shoveling snow - excellent!

sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Was asked to shovel a family friends driveway today. 733 calories burned in an hour and a half! I love my HRM! Now... unfortunately that was in addition to my workout that I had already done today. It's now 7PM... there is no way that I can eat all of my exercise calories today! What an awesome workout though!


  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Fabulous! And I bet you'll be just fine this time. And isn't it nice to find something positive in all that snow?!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Good for you! I burned 182 shoveling for a just a half hour this morning... nature's exercise opportunity- gotta love it! :bigsmile:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    That is awesome, consider it a bonus for today!! Oh, you're welcome to shovel my drive way as well. it's that wet heavy sticky stuff! hehehe
  • Where were you when I got 60 inches of snow three weeks ago? :wink: :wink:
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