Everyone needs this for motivation - NOT!

I've been running for 14 weeks. I just ran my second 5k Sunday in 30.03. My first one was 9 weeks ago and took me 36 minutes. Well...... I have a triangular shaped (VERY HILLY) route here by my house that is part highway and mostly gravel. I don't run it often, but sometimes I don't want to drive to town to run.

Well, tonight I didn't feel like driving into town, and it was starting to get dark... I chose to run the triangle. I white touch passed me, and then it passed me again on the gravel, then there it was again! This time I pulled out my pretend phone from my pocket and pretended to call for help as he got to a distance. He did not circle again, but I promise to never run this triangle again without my cell phone on me. Even though it is heavy and my shorts have no pockets!


  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    It never hurts to be too careful. You can also buy mace that goes around your wrist.
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    Yeah take care of yourself there are a lot of weirdos out there.....Be careful... I avoid running at the same time....ANd quit running at night, way to scary....I'm glad your safe...
  • I carry pepper spray in my sports bra under my smaller boob (haha), even when I run at my local state park or on our farm. I always carry my phone in my sports bra, too. Also has an added bonus of getting better GPS for my Runkeeper app. It's like a whole other pocket or fanny pack! lol :P You just never know. Rather be safe than sorry! Glad nothing bad happened. Stay safe!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Sometimes I feel like I'm being unnecessarily paranoid but it's way better to be safe than sorry.
  • Yoshima
    Yoshima Posts: 58
    Holy Cow! That sounds super scary. I wouldn't do it again personally unless I had someone running with me. Either way, I think mace & a whistle are essential items for female solo runners.
  • mcourtney09
    mcourtney09 Posts: 34 Member
    Running at night can be very risky....treadmill :)
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Wow definitely a cell phone and pepper spray. Even small town Iowa has weirdos. Des Moines i would never run at night unless I take our dog and my cell phone. Glad all is ok
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    You can also get one of those cheap "pay as you go" phones that is a lot lighter...

    I usually run with one of those personal emergency sirens that you pull the pin out to set the alarm off.

    Be safe!!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    That's really weird because the same thing happened to me on my run yesterday except it was a red truck and at 4:30 in the afternoon. I run on country roads so it was quite a bit to the next house. He passed me for the third time just as I got to the house so I went in their laneway and he finally drove away.

    Scarier part is that I'm not some hot chick, I'm a 55 year old grandma! I really don't want to take my phone along but I guess I need to start.
  • freedomischaos
    freedomischaos Posts: 25 Member
    Pretending to be on a phone or actually calling someone just to talk to them while being paranoid is actually worse as your distraction becomes split between faking or actually maintaining the conversation with the other person. Just keep yourself aware rather than trying to pretend to watch Taken.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I have an iPhone. I have an app for tracking my run (mapmyrun) and I use it for music, plus I always have a phone. I bought an arm band so its easy to carry.
    Plus I usually run with a very large, intimitating dog.

    And for my usual warning -
    If you carry pepper spray, be sure you understand how it works and be aware of the limits. Its not as simple as just hitting the button. With OC spray there is a high risk of cross contamination (trust me, I've done it). It can be hard to fight back if you end up with a face full of pepper spray, especially if you aren't prepared for it. Its not always effective, especially with people who are goal oriented, and you need to get it in the eyes for the most effect.
    Its a tool, it can be effective, but it has its limits. Just be aware of it.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    I always carry my phone and a rape whistle and bring a dog along. I also never run alone at night. Knowing my luck, a deer would trample me to death for startling it at night...
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    Be safe. Carry your phone and let someone know where and how long you're going to be.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    Oh and I always tell someone where I'm running, how far I'm going, and how long it should take, so that if something does happen, someone has some sort of general idea where I was last.
  • If I ever walk/run at night, I always have someone with me. One of us will also bring a (real) cell phone, flashlight, etc.

    There have been a few times that cars would behave questionably, or shady men would appear and we always just leave when that happens.

    Be careful. Bad things can happen no matter who you are or where you live...
  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    Good thinking about the pretend phone, and for keeping aware of your surroundings. They also sell pepper spray in "spiderman-like" gloves. Too bad we live in a world where people hurt other people, and even if there are only a small percentage (I still believe most people are good) we never know who is thinking what. Glad you are safe and smart!
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I agree... pepper spray! You know tho, my Great-Grams always told me that if I was ever grabbed by a man, "stick your thumbs in his eyes as hard as you can and knee em in the groin". Never did ask if she was speaking from experience but it sure sounded like it. It's worth a try if it comes to it! Above all else... BE CAREFUL!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I don't like to run in the dark, morning or night. Even in the warm summer months when I run early to beat the heat, I wait until it's light out.

    I always carry my iPhone in an armband - not the easiest to whip out and use quickly, but being aware of surroundings and anything odd (good job on your situational awareness and realizing the truck was circling!) gives me time to get the armband off and the phone into my hand, and it is usable in the band (hubby has called me during runs before and I've answered, worked fine).

    I also carry a folding knife that clips into the waistband of my shorts. I don't even know it's there, it's not visible to anyone else, but I've practiced getting it out and open. I hope I never ever need it, but hubby likes me to carry it - and hopefully it would be a deterrent to any would-be attacker, and send him off in search of an easier target.

    I've thought about getting some pepper spray, but haven't looked into it yet.
  • Hi

    I agree with lots of the advice re mobile phone etc. On this side of the pond CS and pepper sprays are classed as firearms and illegal to own, so not an option. Also remember that CS does to work on everybody and spraying these people with it will only serve to aggravate them. Best policy is to be aware of your situation, which it sounds like you are, and avoid, if possible, any confrontation. As a runner running away from the situation is an option.

    Have you considered telling the local police, this may not be an isolated incident!
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    I have ordered an armband for my Samsung Galaxy III S. The trouble with running away from them is I run hard and would be slower than him!

    Thanks for the kind words and great advice.
  • vabchloser
    vabchloser Posts: 223 Member
    Maybe I'm dumb, but I run at night all the time...up until about midnight and in the past later than that. I carry my phone with me and run in the street (to stay away from bushes and rape alleys). I've never had a problem *knock on wood*.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Screw the phone. Carry pepper spray, or something of the like. I assure you that anyone who is serious about harming you is not going to be dissuaded by a phone, and by the time the police actually get their *kitten* there, it's far too late.