Mama back on track challenge,any takers?



  • SJiqbal
    SJiqbal Posts: 19 Member
    I'm sad, fellow mamas. I unfortunately didn't lose any weight this week. I don't get it, I'm eating a lot less, not even eating any chocolate now but I can't seem to see a difference. I really hope I start seeing some progress in the coming days or I fear the worst..... Forfeiture :(

    On the plus side, I didn't gain any. Well done all of u soon to be slinky slim ladies ;)
    Dont be sad,did you take any mesurements? sometimes the scale wont sgow,but will with inches!!

    Thank you... I will take your advice about the measurements and keep on pushing through =)
  • sunnshnegrl
    sunnshnegrl Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in.
  • Last weeks weight: 217.4

    CW: 214.1

    Lost 3.3

  • Hey everyone,Ima a 28 yr old mother that has been on mfp before,got on track last yr and lost a total of 60 lbs,lost my motivation and now trying to get back on track to lose the last 40..I'm sure like every other woman,mother,student,we have busy lives and forget to take care of I need a challenge! For the next 30 days I challenge myself to focus on my health! I'm tired of feeling tired,and the 12 lbs I've gained back is no bueno.. they say it takes 30 days to make something into a habit,and that's all I need to get hooked again,so who's with me? All you got to do is report back here every week (Monday) and put down how much we've lost for that week..You can also add your personal goal,how much you want to lose,how much you want to workout,eat,etc..

    This is an open group to whoever wants to join,I want us to help one another,post when you are feeling sad,angry,hungry or bored..let's help one another!!! Also feel free to add me!! Let's go hot mamas!!!!:)

    Personal Goal: to lose 5 lbs at the end of the 30 days,workout 5 times a week at least 30 mins..drink more water,and make better food choices!!!!

    P.s.any tips are welcome:)

    I'll glady join your challenge! Let's go, we can do this!
  • checking in for my monday weigh in.
    sw 141
    cw 137.6

    Feeling pretty good, hoping I can keep it up.
  • imjustlisa
    imjustlisa Posts: 79 Member
    Hey!! I am actually starting up a similar group as well, but its through a private online facebook challenge. Thats awesome that you are ready to get back on track. I had recently stared that journey myself. Back in May i said enough was enough, and started doing Insanity... fast forward 5 months, and i've now lost 20 lbs, and gone down almost 5 sizes. I feel soooooo much better, and motivated to helping others. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part!! Great to meet you ladies! :)
    Sorry to hi-jack here but your before and after pics are great! I would love to know how you did it and how you stayed so focused and motivated! Would love to join your facebook challenge!
  • I so need to join this group! I was doing so good and then something happened - I can't track calories anymore, bored of the gym. Probably because my MFP friends are no longer on it and my gym buddy left when she became pregnant.

    I am in Langley (British Columbia), have 2 children (8 and 20 months), and need to lose 10-15 lbs!.
  • Cher2686
    Cher2686 Posts: 94 Member
    I am in... just gotta remember to come back and check in. I am needing to lose a min of 60 lbs by next year so I am aiming 10 lbs a month till xmas. I always lose faster in the winter and have a hard time in the summer so I am going to push as much as I can while I can. I need as much help as I can get.

    Age: 26 (with a 7 yr old)
    SW: 190
    GW 130 (but July 2013)
  • Just checking in (forgot to do it last night)
    1st weigh in

    SW 260.5
    CW 261

    Goals for the week water water and more water, I really need to get more water in my routine. I am now keeping a bottle on my desk and its helped but not really enough any suggestions would be great.
    Also I need to lose weight this week, but I think I did pretty good after just getting back on track this week (after a month off the wagon) and not weighing in at the first of last week (I didn't want to see the number) so I know its a gain and I shouldn't be ok with it, but I am THIS week, but never again.
  • Great job with the losses ladies. We can all do this-

    I did not meet my goal of logging everything each day. I am still trying to get through the weekends, ugh. Goal for this week log everything each day!

    Last weeks weight 339, CW 333.8.
  • Hey guys!! My first week on the "Mama Back on Track Challenge" went very well. Lost 5.8 pounds this week. Thank you for starting this challenge. This was just what I needed to get motivated.

    I also glanced at how some of you did this week and I was so happy for you! Way to go ladies!!! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    I feel I should have a better handle on things since I've been doing this for what seems like a lifetime. None-the-less, here I am still trying to get it right one day at a time. I'm a 46 year old mother of two (son-13, daughter-10). I work from home with my husband (he'd say I work FOR him, clearly he's delusional). [Shameless plug: DCMETHOD provides furnished short-term housing for folks coming into the Washington, DC area]. I've been overweight since my 10+ birth. Got as high as 331 pounds. Currently at 183.5 and have been there for a while. I've been through a number of phases on MFP. My current weight loss of 50 pounds started on Dec. 2, 2011. I was hoping to get to my goal of 170 by the anniversary date. Making my needs a priority is always a challenge as you all know, but I've simply got to do this for me. We all deserve to be FIT and FABULOUS so LET'S DO THIS! Feel free to add me.
  • bsdive
    bsdive Posts: 70 Member
    I guess I should join this too... I am 36, almost 37, and have about 40 lbs. to lose. I've been at a standstill for a couple months now. It's not really a plateau because I know what I am doing wrong - eating and drinking too many calories. I have gotten into way more exercise and fitness this year, but then I eat back all my exercise calories and then some. So what I really need to focus on is not rewarding myself with too much food/wine every time I have a good workout.

    I am running 3 - 4 times a week and then doing some light strength training 2 - 3 times a week, so I'll just continue that. I just need to stick to my calorie goals. I'd love to lose 4 lbs. this month.

    This is me! I am at a standstill, actually have gained 3 pounds since August- am working out 5-6 days a week but eating it all back at the end of the day when I am starving! It seems that I focus on exercise and my diet falls about or I focus on diet and my exercise falls apart- I just need to get it together!
  • Hey,how's everyone doing? Just checking on your progress,I didn't eat too well yesterday,but it didn't effect my weight at all. So happy about that.Ima try to workout today n tomorrow,then I have the whole weekend off so I have no excuse!!
  • dawnkykong
    dawnkykong Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in! I need to get back on track as well! I keep starting Insanity and then quitting...I get bored. Going to start again today and hopefully I can stick to it! Add me!! I have about 10-15 pounds to lose (I think?)...I'm not sure how much exactly...Just want to be comfortable in my own skin. :/
  • This is my day ,thankyou would love to be in group.,.I will log all foods I want. To.lose 5 pounds sw 140. Goal weight for month 135.exercise 5x a week I'm so thank full for the challenge .this is what I need .
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    I'm in! I lost 30 lbs in winter 2010. Gained 10 back in summer of 2011 (6 months later, ugg). Stayed there until Spring 2012 when I gained another 10 lbs. I'm now ready to lose what I have gained back. I was happy at my 30 lb loss so that is where I plan to journey to.

    SW (2010): 179
    CW: 162
    GW: 145-150 depends on how I feel when I get there.

    30 day goals:
    1- Plan all my food for the day ahead of time and eat that and nothing else.
    2- Stay within my alloted calories for the day.
    3- Exercise 30 min/day at least. Even if it's just a walk around the block.
    4- Drink more water and less beer. :wink:

    Not really concerned about how much weight I might lose in the next 30 days. I feel like if I can get these things in order then the weight will start to drop off. I also want to be accurate with my cals in and out so I can figure out what my real TDEE is. I'm going to stay as consistent as possible for science sake. Good luck everyone. I will do my best to check back every Monday.
  • Foie_gras
    Foie_gras Posts: 19 Member
    Congrats, ladies!

    Today was my weigh-in day. I'm down 3.5 pounds since last Wednesday, but I don't know if that's a real number. I was sick earlier this week, so I didn't eat very well. I guess we'll see!

    My goal is to lose 1.5-2 pounds a week. That means I am going to have to up my exercise, so there's another goal: up my exercise.
  • v_wich86
    v_wich86 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey everyone, This looks like a great idea and I'd love to join the challenge:)

    CW: 196
    30 day GW: under 190
    Long term GW: 150

    Things I will shoot for this week: Drink more water, exercise at least 3 times.

    Good luck everyone!
  • linzisparkles
    linzisparkles Posts: 42 Member
    My goal was to lost 4 pounds this month and I've lost 7 in just over two weeks ;D