Honestly... how did you start to get in shape?



  • soboss
    soboss Posts: 1
    I have tied my exercise to my TV watching. I was addicted to TV and there are certain shows I just don't want to miss. Now, to watch my TV shows, I have to be walking in place, or on my elliptical. Amazing how fast 60 minutes goes. Still not at the fastest speed, but I'm getting better.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    Once upon a time, I used to "work out." I'd go to the gym, do a few sets of bicep curls, walk for a while on the treadmill, jog once in a blue moon..

    What really got me going was P90X. It was baptism by fire. Walking column of pain I was for the first week or two. But it taught me how to really challenge my body and I haven't stopped since, even though I haven't done very many P90X videos in the last year.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    I hit rock bottom. I was overweight and depressed. I drank and smoke heavily and laid in bed all day. After two months I lost ten pounds from malnutrition, but it gave me the opportunity to continue losing weight. I started exercising to motivate myself to get out of the house. I got a job and started walking 80 minutes as commute, and started keeping track of my food by adding tons of veggies/fruits and water.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I only got back into exercising regularly a few weeks ago. At first I was all excited and wanted to go all the time however this week I am finding it hard to stay motivated. I have enjoyed doing a lot of walking but I had a muscle strain so was taking it easy yesterday. The other day, I did have a lazy moment and thought I wouldn't do it but I suddenly had that niggling feeling and didn't feel relaxed until I actually did some exercise. I find that if I do it early in the day I don't have a problem but if I delay I end up feeling lazy and don't want to go.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    after i had my baby and was given the ok to start exercise again-looking at my pre pregnancy clothes that i wanted to fit back in to got me into my workout mode, and i have never turned back since!
  • It was the summer before my senior year of high school, and I thought I'd try to lose a few pounds. So one day, I started with a routine I made up. I'd do 3 sets of lunges, planks, and push-ups, 2 or 3 times a day. That was it. I also just stopped snacking. It wasn't hard for me at the time because I wasn't stressing out about it. That was the year I became a vegetarian, too, so I suppose that helped. I didn't have a scale (which was also probably really helpful actually), but at the end of the year I stepped on a friend's scale on a whim and saw that I weighed 115 pounds. The last time I had been on a scale (maybe around a year and a half before that), I was around 130. I dropped a few pant sizes as well, going from a size 7-9 to a size 4. Since then I've explored a bit when it comes to different methods of working out. I have gained weight also, but I believe a good part of it is muscle. Unfortunately due to depression and generally being stressed out about my body, I've gotten a bit off track. However, working out is just a part of life now and I don't think that will change even if my body does.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    It started when a friend told me she was getting married in Thailand. The thought of wearing a swimsuit scared the crap outta me. I lost 10kg for the wedding and was 65kg.

    A year later I got married, and got down to 60kg.

    I floated back up to 65kg. A couple of years after that I fell pregnant. 10 days after our daughter was born I was back to 65kg. Losing those last 5kg has taken me 2yrs. I wasn't committed enough. Now I'm very committed. I ran at lunchtime in 32 degrees celcius. I am very consious of what I eat. I've finally bought into that mindset where I see junkfood as 'bad' and don't want to fill my body with fat, sugar, salt etc.
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    How did you become an active person, one who likes to work out, or manages to work out every day. What is your motivation?

    It was easy for me since my main hobby is bicycles. My motivation? Bike racing. In my first race last year, I got 90th out of 93 finishers. Since then I got on MFP, dropped weight and rode more. I did that same race last week and got 67th out of 93. Slowly but surely moving up.
  • mwgner
    mwgner Posts: 115
    These are all so wonderful! I love watching my favorite shows in the evening (even if it is a re-run). I will definitely have to try this, as well as many other items to find something I love. I thank you all so much for taking the time to reply to my question.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    1 - Remember that exercise is not a punishment for being overweight. My previous attempts to get into a workout routine failed because I saw exercise as a total drag. Now, I love it.
    2 - Find an exercise you like doing. Genuinely.
    3. Start with something manageable - say, 3 days a week. Commit to workout out 3 days no matter what.

    Say, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Weekends are tough for you it seems, so I would commit to one weekend day to get into that habit. On those days, it's not a matter of "if" you work out, but "when". For the past six months, my workout days have been Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I plan errands, social events, etc around my workouts. During the week I try to work out at lunch. If I have lunch plans or a meeting, I get up an hour early and work out at home or, if something unforeseen comes up, I work out after my daughter goes to bed. Sometimes, I will do a short workout (20 minutes instead of my usual 50-60) but it's very important to me that I get some kind of workout in, so I am fine with a short workout - it's all about maintaining the habit! I didn't work out last week because I was sick and it was hard to get back into it.
  • _jk0g_
    _jk0g_ Posts: 238 Member
    I have noticed that I start a fitness routine, and then about 5 days in (ahem, when the weekend hits) I find myself not in the mood to keep going, or telling myself that I will take a rest day and then I just can't get back in to it.

    How did you become an active person, one who likes to work out, or manages to work out every day. What is your motivation? I am trying to get myself to be a person who enjoys to work out and/or find something that I want to do every day. I would love to hear your stories.

    For me when I was 34 I thought I was having a heart attack. I has two very small children then and I know if I didn't get the weight off I would be dead by 40. It has taken nearly 2/12 years to loose 130 lbs. I still have more to go, but I will never give up.

    I started working out a our local YMCA even at 350 lbs! I was nervous people would think bad of me. That never happened. The weight came off and I started to feel better. For me I hav noticed that if I don't workout I am miserable to be around. I now workout at home doing DVDs and love running. My motivation is to be healthy and keep a positive mental attitude. Plus making exercise a priority. My family knows that when I exercise don't bother me unless it is absolutely necessary. Scheduling my workouts helps as well. I workout at 6AM. My workout is done and out of the way.

    Sorry for the long winded message.