I love my husband!

ok, opening a new topic ---

how many of you all are married? How long have you been married? And do you consider your spouse to be your BEST FRIEND?

Me : Married for 14 years and yes, we are best friends in every sense of the word ---still hold hands every where we go, kiss each other all the time, my husband calls me "my love or "Baby" when he addresses me, and we still go out for dates once a month. He's everything I need. :smile:


  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    ok, opening a new topic ---

    how many of you all are married? How long have you been married? And do you consider your spouse to be your BEST FRIEND?

    Me : Married for 14 years and yes, we are best friends in every sense of the word ---still hold hands every where we go, kiss each other all the time, my husband calls me "my love or "Baby" when he addresses me, and we still go out for dates once a month. He's everything I need. :smile:
  • bodibykelli
    bodibykelli Posts: 135
    Tomorrow will be 17 years of bliss (REALLY!!)! We complete each other! :love:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Married, coming up on our one year anniversary on June 1st, and yes, he is my best friend.

    To give you WAY too much information, he got me out of a really really bad drug situation. So not only do I love him a lot, I really, quite literally, owe him my life. We have one child, and he is the best father our son could ever have. He thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, and tells me that all the time. I like these threads about liking our spouses.

    But...I will probably still vent once in a while.

    It doesn't matter how happy you are, it would be incredibly boring if you never ever fought with your husband. Then you could never make up. :bigsmile:
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I have been married for 5 years this August, and I do consider him to be my best friend. We are going through a very rough patch right now, but that is making me love him even more because he does love me unconditionally! Everything a best friend is supposed to be, he is!!

    Happy anniversary bodibykelli, and lokifae!!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    I second that emotion. My husband and I have only been married for 2 years, but have known each other for many more. He was there for me and my father when my father was dying of cancer. He has helped me raise children from a previous marriage as if they are his own. He is a full-time student to get his civil engineering degree (started college at 29) so as to provide better for our family. Currently as I am typing this, he has been out since about 3 a.m. this morning striping lines in parking lots to provide extra money. He has managed to be a full time father, full time husband and best friend, and still pull a straight A average. Outside of my father, he is the one person I have admired most in my world because of his strength, his loyalty, his stability, his patience, and most importantly his love. Because of my past, I tend to give him a run for his money as far as the trust issue goes. But he has been patient and loving and never let me down, no matter how many times I test him. I have an almost daily contact with my ex because of the kids, and my husband handles it with grace and honor in a way I'm not sure I ever could. When the world is rocky for the kids, he is their solid stability at all times, always treating and punishing them fairly, and quick to love and hold them afterwards so there is no doubt how important they are to him (getting teary eyed here). So I definitely second the "I love my husband" idea.

    Congratulations on your 14 years of happiness with your best friend. I wish you many, many, many more.
  • cupcakes8kr
    cupcakes8kr Posts: 97 Member
    27 years. & we still have sex...........together.......sorry TMI . LOL We do get along very nicely. We know when the other needs alittle space and when not. Our daughter moved out in Jan. so we only have a14 yr. son who does his own thing. We find that we are getting the alone time all the time now!. For all you young mothers or mothers to be it gets easier as they get odler. One day you'll be sitting on your front porch with your husband talking about where time has gone. "Sigh" With a smile on your face and tears in your eyes your gonna say " Bye bye, don't let the door hit ya on the way out. Love You, visit often". " Honey do you want to go to the Grand canyon next week?," I'm packing. =):laugh: :heart: :blushing:
  • elliebuell
    elliebuell Posts: 16
    I've been married for only 2 months but have known my husband for 10 years.. He is without a doubt my best friend. We have so much fun together and we love each other immensly. Instead of having a big wedding, we had a very small ceremony in our foyer and bought each other Harley's!
  • ehorner1976
    ehorner1976 Posts: 147
    I love my husband too, we have been married almost 2 year. He is my very, very best friend I love spending time with him. We have been wanting to have a child since we got married. Unfortunately we just found out I am not going to be able to have one. Not that we had a lot of "intimacy" before, but now it is scaled backed to zero. Is it possible to be married forever when the "intimacy" stops?
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I have been married to my husband for 30 years! lol
    We still have spark and I love him very much.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I love my husband too, we have been married almost 2 year. He is my very, very best friend I love spending time with him. We have been wanting to have a child since we got married. Unfortunately we just found out I am not going to be able to have one. Not that we had a lot of "intimacy" before, but now it is scaled backed to zero. Is it possible to be married forever when the "intimacy" stops?

    Sorry to hear your bad news. My heart goes out to u.:heart::heart:
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    I love my husband too, we have been married almost 2 year. He is my very, very best friend I love spending time with him. We have been wanting to have a child since we got married. Unfortunately we just found out I am not going to be able to have one. Not that we had a lot of "intimacy" before, but now it is scaled backed to zero. Is it possible to be married forever when the "intimacy" stops?

    Whenever a couple finds our future altering news, it does throw them back considerably. But don't despair. Since he is your very best friend, you guys will continue to work on it. I can no longer have children, and my husband married me knowing that. He wants them, he doesn't deny it. But he says it's fun "practicing". But I do understand the "intimacy" issue. I think the neat thing about being married to your best friend is that intimacy can come in all different varying shades and forms because it's a feeling and interests that you only share with that one person. Enjoy every avenue of intimacy marriage has to offer...you never know where it might lead :flowerforyou:
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    I love this thread...I was going to start one this morning. You beat me to it!

    My husband is WONDERFUL. We work so hard to have a fulfilling relationship and it is so worth it. There is no one I would rather spend forever with. :heart: Next month is our 9th Anniversary, we have three beautiful boys and love every moment spent together. Even the unpleasant ones.
  • janellybelly
    janellybelly Posts: 112
    :heart: I've been taken for 6 years in July...sigh! I LOVE my Hubby so much, he IS my Best Friend. We are still learning things about eachother everyday. We both came from opposite types of families so it's always fun making things work for our family! What a Joy though...plus he is SUPER SEXY!!! :love: :heart:
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I have been married for over 28 years now and yes he is my best friend. Our marridge has had quite a few potholes, detours (due to reconstruction) rough patches, and has been repaved a few times. I wouldn't want to go back and do it over, I love where we are now. Our kids are grown and have their own lifes and we have 3 granddaughters that visit us quite often.
    My husband can fix anything, he can work on the cars, fix the plumbing (in fact we build our house almost 3 years ago, just him and me) electric, flooring, you name it, he can do it. He has changed to the better during the years and I am so grateful for that.
    He is not controlling at all, if I want something and we can afford it I can buy it. He even treated my sister nicely when they came to visit last year:laugh: . I can go visit my friends anytime I want to , he lets me go home every other year to germany ( for 4 weeks)and we love to travel together anytime we can.Right now I am not working and he tells me it's ok, God will take care of us and not to worrie ....so I don't. We go to church together but we also spend time by ourselves... I guess I'm to blessed to be stressed LOL
    Hope everyone has a great weekend and thank you for starting this tread:flowerforyou:
  • foxfire9372
    foxfire9372 Posts: 184 Member
    Still head over heels, honeymoon hasn't stopped in almost 7 years. Very much my best friend (o.k., you guys put sex on the brain cause I started typing breast friend). Like everyone, we have had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day I love him. He still opens my car door for me and holds all other doors.
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    ok, opening a new topic ---

    how many of you all are married? How long have you been married? And do you consider your spouse to be your BEST FRIEND?

    Me : Married for 14 years and yes, we are best friends in every sense of the word ---still hold hands every where we go, kiss each other all the time, my husband calls me "my love or "Baby" when he addresses me, and we still go out for dates once a month. He's everything I need. :smile:

    I'm jealous!! I do love my husband very much, I just feel that we are so far apart most of the time. He does his thing, (fishing at the moment) and I do mine with our 2 boys in tow. Yet we have been married for over 18 years. :heart: :brokenheart: :heart:
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    Not yet... *sighs wistfully*..

