What's your eating plan like?

Just wondering what everyone eats or has a plan, and if so what is it? Trying to figure out what to eat and not get bored. Thanks in advance.


  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    If your main goal is to loose weight then eat whatever you want as long as you are in a calorie deficit.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If your main goal is to loose weight then eat whatever you want as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    Ditto. When you keep sticking to the same foods (a baked chicken breast and a side of veggies is the go-to with many people), you'll get bored and start hating the way you eat.

    I will eat pretty much anything I want. Sometimes it's eggs, sometimes lean meats, sometimes a burger from McDonald's. As long as it fits in your daily plan and you're happy, it will be much easier. That said, having a side of vegetables will be helpful in making you feel fuller at a meal with less calories. And I always keep turkey dogs on hand for when I'm starving. They're not great for you, but have a lot of protein, not too many calories, and taste delicious...

    Edited to add: And don't be afraid of carbs. I eat them all the time.
  • twingirlsmommy
    twingirlsmommy Posts: 111 Member
    I don't mind sharing mine:

    Breakfast: 3 slices little big bread squirrel bread French Toast made with egg whites + 2 tbsp syrup + egg whites scrambled

    Lunch: protein shake with 1 scoop whey powder (25g protein), 1 banana, 2 TBSP Adams natural peanut butter, ice

    Dinner: 1 salmon burger, salad with dressing, mandarin orange

    Snacks: 1 apple with 1 tbsp adams peanut butter

    Snack: 1 cup grapes, 20 almonds

  • At this point I'm just eating what I want but counting. Over time when we do this we tend to (in general) start to choose healthy foods that keep us fuller longer but I am a big believer in everything in moderation for the pure fact that for ME having a set plan, set goals of what I can and can't eat etc... seems to always set me up for failure. When I get too obsessed with it I start to get into the all or nothing thinking frame of mind. I'm sure not everyone is like that but I sure am.

    I do try to make sure I have 3 meals and a few snacks a day but even then sometimes it's just not how it happens. I've gained and lost weight on "plans" so this time I'm trying to just keep it simple. Just me though, everyone seems to have their own way that works best for their personality and lifestyle!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    My plan is 4 meals per day, 3 hours apart (8-11-2-after 5) plus a light bedtime snack. No eating between meals, only water. And 1350 calories per day unless I earn more with exercise.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    thanks everyone! anyone else want to share?
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member

    And sugar free

    Breakfast is usually oats and fruit with unsweetened almond milk

    Lunch is usually a tuna salad with lettuce, bean sprouts, tomatoes, capsicum, chili, carrots

    Dinner tonight I had turkey chili which I made

    I snack on carrots and strawberries throughout the day. And the occasional sugar-free, 100% grain/rice cracker

    It may seem boring because it is repetitive (apart from dinner) but it is easy to prepare the night before and I know exactly what is going into my body
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I eat what I like when I like just slightly less than I used to. Seems to be working so far!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have lots of yummy food today, so i will share:

    breakfast: fat free greek yoghurt, vanilla flavoured mixed seeds (graze box) and a large banana

    lunch: wholewheat wrap with tuna mixed with light philadelphia cheese, with baby spinach and cucumber

    Dinner: stuffed courgettes (lamb mince with a spicy tomato sauce) with rice

    snacks: nectarine, wholewheat crispbreads with a red pepper dip (graze again), and probably a glass of milk before my workout.

    all that comes out at about 1700 cals.
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    I know not a lot of people agree with this, but I'm on high protein, no carb diet. I try and stick to less than 50g carbs a day.
    I tried the "eat anything you want as long as you stay under your calories a day"... did not work for me. Low carb, high protein is the only thing that has ever worked! I've been doing Dukan diet for ages, Its easy, I'm never hungry, and I've lost a lot of weight. That saying, what type of meal plan are you looking for, because that will also change whatever you eat and what you should include. Good luck
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I'm happy to share, as long as I don't get the usual 'you're not eating enough'. I feel fine, have plenty of energy and not hungry at all.

    Breakfast - Banana

    Lunch - sandwich usually on wholemeal bread, 2 slices and usually chicken with some light mayo and rocket (no butter)

    Dinner - usually between 250-450 calories

    Snacks - banana, 2 satsumas, kiwi, red seedless grapes, nectarine (usually about 5-6 bits)

    Water - 8-10 glasses

    Exercise - 900cal 5days a week

    I have my fruit spread throughout the day along with the water which prevents me from feeling hungry.

    Calories eaten usually about 900-1000
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I'm happy to share, as long as I don't get the usual 'you're not eating enough'. I feel fine, have plenty of energy and not hungry at all.

    Breakfast - Banana

    Lunch - sandwich usually on wholemeal bread, 2 slices and usually chicken with some light mayo and rocket (no butter)

    Dinner - usually between 250-450 calories

    Snacks - banana, 2 satsumas, kiwi, red seedless grapes, nectarine (usually about 5-6 bits)

    Water - 8-10 glasses

    Exercise - 900cal 5days a week

    I have my fruit spread throughout the day along with the water which prevents me from feeling hungry.

    Calories eaten usually about 900-1000

    You post advice like that and you're going to get plenty of the usual 'you're not eating enough'. You eat 900cals and burn off 900cals. Smart move.
  • runbelrun
    runbelrun Posts: 1 Member
    I'm happy for you to add me as a friend and you can view my eating diary, I have lost 7 kilos and in about 5 weeks, I just try and spread out my calories for the day, so about 300-350 calories for main meals and 100 - 150 for snacks...depending on how much exercise I've done that day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    You post advice like that and you're going to get plenty of the usual 'you're not eating enough'. You eat 900cals and burn off 900cals. Smart move.

    some people like their body to burn muscle for energy instead of fat...
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,147 Member
    < 2300mg of sodium and at least 500 cals less than I burn daily.

    Food is fair game. I do have the same breakfast because I'm not much for eating in the morning.
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    My eating plan is very simple: Everything with measure and in balance. Which is why I think it works :-) I am not denying myself anything, I just limit the amount I eat/drink of it and fit it into my daily allowance. I happily go out for a three course meal if I have saved up a few calories during the day and know I will exercise the next and I pick something that will satisfy but not kill the hard work of the week.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I focus on protein, veggies and fruit. I also drink wine and enjoy dark chocolate.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    'You post advice like that and you're going to get plenty of the usual 'you're not eating enough'. You eat 900cals and burn off 900cals. Smart move.'

    It's not advice, she asked other peoples plans, this is what I do. I've been set a low calorie goal of 1300 by mfp, I try to eat it but if I'm not hungry I'm not going to eat. I don't eat back my exercise, some people do some people don't. Fat is going down muscle not been reduced as weights are included.

    It's a strict diet yes I admit that
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I am trying to break up with food. I consume as little of the things I love as I can. I have a blue green algae protein shake in the morning, an egg white scramble at lunch time. Dinner I get more creative but it is still very far from the pizza and cheese steaks I'd like to be eating. Food is Fuel NOT friend. :)
  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    Mine is usually:

    * 200 calories for breakfast (this morning was 400, but that's because I'm starting to see how I can push the limits and also because my lunch is less than usual!!). This is usually oats porridge, but lately I've been having cereal and other things too.
    * 600 calories for lunch (this is often a sandwich bought from a shop, or a meal deal if the sandwich is a bit less calories - e.g. sandwich + a packet of pretzels or light snacks).
    * 700 to 800 calories for dinner. This usually consists of around 80g (uncooked weight) of carbs, some protein and the rest is veggies (unless of course I'm doing a microwave meal).

    If I want to have wine with dinner, I bargain on 500 calories (yes, that's a bottle!!!), so I might either have a little bit of a lighter lunch or a lighter dinner and possibly do a bit of extra walking for the day (walk to the tube stop instead of taking the bus).

    If I am not having wine, the remainder of calories go into snacks and fruit - I always have Babybel cheese, Snack a Jacks and Sunbites around. And if I was really good during the day and depending on how many snacks I had, I will have a Kinder Bueno (or half if I don't have enough calories).
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My eating plan: Eat whatever I want that fits within my calorie limits. Luckily, most junk food and fast food is nasty to me, so I don't have to worry about unhealthy cravings. Be mindful of the nutritional value of the foods I'm consuming. Avoid most processed crap by cooking/preparing foods for myself - often altering recipes to make them healthier, but still just as tasty. Easy. Been on maintenance for well over a year now. :drinker:
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    I am trying to break up with food. I consume as little of the things I love as I can. I have a blue green algae protein shake in the morning, an egg white scramble at lunch time. Dinner I get more creative but it is still very far from the pizza and cheese steaks I'd like to be eating. Food is Fuel NOT friend. :)

    Eat to live, don't live to eat
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Mine is typically:

    Breakfast : Either 2 Weetabix with skimmed milk and sweetner, 50g Bran flakes with skimmed milk, or a 2 egg omelette with mushrooms and low fat cheese.

    Lunch : Soup (normally some sort of veg) with a sandwich made with Nimble bread

    Dinner : I have quite a variation and normally cook low calorie versions of the foods I love, My faves are:
    Salmon fillet or steak with roasted new potatoes and salad
    Homemade burger with a blue cheese filling and homemade chips
    Homemade curries
    Chicken and bacon pie with veg
    Chicken and vegetable biryani
    Beef casserole with lots of veg and mash

    Snacks : I normally eat around 3 pieces of fruit. Things that also crop up on the list are packets of low cal crisps (french fries or quavers), a fat-free yogurts, low cal chocolates (malteasers or revels normally), crabsticks, or carrot and celery sticks with humous.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Sigh, people drive me nuts when they don't use the the right forums for their questions. This belongs in food and nutrition.
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    I'll chime in on the low carb side. (Previous low carber said no carb which I hope was a typo.)The human body was never intended to eat so much highly refined food. Amazing fact is that breakfast cereals convert to sugar in the bloodstream faster than eating pure table sugar. People that say "no sugar" but are eating cereals (even Special K and Grape Nuts) and other grain-based carbs are pouring sugars into their bodies!

    I eat most anything I want and my body regulates how much. I just don't eat regular bread, pasta, rice, white potato, sugary drinks/juices, sugary desserts, chips, crackers, etc. Low carb wraps / bread work well for sandwiches and allow me to easily eat. I also eat fruit in moderation, veggies in unlimited quantity.

    I feel that low carb restored a sense of balance and allows my body to control how much I eat. I do log here because of friend requests but 90% of my loss occurred while not logging. I am never hungry, and when i am i eat until satiated Many here find success by eating "everything in moderation", but without the discipline of logging would lose their balance and IMO start gaining again. So I hope they stay here for a good long time to keep their eating under control and meet their goals. But I know I don't need logging to lose while eating low carb.

    Ask yourself why your grandparents were not fat. They didn't exercise much. Ate lots of meat and saturated fat. No MFP. Fatty liver and metabolic syndrome didn't even exist. Why were their bodies able to self regulate and yours is not?

    Watch the movie "Fat Head" to find out. Despite the unappealing name it is a well researched and entertaining look at what has changed and why. You'll find multiple snippets in YouTube and the full movie free on hulu. Watch it and open your mind to the rubbish we've been fed about healthy eating. (The first half is overly consumed with showing that our unhealthy eating is not due to fast food - the second half is the interesting part)
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    6:30 - 7:00 breakfast : substantial, farina or oats or omlette - generally warm food

    10:00-11:00 1st snack: apple or other fruit or carrots or kohlrabi or yougurt

    13:00-14:00 lunch - biggest meal of the day ussually , eggs or fish or meat or soy stuff (burgerst, sausages) or vegetables, some sort of warm cereal: barley, milet, quinoa ... or some stew or some substantial soup

    15:30-16:00 2nd snack: like the first one just not the same thing

    18:30-19:00 dinner: some sort of salad with a lot of veg and some animal protein source (cheese, ham, eggs, fish ect)

    If I want wine than I simply eat less threwout the day to incorporate it. If I am below my cals than I eat some dates or raisins or dark chocolate or apple.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I change what I eat every day so I don't get bored.

    But a typical day would look like this:

    (I travel all morning/day for work, so I have to pack foods and snacks that are conducive to driving).

    As soon as I get out of bed, I have a glass of juice.

    On my way to work, I have coffee and cream, a bottle of soy milk, and usually dry cereal. Sometimes I will have a bagel and cream cheese or yogurt.

    A few hours later, I have a fruit. Then an hour or so later, I will usually have a sandwich. Cheese or peanut butter.

    A few hours later, I will have crackers or pretzels with cheese or peanut butter. If I had a cheese sandwich, I will have peanut butter with my carby snack. If I had a peanut butter sandwich, I will have cheese with my carby snack.

    If I'm not home from work by this time and I'm hungry, I always keep a snack bar in my lunch bag just in case.

    Then I'll come home and relax for a while and have dinner. A typical dinner would be something like 3 oz steak, 2 servings of frozen vegetables and maybe some french fries with sour cream.

    Every night before I go to bed, I have an individual serving of ice cream. I like the Dean's lowfat chocolate sandwiches.

    If I have a lot of calories left over or have worked out, I will usually have a protein shake made with a half scoop of protein powder and 8 oz soy milk and/or a Greek yogurt.

    Like I said, I change what I eat every day, but the structure is pretty much the same every day. Usually once a week, I will have like half a frozen pizza or fast food to keep my sanity.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I aim for 300 cals each for breakfast, luncj, dinner and snacks.

    Within that, I try to get my protein up to 100g, and keep my carbs under 100g, and watch I dont go too overboard on sugar!

    A) Eggs scrambled in the microwave with whatever I have in the fridge (cheese, tomaotes, mushrooms, ham)
    B) Toast or seeded bagel topped with peanut butter or cottage cheese or a smooshed avocado.
    C) porridge or overnight oatmeal
    D) Greek yoghurt with berries and flaxseed.

    A) homemamde vegetable based soup with protein from beans or meat
    B) salad (chicken, tuna, egg, chickpea) Not a big dressing fan, happy to have some lime juice and black pepper.
    C) Leftovers from last night

    Shared with husband. Some sort of grilled meat (steak, fish, chicken) with a side (veggies, lentils) and a smal portion of carbs (potato, pasta, rice)

    Nuts, hard boiled egg, cheese, rice cakes, fruit, cherry tomatoes, seeds, wasabi peas
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I focus on protein, veggies and fruit. I also drink wine and enjoy dark chocolate.

    I'm basically the same minus the wine. We only have alcohol around the holidays or special occasions which is usually in the form of wine. I have protein with every meal which is 4 x's a day. I try to have a large breakfast but its spread out over the morning. Since I've started eating breakfast I've been able to lose the weight. I used to have large dinners and graze all night long till I fell asleep but did away with that as well. Now I have a 400 cal dinner or there about and stop eating by 7pm because I'm usually asleep by 9. This is what works for me. I usually have at least one square of dove dark chocolate every day. My husband is a chocoholic and always buys a bag to keep in the house and will sit and eat a fist full every day. I just have one. I used to only eat milk chocolate but I've learned to love dark chocolate and now can't stand the taste of milk chocolate. So I've made a lot of changes in my eating habits. I also watch my salt intake. No more high BP and I'm off all meds now. Don't have heartburn anymore either. Used to have chronic heartburn that kept me up all night and was horrible during the day. That's gone as well.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    My guideline is eating what I feel like eating. I eat 1400 cals or more in a day and try to spread that out in 4-6 meals throughout. I try to eat as close to 'natural' and whole foods as possible. I don't like processed foods, it makes me feel icky. I like leaner meats, stay away from pork most of the time. I don't eat alot of bread or pasta (I opt for rice pasta) - just because I've noticed that when I do eat it, I crave it (I figure it's the flour/gluten - I stay away from that too as much as I can)... Not good for staying on the leaner side (for me). I've always loved veggies and water so they've always been around. I keep fruits at a minimum... I don't eat much in restaurants just because I like what I make at home better (but going out for an evening is good for the soul - but I do order the "better" choices off the menu). However, if I want to eat something outside of my usual I don't deprive myself as I don't have a goal of being 10% body fat at the moment... For ME, it's good to have flexibility right now, because that's what is working. I also know that if my desire to be at 10% BF or less resurfaces - I can do that too (just not right now with being a new mom and all). Food plans are great - but they are even more awesome when paired up with an exercise routine :)
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