How Often Do You Weigh-In?



  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    every monday :) I step on the scale other days sometimes -just for fun- but dont really pay any attn. to those numbers
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    Daily, first thing in the morning.
  • Siobhan1983
    I used to daily, but that drives me nuts. I am trying really hard to only weigh in once a week now.
  • Mnecka
    Mnecka Posts: 119 Member
    I usually weigh myself every day. The fluctuation doesn't bother me much, especially when my clothes are telling a different story. But the official one is always Saturday mornings when I get up. Then I also have time to take measurements too.
  • Pattymazeika
    I weigh in once in the morning right when I get up. This helps me to keep on track for the day.
  • angelatolomeo
    I weigh in like 3 times a day, lol I know it's bad but the scale is in my bathroom & it's so hard to walk by it!
  • milabooxd
    milabooxd Posts: 2 Member
    I used to weigh myself everyday in the morning, but I'm trying to control myself and do it only once a week.
  • kaisawheel
    kaisawheel Posts: 15 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day, once in the morning post bathroom and once at night before bed. There are several reason for this, most people will disagree with my approach.

    First and foremost, the numbers on the scale do not make me depressed, sad, angry, unmotivated. If the numbers make other people feel this way, my approach may not be best for them, but , it might also relieve a lot of scale anxiety too. To each their own...

    I like weighing myself this way because it gives me solid daily examples of how my body reacts to what I eat and how I exercise. I know how much I can expect my weight to go up at the end of the day and a 16 hour five pound weight gain doesn't freak me out because I know that when I weigh myself in the morning it will be gone. I understand very well how my body is going to gain and lose water weight and I have been able to quickly identify things that will stall me - even if all my macros and my calorie intake are perfect.

    I only "keep" my morning weight and that is what I use for tracking. This number goes up and goes down, as long as it trends downward over time, I know I'm on the right track. I don't feel that waiting a week or two (or four...) for that information is helpful for me. I like the data and the more data I have, the better I can predict my future outcomes. My weight loss has increased dramatically since I gave up once weekly weighing - and the number doesn't make me crazy, now I look forward to hopping on the scale in the morning because it is a tool that is helping me reach my goals.
  • opsniht
    opsniht Posts: 48 Member
    I often weigh myself everyday, but I only log when It goes down.
  • sariannach
    I weigh whenever I feel like it, but only log it every 3-4 days. My scale is next to my computer desk, so it serves both to motivate me not to sit on my butt looking at the internet for hours, and to sate my curiosity about what the numbers are.
  • sugarterminator
    Once a week. Don't forget to be kind to yourself when your monthly cycle screws up your numbers!
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    I used to do it every day as soon as I woke up and, erm, relieved myself, but since I don't have a scale at my immediate access anymore, it's now officially Monday and Friday mornings
  • sblueyez
    sblueyez Posts: 156 Member
    Every morning. Then I will weigh at night just to make sure I'm on track. If I'm on track I should weigh about two lbs more than in the morning.

    I stopped weighing every day and that's part of how I gained 70lbs. It works for me and I don't fret when I see and increase on the scale in the evenings. If I weigh more one morning then I know I need to make adjustments throughout the week.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    a few times a week
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I usually weigh once a week, but I have noticed the scale only moves every other week. My cals are set to lose about 2 lbs/week. One week the scale will stay the same, and the next I will be down 3 lbs. So I average about 1.5/week, it all works out in the end!