Giving up tea and caffine



  • Hi guys,

    I thought I would just see what you thought about some info that I was given at the health MOT I had at the gym last week.

    The main thing that has come out of it from the Health Advisor is that I need to seriously cut cups of tea and caffine out of my diet. He said a couple a day is fine but I was drinking about 7 a day and he said this is really bad for weight loss. I asked if de-caf tea is ok and he said no because it's still full of toxins.

    I've been on the herbal teas and water for a week now which has been really hard, but has anyoen else been told this? Most people I know seem to be quite surprised by it. I'm still in the early stages and I have defintely noticed some benefites such as being able to get up much easier and earlier in the morning but I haven't noticed much in the weight loss department.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I've already given up a lot. I'm not giving up coffee.
  • You must be Irish as they drink more tea than any other country.
    But to answer your question
    A cup of black tea has 5 calories
  • DebraAukett
    DebraAukett Posts: 128 Member
    i still drink 3 cups of coffee a day, with sweetner and skim milk. I don't think it harmed my efforts to lose weight
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi there 2 months ago I went from about 6 coffees + 1 sugar and 2 teas a day, to 2 cups of coffee with skim milk (no sugar) in the morning before 830, I sleep a hell of a lot better and I do appear to have more energy but this may be due to other healthy changes made.

    Now i read a book the lean and clean diet and the author had a lot to say about caffeine, so I'll put a condensed write up :

    Coffee can actually burn fat, give you antioxidents & improve performance in the gym. But when you have too much it becomes fattening because it places stress on the adrenal glands, disturbs sleep, dehydrates you and stops you drinking enough water. The author recommends 1 cup of organic coffee a day, why organic? Coffee uses a hell of a lot of pesticide, its a valuable crop and they want the most from it. quote James Duigan

    Best of luck cutting back worked for me, as did the exercise and clean eating but im sure it helped :)
  • I've already given up a lot. I'm not giving up coffee.

    ^^This. At least for now.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Look up "swiss water decaf". No toxins. There's something to be said about having SOME caffeine in your diet though; research shows that regular caffeine drinkers have a lower rate of occurrence of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, liver cirrhosis, and gallstones.

    You'll have to pry coffee from my cold dead hands.
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    I've heard tea contains something that can block your absoprtion of Iron. I'm not saying this is true but if you drink to much you run the risk of becominc anemic. Now, this could be a bunch of crap but you'd have to do more research.
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    Hi there 2 months ago I went from about 6 coffees + 1 sugar and 2 teas a day, to 2 cups of coffee with skim milk (no sugar) in the morning before 830, I sleep a hell of a lot better and I do appear to have more energy but this may be due to other healthy changes made.

    Now i read a book the lean and clean diet and the author had a lot to say about caffeine, so I'll put a condensed write up :

    Coffee can actually burn fat, give you antioxidents & improve performance in the gym. But when you have too much it becomes fattening because it places stress on the adrenal glands, disturbs sleep, dehydrates you and stops you drinking enough water. The author recommends 1 cup of organic coffee a day, why organic? Coffee uses a hell of a lot of pesticide, its a valuable crop and they want the most from it. quote James Duigan

    Best of luck cutting back worked for me, as did the exercise and clean eating but im sure it helped :)

    I find this information helpful. You seem to drink about the same amount of coffee as me, and around the same time of day, and I do find that I can easily relax and fall asleep at night. :)
    And I know that many sports doctors will advise athletes to have a cup of coffee roughly and hour to a half hour before a competition because it increases performance... but I think it's something you have to really monitor and control to when and if it's right for you. I drank a cup of coffee on the weekend about 2 hours before my volleyball game, and i was a jittery mess. :P
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    glad it helped its a great book, i recommend it, opened my eyes to what I put in my body. Also since i drink a lot less coffee I drink a lot more water easy 8 cups a day :)
  • cctc21np
    cctc21np Posts: 25 Member
  • cctc21np
    cctc21np Posts: 25 Member
    I've already given up a lot. I'm not giving up coffee.

    Yes! This!