If I could turn back time...



  • Very interesting insights!
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    This!!!! I would tell myself to go to law school instead of getting married at 21
  • My first husband was killed by a drunk driver, she hit his Harley. If I could change anything , it would be that day.
  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    There are so many things I would change if I could, but ultimately if I changed anything I wouldn't have my kids. No change is worth that.

    This. If I could somehow still end up with my kids, I would go back to age 26 and not have married a man who was going to come out of the closet, quite dramatically, 11 years later!
  • roxierachael
    roxierachael Posts: 81 Member
    I remember the exact moment I started to over eat. Isn't that odd? I'd definitely go back and give that little girl a smack.
  • Ravin714
    Ravin714 Posts: 38 Member
    I agree with roxierachael...So would I :-|
  • yes!
  • Fr33zefram3
    Fr33zefram3 Posts: 163 Member
    I'd go back to September 3, 1998 and start Google.
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    I wouldn't change anything, my past is what makes me what I am today
  • Aviflora
    Aviflora Posts: 85 Member
    I would go back 6 years ago and tell my Grandmama that I loved her one last time before she passed.

    Other than that, I have no regrets. :)
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I would not even pick up a cigarette. I also would pick up more fruits and veggies instead of chips and cookies. I would also keep working out after leaving my soccer team. I would not get married at 19 and i would have finished school. But i wouldn't trade my fiance or the lessons with that marriage for anything else in the world. Also I would spend more time with Corey before he died. Tell him how much he meant to me. I would also be closer to my dad when i was younger
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    There are so many things I would change if I could, but ultimately if I changed anything I wouldn't have my kids. No change is worth that.

  • ajro0610
    ajro0610 Posts: 21 Member
    I would go back to December of 2007. I had struggled with obesity my whole life and in December of 2007, I had lost over 120 pounds and weighed a very healthy 142. I was so fit physically but mentally, I was not healthy or happy.

    I would tell myself to make some changes:
    1. Cut a few specific people out of my life who were holding me down.
    2. To understand that focusing on myself is not wrong or bad or selfish. It's necessary.
    3. To move on and stop holding onto the past.
    4. That I could do it myself, on my own, without my family and without a man.
    5. That I was about to lose the most important person in my life, that knew me better than anyone, and there was absolutely nothing I was going to be able to do about it.

    Unfortunately, or fortunately, some of these changes (see 1,3, & 4) are about to take place in the next few months. It's going to be a long, hard winter!

    Great post HisEminence :-D Glad to have you as a friend!
  • The pleasure, without a doubt, is all mine!!! I loved reading these posts!
  • Wrreck
    Wrreck Posts: 99 Member
    I would go back to see my 15 year old self and warn her to stay away from the 20 year old creep that she'd date and eventually marry then divorce. At least I did have enough common sense not to have kids with the a**hole!
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    4/19/95 - I would have stayed with my best friend after I took him home from school. I would have told him I loved him. You see, he shot himself not long after I took him home. He had a horrible life. I think this had been a plan of his for a long time. I'm not mad at him for leaving me. The pain he was in must have felt unbearable. I just wish he could have seen that things really do get better.

    All these years later, I still miss him.
  • bankmd
    bankmd Posts: 20
    I did apply myself, and go to college and then law school. I stayed thin. One can do these things, but still have regrets. I would go back to high school and tell myself to love myself more, and to stand up for myself and not let people who who are negative diminish me. I would tell my high school self to worry more about making sure I surround myself with people who are caring and decent, and particularly not to let guys who would not really care distort my outlook.
  • I would go back 3 years from now and actually do freshman football so i could start out in shape to do my long time awaited goal
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    I would go back to when I was 13 and tell myself that you have the possibility to become an alcoholic inside you, don't pick up that bottle
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member