


  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    just done day 4, cardio recovery. well that was better than I thought!! lunges hurt tho!

    definitely a little nervous to do pure cardio tomorrow, and also meant to be heading out for a little run with a friend :)
  • Day 9 done, and today was measure/way day too. I'm happy with everything so far, although I seemed to have gained weight rather than lost it, I've gone from 84.9 kg's to 85.2kg's. I know that's very little, but was I right in expecting to loose weight at the start?
    I know weighing can be misleading, so I'm not getting hung up on it, and besides I've lost cm's from the area where my abs once lived!
    I'm also finding harder as each day passes. Initially my legs were in bits after the first few days, I've already done more squat variations than I ever wanted to... Now I'm finding that I even have to push myself through the warm up, is this normal?
    I'm developing a serious love/hate relationship with Insanity...
  • jayaprathappsg
    jayaprathappsg Posts: 60 Member
    I started today, did the fit test and man I almost threw up at the end of it. It was intense.
    Looking forward to losing some weight and belly fat
  • I am going to start insanity on Monday the 22nd. I am looking for others who are also starting right around that time for support. I am also planning on using the nutrition guide. The food choices seem reasonable and the substitute foods are good for picky eaters like me.
    I will be starting that day :)
  • justiningham
    justiningham Posts: 139 Member
    A new group for Insanity - I have been looking for others starting out.

    I started on 7th October and have just started week 3 - the first few days were hard work, but it is such a motivational exercise programme that I am loving it. I have just completed the second fit test - much better results.

    I am not following the nutrition, however I am using the calories and macros so will have 40:40:20 diet - and in the last 3 weeks been quite close to achieving this every day :¬D

    Anyway - good luck everyone!
  • LadyVeng3ance
    LadyVeng3ance Posts: 236 Member
    How hard is insanity exactly? What do you need to do it?
  • justiningham
    justiningham Posts: 139 Member
    How hard is insanity exactly? What do you need to do it?

    It is hard on the legs to start with, and you get what you put in... i.e. if its too hard you can stop, catch your breath and rejoin.

    All you need is a TV, DVD player (for the DVD's) and some space... the rest is motivation!
  • Heavyd2g
    Heavyd2g Posts: 61 Member
    I'm starting week 3 today. Good luck, follow as best you can and you will start to see results fast !
  • PattyC64
    PattyC64 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started month 2 today. AllI can say is "AHHH!!!". It's like they combined all my worst fears from Month1 into a single move. There's a move that includes push-up jacks, ski abs, plank runs, etc! Anyway, it's great. It's just a longer than Month 1. I have to modify moves, but not as much as before. I can't jump has high as they do, and my push-ups are pitiful.

    I didn't lose much in Month 1 and didn't see any results with the measuring tape. I started MFP 2 weeks ago, which has helped my results. I also read that a lot of people see their results in Month 2.

    I also bought a heart rate monitor, which I didn't have for Month 1. I burned 570 calories in today's workout!
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    17 days left of my first full run through Insanity after getting hung up with illness/life in the past. Stick with it! Dig Deeper!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hi there folks, just joined the site but I've always been curious about the INSANITY and P90X workouts. Are they something that you guys can reccomend? They seemed awful expensive to risk at, thanks!

    how much would you pay for two months of your gym membership? how much would you pay if your results were guaranteed?

    to me, you get out of something what you put into it. People that get these programs for free are the people who typically quit and don't finish. The people who commit to themselves and take a risk are the ones who benefit the most. There's something about being financially invested in something that helps motivate people.
  • I completed P90 last year and started Insanity today, can't wait to get going at the fitness test tonight, best of luck to everyone here :)

    No pain.... No gain....
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    I just finished my first week of insanity, today is my first rest day. I don't have much weight to go and I've still already lost half a pound. I feel so good when I'm done with a workout for the day. LOVE IT!
  • I am in my second week of month 2 and it is still kicking my butt! Didn't see much of a change duirng month one, which I hear is normal, but for month 2 I have gotten back into logging my food on MFP and the workouts are MUCH harder so I know I am burning more calories. I don't have a totally accurate measurement of my calories burned - I bought a cheap heartrate monitor on Amazon but it was not working - it had my heart rate at 70 during the middle of the workout, which is obiously not accurate. I may need to invest in a better one. For now I am logging my workouts as high intensity aerobics.

    I haven't done weight/measurements since starting month 2 but can already feel a difference in my clothes. As someone who has ALWAYS had a problem with keeping my motivation up, I love the MFP and insanity combo! My husband is doing P90X right now and I am deciding if I will redo insanity or do an insanity/P90X hybrid program after finishing month 2.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96
    Started week 2 today. I already feel stronger during the workout than I did last week, although the plank combos are still killing me!
  • kevokie
    kevokie Posts: 53 Member
    I just re-started Insanity today. I took the fit test. I'm ready to do this. I have fallen off the wagon a couple of times, so it's time to get serious. I want to finish before the new year if possible. If anyone would like to add me, please feel free. I like the support and giving it right back. Good luck everyone!
  • ipock
    ipock Posts: 33 Member
    Come on, y'all! S'GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
  • justiningham
    justiningham Posts: 139 Member
    ... For now I am logging my workouts as high intensity aerobics.

    Thats what I do! (unless its a recovery day and then I add it as just aerobics). Seems to work OK for me....
  • Swanz21
    Swanz21 Posts: 42 Member
    I just finished day 2, Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit, I guess finished is not quite true as I had to stop several times. What a workout. I have been walking around like a new born colt ever since I finished. Hopefully some of this soreness will go away by tomorrow. Good luck to everyone and again...I can't wait until tomorrows workout. Have a great day!!
  • DJFreeze
    DJFreeze Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I just started Insanity yesterday, and I'm really excited about it. I tried it before but never got through the second half..this time, I'm going all the way! I can't wait to see all our successes here over the next two months :)
  • What is Insanity?
  • Shay_in_shape
    Shay_in_shape Posts: 34 Member
    I've completed it once and restarted last month! So I'm doing month two but I'm not sure i ready for that yet so I might just redo month one! I love insanity and would love to have more insanity friends so we can motivate each other! Anyone feel fee to add me!
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    I just started last night with the fit test too. I was expecting to have a harder time with the strength to do the moves than the cardio of keeping moving, but it was closer to the opposite for me. Looking forward to pushing play on the real first workout tonight.

  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    Started Day 1 last night! Going to try real hard to commit to finishing the program- I get bored with videos VERY easily.
  • justiningham
    justiningham Posts: 139 Member
    What is Insanity?

    It's probably best to Google it!
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    I finish week 1 tonight, took my rest day a day early yesterday as I was feeling a little under the weather- back to pressing play tonight! :)
  • I am not in the best shape at all and I can't do a proper push up to save my life do anyone have any suggestions on alternatives to burn the same amount of calories n same body work out? Shaun T is pushing me I am trying
  • Julzmusic
    Julzmusic Posts: 48 Member
    I love insanity i'm now into my third week (half way through) and I have unfortunately (or fortunately) had to follow my turbofire plan schedule a little less strict to ensure I have the energy to fully follow the insanity program. But I still love having turbofire available to get in a HIIT workout after work or on sundays :) I will try to work out a way to do both!!!!
    Insanity = amazing :) dig deeper!
  • :wink:
  • Hi everyone!
    I just started Insanity yesterday, and I'm really excited about it. I tried it before but never got through the second half..this time, I'm going all the way! I can't wait to see all our successes here over the next two months :)
    Me too in 58 days we shall achieve congrats and good luck :)