New to this :]

Hi i have started this diet bc im getting way over weight and would love to change the way i eat.. Im 24 years old my starting weight was 222 ive lost 6 pound or water weight not for sure lol anyways.. i have lots of questions sometimes about if im doing this right....{i look at the severing size on the box and just go with the cal.. they have on the box or labels and stay under my goal or right at my goal} ...........anyways i started gaining weight when i got married and i havent stop gaining i have a full time job burrying phone line so i would like to think im pritty active. i dig holes for a liveing lol... just wish me luck and if any advice on how i should do things hit me up beat to all

just hope im doing it right


  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome to the club! We're all work-in-progress, eh? Their is a smartphone app that synchs up with this site. I find it a life saver! It has a built in bar-code scanner in the app. You scan stuff and it usually coughs up an appropriate serving size. You click to add and move on. Later, when you on the pc, it's there for you to tweak or analyze.

    Lots of good advice floating around on the boards. Good luck!
  • cobrajes
    cobrajes Posts: 17 Member
    thanx got the app :] cant wait in intill like 5 months when i start seeing a good difference.... need to prob take some pic that way it will help me see the difference in my body change
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    Definitely take some before pics! You don't have to share them, but it's good to look at the progress made over time. I also got an android app called BHF tracker that lets you plug in measurements for tracking. You could just log them in a notebook, or spreadsheet. Point is you want to see progress to stay motivated. Sometimes the scale might not move, but your waistline will.:happy:
  • cobrajes
    cobrajes Posts: 17 Member
    ight i think i will take some pic....
  • cobrajes
    cobrajes Posts: 17 Member
    well ive been stuck at 208 for about a week or two it seems like Im not very active on the fitness pal thing but i do not go over my calories tho...ive been lifting very light weights for about 3 weeks now maybe thats the reason why im not loseing weight on the scale not for sure.. u would atleast think i would drop a pound or 2 in the last week dont look at my records bc i have not been recording them on myfitnesspal
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    I lost 18 lbs very in the first 3wks and haven't budged since 10/25/12, so I feel your pain. I am no expert on lifting, but I think low weight, high reps is great for defining existing muscle - but I think it's the higher weight resistance training (pushing to fail) that tears down muscle and then rebuilds stronger.

    My understanding is that "more" lean muscle = higher BMR. That can give you a bigger calorie deficit with the same amount of food intake and break through plateaus. I am also curious about intermittent fasting, as I've read some positive things about that as well, but haven't tried it.

    Whatever the case, our bodies adjust to changes quickly and then we have to shake it up to keep the numbers moving. As for calories intake, are you using a different program to track? I find it's hard to estimate some stuff, and even now I have to scan everything in and weigh to make sure I'm not delusional about the numbers.
  • lizzards
    I am new to this as well. Two of my co-workers used this program on their phones and lost around 25lbs each in what seemed like no time! I do not know my weight right now, i might stop by wal-mart and step on a scale for free! It would drive me crazy if i owned one. I think im around 170, i used to be 145. After moving across the country to continue my college education, i fell in to a deep, long and dark depression. It lasted 4 years, I was sleeping almost 20 hours a day, and making my family and friends sad and crazy. So while i was on that roller coaster, I had many doctors trying to help me by putting me on different kinds of medicine. Some would make me eat like crazy, others made me throw up. Today i am "happy", I have come a long way from the bottom of my lonely whole and it's now time to get back to feeling and looking like me again! That's a little about me, thank you for sharing your story and i hope we can encourage each other through this important transition!
  • cobrajes
    cobrajes Posts: 17 Member
    Im really not doing nothing deiffent then yall far as counting calories i just keep them down in a note book..... my job makes it really hard to log everything so i just us a note pad i def make sure i track eveything tho i say i need to give it a little bit more time i should drop by sat... day :]
  • cobrajes
    cobrajes Posts: 17 Member
    welll this is a great way to get on track far as learning whats bad for u and good..... calories have really changed alot about where i eat and how much... the whole depression thing... well u are on the right track too make a diff in the way u look will help u feel better just changeing the way u eat should have some impact on ur self esteam........make sure u find some good friends to hang out with as wel.......u will feel alot more better if u get out of the house and do something for ur self..... make sure its something u enjoy, it will make life that much better...