Are you around 50? How much exercise can you do?



  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    Listen to your body! I never exercised all my life, stared after chemo in 2005. When i was 48. Now i am almost 56, exercise 6 days a week. Feel very energized every time after a workout. I do drink diet red bull that helps me to have more vigorous workouts.
  • njgirl50
    njgirl50 Posts: 62 Member
    I am 50 yo, have lost 23 pounds, and have around 80 to go, plus I have arthritis in my lower back so I have to be careful. I try to exercise 6 days a week, key word try. I try to alternate abd one day I work out over an hour riding a bike and walking, the next day I'll walk 45 minutes. I hope that as I lose the weight I can do more, but I know if I push myself too hard, I won't be able to do as much the next day. The most important thing is to do some form of exercise consistently.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Hi, I'm 47 and I notice a very distinct limit to my physical abilities. If I exercise intensely for 3 days in a row, I'm exhausted on day 4 and need to rest. Yet I see many people exercise loads every single day of the week. Is it a question of age? Or am I just unfit, and (hopefully) will improve over time?

    It will improve over time. Some times I rest after 3 days of working out, sometimes I go for two weeks. It all depends on your conditioning. Rest and healing are part of the process of getting stronger. The more you work hard, heal, work hard, heal, and the more you do this process the stronger your body will be. I'm almost 52 and I've been very consistent. Three years ago I could not do one pullup. I don't do pullups as part of my normal routine and I've been working out hard for several years now, listening to my body and resting when I know my body needs it and then going back at it. Well recently someone was doing pullups so I jumped up and whipped out 15 no problem. So lifting weights does make you functional.

    I'm on a rolling schedule. I have 7 days a week in which I decide what is on for the day, it's an opportunity to push hard, moderate, light, or rest, whatever is needed and just keep going with it. My full story here and fun stuff happening for me now:

    Best of luck to you! It's never too late to follow your dreams! -Bobbie
  • Well, at 57 sometimes two days in a road is too much for me I am trying to take it one day at a time, when I feel good I do the very best I can, when I don't I do as much as the body allows me to, I listen to my body because it lets you know when it is enough.
  • God Bless you that is excellent.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I am 60 and I walk 2 to 5 miles, 5 days a week
    Today i did 7 miles, cross country walking, which is not part of my normal routine.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Thanks for posting this question, I'm having a similar challenge - I'm 55. I like an intense exercise experience but have had to take a few years off because of a series of fractures. Now I'm back at it and finding I get very tired, and frustrated that I can't do what I used to.

    All the "baby steps" advice makes sense to me, and I find doing something, even something light, is better than doing nothing. I find the biggest challenge is not the activity but controlling the self talk. As long as I am not always comparing my activity to what I used to be able to do, or what other people are doing, it's enjoyable. Good luck!
  • yogagirl53
    yogagirl53 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 59 and have been doing Hatha Yoga for almost 3 years. It's the best exercise for me to do for an hour, 3 times a week, consistently. It has improved my balance, flexibility and strength and reduced stress. I also walk and use an exercise bike twice a week. For me, overdoing exercise is as bad as not doing anything at all. It's important to find something you enjoy and stick to it.
  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    I use Leslie Sansone too! I've got cerebral palsy and LS is the only cardio I can do. Usually can do anywhere from 2-10 miles a day,
    depending on how I feel that day. I also use a 5 pound dowel in restorative therapy on arms, shoulders, and chest, and do weightless
    leg exercise most days. Gained a pound of muscle and have noticed an increase in stamina, endurance, mental clarity(bipolar) and
    quality of sleep. Also use a walker to do LS and feel if I can do her program, anyone can do it!

  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    There are too many factors involved to generalize. Age can be a factor, but so can past and current conditioning and whether you have, or have had injuries.

    You have to start slowly and judge what you can do.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm 47. I do *something* every day.
    I bike to work and home most days.
    I run 4 times a week.
    I do weights 2-3 times a week.

    But yes, I am definitely starting to feel my age a bit.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    It's a matter of fitness, not age. My mom is 51, lifts crazy heavy weights, and works out most days of the week (and continues to do so even while fighting cancer). My dad is 56 and runs or bikes most days of the week; he did a couple Warrior Dashes this year and plans to do a marathon in Europe sometime next year (his first ever).

    They have to be a little more careful about injuries due to age, but it doesn't hinder their performance a bit.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I am 52 and am honestly healthier and fitter than I was in my twenties because now I am more efficient and focussed in my training and not so ego driven as I was when I was younger.

    I love my yoga and enjoy cycling, running on the beach and swimming in the sea in beautiful Cornwall, UK where I live. I have also started to weight train and do bodyweight exercises at home and enjoying weights as I did when I was younger. It is a new lease of life.
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm 64 and I ususally exercise everyday for about an hour to an hour and a half. I walk, jog, do strength training and stair climbing. I started out with it broke up into 20 to 30 minutes a couple times a day. Now I do it straight through and some days if I have time a will do a little more later in the day. I find I really miss it, if I don't have time to do it.
  • Chigger56
    Chigger56 Posts: 105
    56 here and I run 4-5 miles a day.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    i just turned 54 and I only do 10-30 minutes a day of yoga/barre 3 and try to walk as much as I can in 10,20 minute increments. I also play french horn 30 minutes to 3 hours a day to play in my church orchestra. I work full time in a consulting firm as well, but that is 8 to 10 hours a day sedentary.
  • i work at a hospital and we do alot of walking
  • Ilovevwgolf
    Ilovevwgolf Posts: 564 Member
    I have a bit of weight to lose but more into trying to tone up my body. Tired of the 'muffin top' which has been with me for a few years now. I am doing a 10-week weight loss program using Concept2 Indoor Rowing Machine since 30th Sept and I am in my 9th week and have lost 7 lbs. I have rowed 252km during that time and I am more toned than I ever was. Rowing machine is the best all round for non-impact cardiovascular exercise - very kind to my knees - and I am really enjoying it! I row 3 session a week average 12km per session - around 1 hour's worth. It really does tone up our body and lose the weight and at 51 (almost) I have never felt better about my body!
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    ugh nvm