Having 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed

sicoe17 Posts: 120 Member
In just over 24 hours I'm having all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth removed. I will be completely under for it and am expected to be pretty loaded (Vicodin) for the next few days. My question is, should I bump my calories up to maintenance for the next week or so to insure proper nutrition for recovery? Or proceed with my deficit?
Thanks in advance. I'm a little nervous as I've never had surgery or been under. I'm sorta stressing over every little detail.


  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    I'm sorta stressing over every little detail.
    Yeah, no kidding. Don't worry about it and stick to the deficit.
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    Something tells me after the removal of 4 wisdom teeth you won't be eating much of anything for a while!
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    Feeling your pain, I had this done about 20 years ago, other than a rather fetching chipmunk-cheeks look for a couple of days I'm sure you will sail right through it. I alternated between hot water bottle and ice-pack to bring down the cheeks, and that helped. I had been eating mush for months and was glad to get back to adult food that required chewing shortly thereafter! Stick to the healthy eating, I reckon.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    In just over 24 hours I'm having all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth removed. I will be completely under for it and am expected to be pretty loaded (Vicodin) for the next few days. My question is, should I bump my calories up to maintenance for the next week or so to insure proper nutrition for recovery? Or proceed with my deficit?
    Thanks in advance. I'm a little nervous as I've never had surgery or been under. I'm sorta stressing over every little detail.

    Not sure on your actually question, but don't stress so much about the wisdom teeth extraction - I had all four of mine out and went home to a dinner of chips, sausages and beans which I ate every bit of. Hopefully you will be lucky and not have too much pain like me.

    Thinking good thoughts for you :wink:
  • lulu9663
    lulu9663 Posts: 57 Member
    You're not gonna be eating much of anything. Sorry :(

    When I had mine taken out, all I could eat was macaroni and cheese, and some ice cream. And for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT eat anything that is hot. If you eat hot foods after having your wisdom teeth out, it can cause you to get dry socket. It is seriously painful. It feels like being repeatedly stabbed in the face.

    Other than that, you'll be so drugged up, you probably won't know what day it is. Let alone remembering to eat anything.

    Good luck. Make sure you sleep most of the time. It'll keep you from moving your mouth too much.
  • sicoe17
    sicoe17 Posts: 120 Member
    Ok, thanks everyone. I'm not goin to worry about it, I'll just eat whatever feels manageable.

    And thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    I had mine done 2 years ago, all four removed. I got by eating mashed potato, soft pasta in sauces, porridge and soups. It will feel uncomfortable and you will get frustrated but give it time and you'll be back to normal. Just make sure you use mouthwash after eating to clean the extratcion sites. Also avoid using straws as you can dislodge the blood clots. Just have small amounts.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    Dont' worry about kcals.
    My stitches were tight and I couldn't eat for 5 days...

    but in general when sick (fe when I was recovering from surgery) I always go on maintenance. No need to stress body with deficit when it already is going through stuff
  • kage5678
    kage5678 Posts: 29 Member
    I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth out years ago and I demanded mum stopped so I could get a McDonald's fillet o fish on the way home, 1/ because I was HUNGRY 2/ because it was soft food and 3/ because back then in my brain fillet of fish was some kind of comfort food (I cannot remember EVER eating one unless I was sick or injured lol). You will probably be concentrating on soft foods for a few days. TBH for me I wouldn't worry to much about calories, try to eat healthily what you can manage for a few days.

    Good luck, for me it was no where near as bad as I imagined, hope you are the same :)
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I ate nothing but soup for the few days after I had my wisdom teeth removed and I put on weight! Good luck!
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    You won't be able to actually chew anything for at least a day...I couldn't even talk for six hours after mine. Just enjoy all the soups and smoothies you can and you'll be fine in like 3 days.
  • Lisashoreson
    Lisashoreson Posts: 4 Member
    I had all 4 my wisdom teeth removed and belive me you wont be eating much at all,think i eat scrambled eggs and yogurt for about 2 weeks its not nice at all! good luck! x
  • sicoe17
    sicoe17 Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks again everyone. Sounds like I should load up on the soup and kefir.

    My brother also recommended Italian ice, cuz of the cold.
  • bloodysore
    bloodysore Posts: 77 Member
    Oh no fair you get to have keifer! I might have to steal some while I'm being your hand maiden. ;)
    P.s PEAS!
  • Go with the calorie deficit.

    Not going to lie.... I swallowed so much blood I threw up a blood clot.
    Sleep as much as you can IMO.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    DO NOT try to suck anything through a straw! That really hurts. Otherwise soft foods for a few days and you should be fine. It was far better than any other surgery I've ever had.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I had all 4 removed at once...best way to do it. One shot out of there. Your food intake is going to be quite limited on its own accord. Listen to the doctors. You'll be fine. I was out of it only on the day of surgery and the next day was back to walking my dog. I was sore, but fine. I think I only took 1-2 of the pain meds. After my stitches were taken out I resumed normal eating is when I actually had the most soreness, but really overall you'll be A-OK!!!!! However, I'm a big believer that there are a few times in life where deficits in calories aren't as important and during the healing process is one of them. I would worry more about getting the proper nutrition and not the calorie intake during this time. Best wishes!!!!!!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I had mine removed last fall. I wasn't put out for mine, was wide awake. Just numbed. The first 24 hours are the worst. But the dentist gave really good drugs. Like others said you won't be eating much for the first 24 to 48 hours. Also be on the lookout for dry sockets. They can be quite painful and can be deadly if left untreated. For the first week I wouldn't really worry about what you are eating as it will be mostly mushy food.. Week two is better but you still won't be back to your normal eating.
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    I had all four removed a few years ago. I ate a lot of soups (veggie by blender), omelets & smoothies (by spoon). My favorite go to was twiced baked potatoes *nomnom* My macros were filled and all was well. I was maintaining at the time and didn't lose or gain. I did enjoy the few days off of sleep - lots of sleep lol

    You'll be great, don't sweat it! :flowerforyou:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Something tells me after the removal of 4 wisdom teeth you won't be eating much of anything for a while!

    Yeah. I lost quite a few pounds while recovering from mine, and I wasn't trying... my pain meds made me nauseous. Stock up on soft foods. Soup, jello, mashed potatoes, protein shakes, smoothies.