Where my Zumba fanatics at!?



  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    BTW I go to a Zumba studio. The Instructor there is amazing I have an HRM and burn between 700 and -770 per class. I also just bought Zumba 2 for Wii and a Wii but havent tried it yet.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    I do a Zumba class 4 times a week! LOVE ZUMBA!!!!
  • DeneshaS
    DeneshaS Posts: 21 Member
    I love Zumba. I work out in the mornings with my command and then after work it's all about the Zumba. I started out doing the class but now I stick to my Xbox connect just because I have a lot of things going on.
  • pineappleroo
    pineappleroo Posts: 47 Member
    I do Zumba on the Wii after I put my baby to bed. Love it!! So fun!!
  • tmgibson
    tmgibson Posts: 40 Member
    I went to this website: http://caloriesburnedhq.com/zumba-calories-burned/ to get the calories burned doing zumba and added to my exercise. Not sure how accurate it is but it gives me a little over 600 calories based off my weight, mins and intensity.
  • tetracat
    tetracat Posts: 74 Member
    I :heart: Zumba. I had no idea what I was getting into when I stepped foot into my first class. It is responsible for my weight loss! I was too out of shape to do the moves so I was forced to get healthier to be able to have more fun. :smile: I have met so many people and made new friends. Zumba rocks!
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    I use a HRM- used to burn over 10 cals/minute, but after losing some weight- I now burn about 8 cals/min. Still works for me! Love the Zumba. Once I heard it's like "line dancing on crack". heehee.
  • zevizardofoz
    zevizardofoz Posts: 13 Member
    Just bought Dvd, received saturday! and trying to learn the basics. It seems really fun, but I'm sure attending a good class gives more fun and technics than the DVD! But I want to stick to it!
  • LOVE Zumba!!! I do two live classes a week. Thinking of adding a third but don't know when. :indifferent:
  • plmtrprsn
    plmtrprsn Posts: 15 Member
    After 4 years, I have become such a fan that I will become a certified instructor on November 3! If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be a fitness instructor in 2012, I would have laughed out loud in disbelief! The reality is that there just aren't enough classes in my area for me to get my fix, so I am going to get certified and add to the offerings.

    I have a friend who lost 70 lbs doing Zumba every day. She lives in a big city that can support that volume of classes. My small town has no classes offered and the larger town where I work has only 2-3 classes per week that I can get to. I do lose inches doing Zumba. (and I am currently doing Jillian Michaels DVDs to supplement.)

    Zumba is the only fitness class I have ever atteneded where I wasn't staring at the clock waiting for the class to end halfway through.
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    I used to love Zumba but my favorite instructor just got in big trouble. I think I even heard she got arrested. :devil:

    I cant beleive nobody got that...:huh:
  • dalissalee
    dalissalee Posts: 289 Member
    I went to this website: http://caloriesburnedhq.com/zumba-calories-burned/ to get the calories burned doing zumba and added to my exercise. Not sure how accurate it is but it gives me a little over 600 calories based off my weight, mins and intensity.

    I used that website prior to buying my hrm and I have to say the website does a pretty good job of estimating the calories burned. I think it was within 100 calories. I weight about 204 now and burn approx. 582 calories every hour long Zumba class.
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    Zumba Lover right here! I usually go to 3 - 4 classes per week if I can. It is the perfect stress reliever. I travel with work quite a bit so I'll even look up classes in the cities where I'm traveling to get my Zumba buzz.

    I love it!
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    Just bought the new zumba Core on Wii..... so far I love the new songs...
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    I love love LOVE it.
    Been doing it for three years now, and it has really helped me lose weight.
    I take in person classes, but the one for the Wii is fun too.
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    I used to love Zumba but my favorite instructor just got in big trouble. I think I even heard she got arrested. :devil:

    I cant beleive nobody got that...:huh:

    HA! I got it...very funny! This would be the lady from Maine right? Maybe she can teach more classes from prison.
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    I'm just getting into Zumba and I have so much fun doing it that I don't feel like I'm working out! I have one DVD at home, but it's the same routine, so now I'm taking a class at the gym! I can only get the class once per week, because the other sessions are scheduled too early for me to attend, but I go diligently and look forward to it!
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    I used to love Zumba but my favorite instructor just got in big trouble. I think I even heard she got arrested. :devil:

    I cant beleive nobody got that...:huh:

    HA! I got it...very funny! This would be the lady from Maine right? Maybe she can teach more classes from prison.

    Yes lol.
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    I attended my first Zumba Class on October 15th, 2011. I was down about 20lbs. when I started and went 2x a week, by the end of November, I was going 3x a week, and by January I joined 24 Hour Fitness so I could go all the time and save money! I now go 4-6 times a week, and am registered to get Certification on November 11th! Zumba :heart: