Friends needed ASAP!!!

Hello everyone,

My sister (also my best friend) is getting married on March the 23rd 2013 and has asked me to be a bridesmaid, so need to get thin, so I don’t make her look like an anorectic in the photos!

I've tried every diet under the sun and at most have lost 19lb before getting "demotivated" and running to the local Indian, (ha ha ha as if I could actually run.......I meant drive)

My experience of the diet world hasn’t been the best,

Any friends who can give me support and stop me from failing yet another diet would be great!

Hope to hear from you soon!!!



  • TNiM
    TNiM Posts: 3
    Hey Kate,

    I find this app great - you will do, nothing like a wedding for motivation:-)
  • lorri68
    lorri68 Posts: 53 Member
    hi my brother is getting married 6 july 13 and i have 21 pounds to go to my goal weight, feel free to add me as a friend
  • It is hard for me to get motivated as well but I am trying real hard. If you can, ride a bicycle to a destination or walk to a destination. Walk somewhere for fifteen minutes twice a day. If you own a dog, walk the dog more often. The dog will love you for it.
    SASSYnCHICago Posts: 98 Member
    HI Kate -
    What's you plan with exercise and diet? That's the first thing to start with when trying to loose weight. If you do it to fast you won't maintain it. Concentrate on heathy eating habits, and exercising. Do you run? I didn't but know I do after using the Couch to 5k app called C25K - and I also wight lift, kickbox and learned to swim laps (which I think made the biggest difference).

    Bride maid dresses sizing is the most depressing thing even - I don't know why they run so small. So concentrate more on how your body looks and not the actual size on the dam dress tag.

    It all possible, just need to put your mind to it.
  • Thanks Hun,

    I have a little puppy who loved going out for a muddy walk this morning also gave me a lot of exercise running after him to get him back, should really be thanking him for making me run and helping me burn those extra cals!!
  • Hi There
    feel free to add me :)
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    Feel free to add me. The most important thing is to remember this has to be a lifestyle change, not just a diet. Make sure you can live with any changes to your diet that you make. I need to "watch" what I eat by logging it. My eating habits aren't that bad, it's just making sure I don't over eat and not eat when I am not hungry. I also found an exercise that works for me - which is running. You can do it!
  • tempest678
    tempest678 Posts: 12 Member
    This is an awesome app, but for me exercise has been the key. and I loooooove group fitness classes. I do an occasional run and I have three dogs that need walking twice a day, but there's just nothing to burn up those calories like a good bootcamp or spinning classes. Find ones that you like and just add them to your routine. I tried P90X years ago and it worked, but I got bored after one go round. Get some friends together and try a few classes. Groupon has a deal for kickboxing classes right now I think.

    Good luck to you! (and you can add me also) :smile:
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    OMG. Look at you! You're such a cute little puppy -- you don't need to lose any weight!
  • Lol to funny!!!
  • OMG. Look at you! You're such a cute little puppy -- you don't need to lose any weight!

    To funny !!! Lol...!!