how often do you weigh yourself?



  • I weigh myself once a week, every Friday morning at the same time. It's pointless weighing yourself twice a day or everyday as your body weight fluctuates etc unless for medical reasons of course.
  • Tyrone_S
    Tyrone_S Posts: 94 Member
    Only once each week, sometimes fortnight. Same day, same time, same clothes, same scale. Will not go near a scale in between weigh-ins.

    The longer wait does wonders for my motivation. I spend the week wondering, have I done enough? Am I doing enough? I never really know if I am on-track or not and it pushes me harder because I don't want to be disappointed for that one weigh In that I allow myself each week.

    Since I have been doing that I have seen massive improvements EVERY SINGLE WEEK.
  • John2347
    John2347 Posts: 336 Member
    I weigh myself like 5 times a day due to being a wrestler for 8 years and having to make weight by 1/10 of a lb increments was very difficult sometimes. So due to the wrestler in me, having to cut weight drastically and unhealthily, I weigh myself like 5+times per day.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    I weigh every Monday morning.

    I'd like to do once a month.....not sure i'd stick to it though! I'm sooooo weak!
  • In the morning after my morning wee :)
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I used to weigh in daily and became obsessed with it and discouraged if I saw either a gain or no progress. This time around I'm sticking to once a week for weight and once a month for measurements. I've gone as far as taking the batteries out of the scale and putting them in another room so I'm not tempted to step on it every day.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Oh and when I was gaining weight I barely weighed myself. Maybe once every couple of months or something just to see.
  • Kaydana123
    Kaydana123 Posts: 71 Member
    Every morning, before eating or drinking anything.

    I put each measurement in a spreadsheet so I can make a graph so I can see any trends (this isn't obsession with weight loss, I'm just a numbers nerd at heart and if I CAN make a graph you can bet I'm going to!). If the general trend is down, then I know I'm doing something right, and if the trend is upwards or not changing then I know it's time to try something new.

    I'm not the type of person to get upset over every slight increase and logging every day gives me a better indication of trends than logging once a week does.
  • mwgner
    mwgner Posts: 115
    I step on the scale every morning Monday - Friday, just to see where I am at. I officially count Friday as my weekly weigh in. I am just curious to see how my body fluctuates in weight through out the week.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Once a week at the gym because it's accurate.

    This is what I do. Usually Sunday mornings so I have some sort of baseline time/day since I usually go to the gym the same time on Sundays. That, and I don't own a scale because if I owned one I would weigh myself all. the. time.
  • teamgoodnews
    teamgoodnews Posts: 17 Member
    Every morning. I just got a new scale, an analogue one (I thought seeing my weight push a needle less far would more motivating than just numbers) and I can only really estimate my weight within a pound. So, looking at my weight more than once a day, it all sort of looks the same.

    Still, my weight changes a ton throughout the day, and freaks me out. I wish I only weighed myself once a week but I sort of need daily motivation.
  • Tann19
    Tann19 Posts: 94 Member
    Everyday, sometimes twice a day, in morning and at nights when I get home. Fluctuations don't bother me, even a 5 pound increase in one day isn't an issue, but if I see it consistently going up over several days then I know I need to do something different. If you're going to obsess about it, then you shouldn't weigh yourself often.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Every day, except recently because I REALLY wanna see the scale move- but I only log my weight once a week!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I weigh in every morning after the first pee. I've always done it, and will continue to do so until I reach my goal.
  • teamgoodnews
    teamgoodnews Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh in every morning after the first pee.

    This is exactly what I do too, love this.
  • I would say once an hour. I weigh myself every time I go to the bathroom. It's like that because I have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and I'm obsessed with watching each pound drop. I also find it motivational to watch as the numbers go up as I eat, then I don't feel like eating anymore.

    Though, weighing yourself that often is not good for your mental health, and you could end up getting bigger issues with it if you don't stop.
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    Usually once a day . Just to keep track. If I don't I let myself go. lol
  • FitGirl329
    FitGirl329 Posts: 103 Member
    Once a week only. Things fluctuate so much on a day to day basis that I find it pointless to do it daily. I do it roughly the same day/time every week. But even if the number doesn't change and I can tell my body is changing, I'm good with that. I try to not focus too much on the scale. Sometimes I skip a week or two.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Why would I want to do that? ;) the scale can bite me..
  • around every 2-3 days :)