Crossfit & Paleo



  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Crossfit & Paleo are a beautiful match. Kippling pullups are the perfect analogy for what paleo does with science.


    Plus....nevermind the horrendous drain on your wallet between both of them.

    If "paleo" is draining your wallet...'re doing it wrong.

    He means paying the "box"

    yet he said "between both of them"...

    "fair enough"...
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Why bother with something if it isn't dangerous?

    How else do you think you get to be Batman?
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    but there are also a ton of other exercises and technique involved that has nothing to do with power lifting.. Rowing, pull-ups, burpess, push-ups, muscle-ups, plyo jumps, jump roping, the list goes on and on and on

    Those things are not unique to crossfit.

    @PhilyPhreash - Yes, I eat ice cream. Your point?

    What the hell does making the point of those exercises not being unique to crossfit have to do with anything??? I've never argued in a forum but this guys is driving me f*ckin nuts on a Monday..

    Are you even in shape???

    The point is pointing out the things that are not unique to it as the things that are not dangerous about it is not valid. It is the things that ARE unique to it that are most dangerous.

    Yes, I would say I am in realatively good shape.

    And just in case you didn't know, if you got mad on the internet, you lost.

    Now if you can just tell me where I stated those things aren't dangerous that would be awesome.. Apparently you don't read.. The point I made was that there was more to crossfit then power lifting, and that you comparing it to power lifting was not valid.

    I lost? lol (no seriously lol)... Not sure if you've seen my pics.. Everyday I wake up I win ;) (yep, I'm that cocky)
  • MayFartDuringSquats

    I have been thinking about trying Crossfit and following the Paleo diet. This weekend I went to the local box that will be opening soon to check things out. I did a warm-up, worked with kettlebells, 20in box jumps, push-ups, pull-ups, and air squats. I was dead after 20mins but I really enjoyed it!! My normal workout/diet has been playing tennis, playing basketball, jogging, doing Jillian's 30day shred, and watching my calories. I lost 27lbs doing this but once the weather started to get colder I put 8lbs back on. I need a lifestyle change. Please let me know your thoughts about starting Crossfit and Paleo. Thanks :happy:

    So, as you can probably summarize from this thread - people can be quite passionate about CrossFit in either directions. What I've found is that one will either love it or hate it. They'll know within a month of doing it. Not all boxes are created equal either - so if you find a coach(es) you enjoy and feel safe doing, then great. If the coach ignores you or has some sort of attitude that their poo doesn't stink, find another one. (same goes if all they do is yell nonsensical instruction at you over and over that makes no sense).
    Doing it at home, while possible, could be pretty difficult without good instruction on some of the more complex movements - but this is no different than if CrossFit never existed. The exercises used are many years old, some even from the dawn of man.

    You will find some pretty extreme people who've drunk a bit too much kool-aid too (both negative and positive) but the norm is a greater community of like minded people. Again, not all gyms are created equal either, some are about competition and others are about community.

    As for paleo, it is not extreme. A lot of people take it this way and don't necessarily understand it. They think it's meat and meat and meat with fat. But the reality is, it is not. It's pretty balanced. Low on starchy carbs, yes, but balanced nonetheless. I eat paleo, but what my meals usually consist of is a giant supersized serving of green leafy vegetables (I often line my plate with spinach no matter what I eat), then a sensible portion of meat/fish, along with some other colored vegetables. For a snack, I'll eat fruit, or some vegetable, or maybe some fat like almonds or avocado.
    What i don't eat (much of) is white foods, like bread and potato, and grains and dairy (but i never ate that anyway). It doesn't see extreme to me - so long as you understand your choices.
    There is also the notion of being strict or some %. Most people will go strict to start then perhaps add back in some cheese, or some milk, or some bread, or some quinoa, something that doesn't make the feel worse and they want to eat. If given the chance to go strict for a while, most people's body will start to change and they will feel better (like everything, it isn't always the case), but going strict paleo can be tough to manage - so people will add back in a small amount of comfort foods. When this food is added back in, it can sometimes be felt too - like all of a sudden you feel bloated, or irregular, or don't sleep, or tired but sometimes, you feel fine. So if it's the latter, keep it.
    It's not extreme, it's just making sensible choices. No one will force you to do paleo with crossfit and not everyone does it. Not even the "elite" athlete's do it. They may incorporate a lot of the ideals, but they'll drink milk or eat PB too. There's also the zone diet in CrossFit but that is like counting calories to some extent.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Crossfit & Paleo are a beautiful match. Kippling pullups are the perfect analogy for what paleo does with science.


    Plus....nevermind the horrendous drain on your wallet between both of them.

    If "paleo" is draining your wallet...'re doing it wrong.

    Clearly, eating only grass fed, free range, antibiotic free meat and non GMO organic produce, avoiding all other foods, is a pocketbook friendly way of eating.

    And yes...the "Box", often with monthly dues that exceed the cost of a brand new car (assuming a 5 year loan). That's just silly. The reason those things are sprouting up everywhere is that putting the name Crossfit on a garage is pretty much akin to building a money printing press.

    And they say the economy is doing bad, LOL.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    but there are also a ton of other exercises and technique involved that has nothing to do with power lifting.. Rowing, pull-ups, burpess, push-ups, muscle-ups, plyo jumps, jump roping, the list goes on and on and on

    Those things are not unique to crossfit.

    @PhilyPhreash - Yes, I eat ice cream. Your point?

    What the hell does making the point of those exercises not being unique to crossfit have to do with anything??? I've never argued in a forum but this guys is driving me f*ckin nuts on a Monday..

    Are you even in shape???

    The point is pointing out the things that are not unique to it as the things that are not dangerous about it is not valid. It is the things that ARE unique to it that are most dangerous.

    Yes, I would say I am in realatively good shape.

    And just in case you didn't know, if you got mad on the internet, you lost.

    Now if you can just tell me where I stated those things aren't dangerous that would be awesome.. Apparently you don't read.. The point I made was that there was more to crossfit then power lifting, and that you comparing it to power lifting was not valid.

    I lost? lol (no seriously lol)... Not sure if you've seen my pics.. Everyday I wake up I win ;) (yep, I'm that cocky)

    The "more things to crossfit" are not just Crossfit. They are "working out." You people don't own pull ups and push ups. You do own kipping and stupidly high rep sets of oly lifts.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Why bother with something if it isn't dangerous?

    How else do you think you get to be Batman?


    Free to do in the comfort of your own home. The only equipment needed is a doorway pullup bar, about 1/10th the cost of monthly Crossfit fees.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member




    Instead of asking me if I am in shape, try asking the dude who invented Crossfit if he is in shape.

  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    To be a Crossfit trainer, all that is really required is a weekend seminar. So there will be some crappy trainers and there will be some great trainers and probably a lot in between.

    The issue for me would be, how would I know if I was new to lifting etc.? It's fine to say "know your body" or "know when to stop" but if you are paying good money to for a trainer, one would assume that he/she would guide you for correct form etc.

    As a brand, Crossfit seems to really be lacking in quality control.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Congrats, you found the same 5 pictures of idiots doing CrossFit that everyone else finds... you did forget the butterfly kipping one though.

    I am not disagreeing with you people have and will get hurt. But like others have said, every sport has its idiots... and they are typically the ones that are posting videos of themselves thinking they are badass...
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    As a brand, Crossfit seems to really be lacking in quality control.

    I like it
  • butler879
    butler879 Posts: 64 Member
    Those pics / vids are funny!!. But I could walk into any gym in the country and find someone doing something stupid, incorrect, or dangerous. Congrats on finding a couple examples of ignorance.

    ALL Crossift is scalable. If you can't do the workout properly or correctly at the assigned weight then you scale it. Its the trainers jobs to identify these cases along with a little common sense.

    Crossfit is just, Olympic lifting, power lifting, gymnastics, body weight exercise, running, jump rope, ect. combined into one workout that is supervised by a trained professional.

    Can you get hurt. Sure. Have I got hurt. Yea. I had rotator cuff problems.. which I could have easily of had on so called "shoulder day" as I could have doing crossfit. I stopped with overhead movements until I healed. I avoid successive overhead movements in my programming.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Those pics / vids are funny!!. But I could walk into any gym in the country and find someone doing something stupid, incorrect, or dangerous. Congrats on finding a couple examples of ignorance.

    ALL Crossift is scalable. If you can't do the workout properly or correctly at the assigned weight then you scale it. Its the trainers jobs to identify these cases along with a little common sense.

    Crossfit is just, Olympic lifting, power lifting, gymnastics, body weight exercise, running, jump rope, ect. combined into one workout that is supervised by a trained professional.

    Can you get hurt. Sure. Have I got hurt. Yea. I had rotator cuff problems.. which I could have easily of had on so called "shoulder day" as I could have doing crossfit. I stopped with overhead movements until I healed. I avoid successive overhead movements in my programming.

    That is true, but two of them are in a box with "trainers" present. Or one at least, one appears to be on a basketball court with someone with a clip board walking around. The other is from a video of a competition.

    Do you mind explaining exactly what happened leading up to the injury?
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    Those pics / vids are funny!!. But I could walk into any gym in the country and find someone doing something stupid, incorrect, or dangerous. Congrats on finding a couple examples of ignorance.

    ALL Crossift is scalable. If you can't do the workout properly or correctly at the assigned weight then you scale it. Its the trainers jobs to identify these cases along with a little common sense.

    Crossfit is just, Olympic lifting, power lifting, gymnastics, body weight exercise, running, jump rope, ect. combined into one workout that is supervised by a trained professional.

    Can you get hurt. Sure. Have I got hurt. Yea. I had rotator cuff problems.. which I could have easily of had on so called "shoulder day" as I could have doing crossfit. I stopped with overhead movements until I healed. I avoid successive overhead movements in my programming.

    The point is that you're paying someone to make sure form etc is correct and yet it seems some trainers encourage/allow unsafe work-outs. Which is different that someone going to a gym and doing something stupid or incorrect on his own.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    WTH @ crossfit is dangerous?

    High rep sets of olympic style lifts (bad enough) for time (worse) in a group setting (terrible) comes to mind. I'll quote from one of the links I already posted:

    The fundamental idea in Crossfit is quite good and proper:
    A high intensity interval set-up can be very useful for fat loss.

    But you want to employ safe and effective exercises for this, NOT for example a Power Snatch doing 50-100+reps!

    That’s just asking for personal injury. There’s a very good reason why the really skilled lifters –Olympic Weight Lifters– who’ve been doing this since forever and a day, NEVER exceed 6 reps on explosive lifts.

    In these long sets, power is not developed –you basically train to become slow– and you’re likely to hurt the lower back, the shoulder and even the knee.

    yeah but you dont run into crossfit and grab the workout off the wall - you use common sense. You do what you are capable of and then do some more.

    I cant do 100 kettlebell power snatches. But I COULD push myself to do 100 kettlebell swings at a weight that makes sense inside a circuit of other things, like running, box jumps etc.

    I dont think CrossFit is dangerous, I just think stupidity is dangerous.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I think more people should stop trying to be safe and play so hard they get hurt for a change. When was the last time you played so hard that you fell and scraped your knee?

    20 years?

    that's not living.

    Im going to scrape up my knees asap.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member

    That is true, but two of them are in a box with "trainers" present.

    As for the one with about 8 pics of various people attempting (and majorly failing at) "cleaning"... I have seen the full video for that group and I fully believe that the so called trainer should be beaten and stripped of his rights to train anybody at anything. Like I said earlier, more often then not the complete idiots are the ones posting their "lift" videos. I will gladly give that one to you. But don't label ALL CrossFitters as incompetent morons. Some of us do know what we are doing and have amazing trainers at that.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    but there are also a ton of other exercises and technique involved that has nothing to do with power lifting.. Rowing, pull-ups, burpess, push-ups, muscle-ups, plyo jumps, jump roping, the list goes on and on and on
    Those things are not unique to crossfit.

    im all but a virgin when it comes to crossfit - like hysterically new - but im pretty sure that NOTHING is unique to crossfit... just staying.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I think more people should stop trying to be safe and play so hard they get hurt for a change. When was the last time you played so hard that you fell and scraped your knee?

    20 years?

    that's not living.

    Im going to scrape up my knees asap.

    Good idea. Let's all go tear rotator cuffs. So we can live a little more. Right.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    but there are also a ton of other exercises and technique involved that has nothing to do with power lifting.. Rowing, pull-ups, burpess, push-ups, muscle-ups, plyo jumps, jump roping, the list goes on and on and on
    Those things are not unique to crossfit.

    im all but a virgin when it comes to crossfit - like hysterically new - but im pretty sure that NOTHING is unique to crossfit... just staying.

    Go find me another program with high rep sets of olympic lifts.