What's your phobia?



  • Oh_Em_Jayyy
    Oh_Em_Jayyy Posts: 56 Member
    Baseball games. I'm terrified of being hit by a fly ball. It's almost happened a few times.
  • ajrjaneway
    ajrjaneway Posts: 20 Member
    Birds flying over my head. Everyone thinks it's from the movie "The Birds" but I'm a big Hitchcock fan and it doesn't bother me. My phobia is from being dive-bombed by birds when I was a kid. I was taking my grandparents' cat for a walk (long story) and the birds didn't like it! The funny thing is that if I'm wearing a hat, then I feel safe. :wink:
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    elevators! Got stuck on one once as a kid... no adults around was playing in some parking garage elevators with my siblings and cousins and really had to pee. It was one of those with glass all around and I peed my pants after the 2nd hour. People below me could see that I had peed my pants and laughed but no one got help! Elevators suck!

    Take the stairs people!
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    Silverware scraping on ceramic plates. Fork tines especially. (It is like fingernails on a chalkboard, and, I hate that too...)
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    elevators! Got stuck on one once as a kid... no adults around was playing in some parking garage elevators with my siblings and cousins and really had to pee. It was one of those with glass all around and I peed my pants after the 2nd hour. People below me could see that I had peed my pants and laughed but no one got help! Elevators suck!

    Take the stairs people!
    that is really cruel! I'm so sorry about that!
  • citizencrp
    citizencrp Posts: 228 Member
    A few of mine are easing up as I get older, but they are pretty unusual, I think. 2 big ones: Orca whales and coyotes.

    The orca thing is bizarre, but they've frequently been in my dreams/nightmares since I was a child. I am terrified but also completely fascinated by them.
    Coyotes are just jerks.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    The sound of a dog licking/drinking.
    It's the most terrifying thing to me. Ever.
    ugh..its not a phobia for me..just something that angers me. Sounds of people eating..the moist mouth sounds, lip smacking and all that. One girl at work brought carrots in the other night and started chomping on them. I couldn't put my earbuds in fast enough.
    I used to work with this guy that absolutely drove me nuts when he ate. He was such a sloppy eater, making all kinds of borderline obscene noises when he ate. Yuck!
    Aargh! My husband is THE most disgusting eater I have ever met. I love him dearly, but HATE it when he eats - especially wet or juicy food. YUCK!

    Pretty much all face noises get to me. Chewing, slurping, smacking, snoring, nose-whistling, sniffling, snorting. They make me angry. Mostly because they're all preventable just by not being disgusting. Chew with your mouth closed, blow your damn nose and roll over.

    Couldn't agree more
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    Clowns, those costumed people at theme parks, spiders (cuz they are super gross and creepy)

    Clowns here, too! Evil personified!!
  • MakeitAWFUL
    I am extremely phobic of airplanes!
    If I hear one overhead I panic .

    When I drive people to the airport I get sweaty, my heartbeats fast
    I can't relax until I am a safe distance away!

    I have had to fly a few times.
    I had to be medicated to do so.
    I still have SEVERE panic attacks
    I have had to have the flight attendant sit with me to keep me calm
    I know I've upset many passengers
    And yes it is extremely embarrassing

    I can't help it.
    They terrify me.
    Every time I get on a plane I just have that feeling that this is the one that's going down

    I can't get over my fear despite taking a fear of flying class 3 times.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Tight/closed in spaces
    Anything that flies and stings
    Driving next to big rigs on the highway, especially when I get stuck in between them
    Driving in the rain/snow/sleet/hail
    Roaches/Palmetto bugs
  • Suzyqall72
    I'm sorry to say this, but if I am somewhere, and all of a sudden, someone speaks with that voice box thing, it gives me a shiver.
  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    My worst fear is of flying. I will do it occasionally, but I am under severe stress he entire time. I have other things that I am afraid of, but not to the extent of flying. Clowns, snakes, carnival rides, public speaking (or anything that puts me at the center of attention).
  • childofArtemis24
    Fear of Elevators, zombies, and OB-GYNs
  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member
    Strangers standing too close to me, the feel of any velvet, rats and drowning.
  • JohnnyBLean
    JohnnyBLean Posts: 67 Member
    Afraid of being inadequate
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    The big C
  • Chelseaw3231
    DOGS! I have been chased by to many, I've even broken my arm once from running from a dog lol.
  • Injurymachine
    2 party political systems.
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    Really deep water than I cannot see in. I live in Texas and we have lots of lakes and I will NOT get in the water because you can't see anything. I know there are no sharks or anything, but my mind conjures up crazy images of what could be lurking down there. When I've been to Hawaii I didn't mind getting in the ocean and snorkeling because it's really clear and you can see well. If I can see clearly, I have no fear at all. But if I had to jump ship in water I couldn't see in, I would absolutely freak the hell out. Definitely my biggest fear.