Am i developing an eating disorder?

recently i lost a bit of weight going down from 140lbs to 123lbs and i'm 5'4. Deep down i know i'm not fat, but in the mirror i see fat. I am disgusted with my body and I am obsessed with counting calories and will count the calories of everything i eat, obsessed looking at skinny people and skinny celebrites and in school i will constantly compare myself to other girls wishing i was as skinny as them. i am jealous of anyone else whos loses weight and when choosing food i dont choose the nicest option, but always the one with the least calories in it. i dont think ill be happy until i lose a few pounds.
However, regarding calories i don't restrict (i eat around 1400-1700 calories a day) and i get scared if i don't eat enough, so how can i have an ED?????
i know i have a bad relationship with food, Am i'm developing some sort of eating disorder- i'm scared my habits will spiral out of control . Just wondering what should i do??????


  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    You seem stressed out, but not overtly. I went through a similar experience. I am 5'4 and was around 145 and now I am 115. Your self-esteem is low, and losing more weight is not going to change that. I think you're unhappy with yourself or your life for other reasons, maybe you should think more about how great it is that you had the willpower to lose so much weight already, and stop comparing yourself to other people.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    You probably just need to relax a bit.
  • awforrest
    I'm no expert at all, but if you're really concerned why not talk to your doctor?
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    you do seem a little obsessive about this, but you kind of have to be obsessive when you count calories. Have you tried channeling your obsessiveness to something else? Maybe you just need to focus on something positive. At 5'4, you probably don't need to loose anymore weight. Do you exercise? Maybe you need to focus on strength training. Seeing muscle definition might help you feel skinny.
  • FroodleMum
    FroodleMum Posts: 15 Member
    From someone who has been there and back again - only you can really tell if you do or don't. Or in this case, rather, are or are not. If you fear that you are developing a disorder enough to seek reassurance that you are not on a public forum, then you probably FEEL like you do/are. And if YOU feel it, well, that's your answer isn't it?

    In my own struggle, my answer was I knew that my habits were becoming more self-destructive to my health than the weight that I had lost had been. Does that make sense? If you are feeling unhealthy about it, then stop. If you are in denial about it, none us of here can help you - only you can do that, whatever the case may be. The only thing I can offer is I know exactly where you are coming from. Be strong!