x a week for weight loss. Try doing some speed interval training with your walking since you like to walk. Eat a few less calories too.

    Absolutely no.
  • If you exercise 3-5 times doing the mentioned activities, you would be considered moderately active. Thus, do not create a deficit that's excessive and not needed by choosing light activity.

    Well I plan on cutting my exercise down to about 3 days a week. 30 minutes of lifting followed by 30 - 45 minutes of walking 3x a week, I don't have as much time to exercise as I used to so I think I'll try 1650 - 1700 calories for a month and see how I do. Thanks for the advice though :)
  • You need to be doing more vigorous cardio and longer. 60-90 min of cardio 5x a week for weight loss. Try doing some speed interval training with your walking since you like to walk. Eat a few less calories too.

    Absolutely no.

    I'm not listening to that advice about cardio.
  • If you exercise 3-5 times doing the mentioned activities, you would be considered moderately active. Thus, do not create a deficit that's excessive and not needed by choosing light activity.

    If my exercise is strictly 3 days a week, does 1650 - 1700 sound good?
  • lacaro1
    lacaro1 Posts: 81 Member
    Consider your activity level without the work-outs because you are supposed to log them in seperately anyways. Then you can eat back your exercise calories or choose not to. If you include your exercises in the activity level calculations and additionally log them in ans eat the calories back you basically count them twice.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If you exercise 3-5 times doing the mentioned activities, you would be considered moderately active. Thus, do not create a deficit that's excessive and not needed by choosing light activity.

    If my exercise is strictly 3 days a week, does 1650 - 1700 sound good?
    If you are between lightly active and moderate, then yes, about 1680 is where you should be and would put you on track for a weekly weight loss of 0.75 lbs which is suitable for the amount of fat mass you have. Once you get within 10 lbs or so of your goal, reduce it to 0.5 lbs by eating about 1810 calories.
  • Consider your activity level without the work-outs because you are supposed to log them in separately anyways. Then you can eat back your exercise calories or choose not to. If you include your exercises in the activity level calculations and additionally log them in ans eat the calories back you basically count them twice.

    So if i don't count exercise then I'm definitely only lightly active!!
  • If you exercise 3-5 times doing the mentioned activities, you would be considered moderately active. Thus, do not create a deficit that's excessive and not needed by choosing light activity.

    If my exercise is strictly 3 days a week, does 1650 - 1700 sound good?
    If you are between lightly active and moderate, then yes, about 1680 is where you should be and would put you on track for a weekly weight loss of 0.75 lbs which is suitable for the amount of fat mass you have.

    Thank you very much! :D