Does 3am cookies count as yesterday or today?



  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Normally, I wold say 3 AM cookies count for today, but that's mostly just so I can keep each days' timeframe looking the same with a midnight-to-midnight setup rather than for any particular health beneifit. I have, however, occasionally left the timeline a little loose for things like exercise that starts one day and ends on the next and any post workout snack, but that rarely pushes more than 30 minutes beyond midnight.
  • geoffers12
    geoffers12 Posts: 31 Member
    Just the fact that someone is asking this question makes me so happy!

    Cookies are my kryptonite.....

  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member

    But then what happens when you have days off? seems abit odd to do it that way. (i work nights and try to get my supper in after midnight so i can count it there as i'll be in bed most of that day so wont be eating much anyway)
    Sadly I find it hard to break a waking pattern; so if I go to bed late, still tend to get up at the same time.

    Presuming you meant days off from work.
    Days off from eating much - if I could do that, I wouldn't be here :P.

    In the end, hours are arbitrary way of measuring a day - for me it makes more 'sense' to follow my body's cycle.

    Only problem is I use a motoactv to measure calories burnt, which means a bit of messing about as that gives me a daily figure.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I always count it as sleep to sleep.

    This way I can get a cheeky half hour cycle ride in before bed to make up for over-eating in the day :).

    Ditto. Without the cheeky cycle rides.