New to this Site and need Motivation

I am new to this site....I have been on it a week and tracking everything.

I haven't weighed in yet as I am scared to see if I have lost or gained. I have noticed that I am not eating all my calories. But I am not hungry or don't finish what I eat. Is this bad??

I need some motivation as I am new and will take whatever I can get.

Thanks in advance.


  • misslady72
    misslady72 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome to the site. It really helps me to keep myself in check. I weigh weekly because I can't become a slave to the scale but in my opinion, you can't be afraid of it because it will tell you if you need to "tweak" what you are doing with your eating habits and exercise.

    As far as eating, I have a story behind mine, however I do try to eat my daily calories though I do NOT eat back my exercise calories. And you will get 100 responses from people telling you different things, if its right/wrong. So you have to do what feels right for you and what your progress is telling you. I am not a fan of eating when I am not hungry so sometimes I may come up short and that's ok for me and what I am doing.

    You just have to stick to it as much as you can. Try not to go too many days without logging in and tracking. I know that things happen (like I was in the hospital for 3 days w/no net access and couldn't) but you have to go right back to it if you dont log in a day or two. If you keep yourself totally honest about what you eat, you will have success.

    Good luck!!!
  • blinkiii
    Feel free to add me (:
    Don't be afraid to step on the scale! If you've been eating right, then you have nothing to be scared of! And no, it's not bad that you're not eating all of your calories. Never force feed yourself. Your body will tell you if you need more (:
  • weightnomore33
    weightnomore33 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm new as well. I understand the motivation problem. 4 days so far for me. Downloaded the app a month ago, but didn't start til Dr. said do something. So this is it. You will catch a plataeu, it's a resting stop do all the right things and it'll move. Get on the scale, let's be losers together.
  • cheersis85
    Thank you for the tips. That is a good idea of not eating the excercise points. I will definately keep this in mind.

    As far as tracking, I did weight watchers at one point and found that if i just went in and put everything in for that meal before taking a bite its easier for me. It doesn't work for everyone but there is an idea. I know its hard being away for the internet but another idea would right it on a piece of paper and enter it in when you can.

    I am sorry about you being in the hospital and hope everything is well now.

    Thanks for the advice.....will take whatever I can.
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome. 90% of the time I eat under my calories and I've lost weight. You don't want to eat too little, that will backfire. I'm usually around 200 under what MFP recommends. Will send friend request. :)
  • foodcallsme
    I'm new too :) I joined recently after my brother lost 10 lbs. I've been logging my foods as of this past Friday and I noticed that I too have trouble eating all of my calories but, that's okay as I'm saving them in case I go over my calories as the week progresses.

    I find that if I workout then I crave more calories. We'll see how it goes as I'm still trying to find the right balance. Recently I lost a lot of water weight so my first real weigh-in won't be until my first full week is up. Hopefully, I can stick with it. Oh my goodness, my parents just brought a bunch of Halloween candy over my house like those marshmallow peeps and I had to shove them away in my cupboard so I wouldn't feel tempted to eat them. Feel free to add me :)