just joined up

so hi everone i am hoping this helps me get were i want to be


  • Michshellars
    Hi! I'm just starting up again myself.
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
    i'm about a week in! feel free to add me and follow my blog http://caixgettingskinny.blogspot.com/
  • AshleyWintters
    AshleyWintters Posts: 7 Member
    I've just started as well :)
  • Paixnidiara4180
    Paixnidiara4180 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined as well. I am really hoping that I can get the motivation and tips to FINALLY succeed in losing weight. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I have been on numerous diets, some have worked but I have failed on the way. I should have lost weight since my last doctor's visit in July, yet I did NOTHING. I regret that I didn't do anything because now I do not feel comfortable in my own skin, I even hate looking in the mirror. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Good luck to those that have just joined as well. Lets stick together and drop the weight!
  • princessanna2662
    I have been on for about two weeks - I have found it extremely helpful, I have about 70lbs to lose and extremely dedicated to this journey - allways looking for a greater support system.....especially while I am watching my husband pound down my favorite baked cheetos as I write this ;-) I log daily - and am very honest so if ya'll are interested in honest polite feedback feel free to friend me!
  • DSTluv
    DSTluv Posts: 1
    HI EVERYONE. I hope this helps me to not only look good for today, but to better my life and eatting habits for tomorrow. I'm looking for a life changing experience!
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    welcome to mfp!!! ive only been on here for a short time as well but i already know i love this site/app ...hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do!!!

    feel free to add me... the more friends the better....gta keep everyone motivated!!!

    if not...good luck in your journey to a healthier life!!
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    This site is awesome. It is great to have support while trying to lose weight and change one's lifestyle to a more healthy one. I have been a member of MFP for a little over a month and have not lost much at all! I must follow that up with the fact that I am still sticking around and trying. This is the first time that I am not letting bad days here and there get me totally off track. This is the first time that I am looking at the bigger picture and am starting to believe that even though I am not seeing the loss, I am getting healthier. My stamina has increased a whole lot and I feel a lot better. I am sure the loss will follow. All of this has been possible due to the support I have found here. I would love to do the same for anyone out there that needs it.

    Good luck with your journey guys!
  • Lana1253
    I just started as well so far I find the people here are great and very supportive ..You can add me if you want and Good luck..