when will I notice the difference???

So I've lost 25 lbs so far , which I know sounds o.k but I can see no difference in my appearence! nor so it seems can anyone else.When will I start to notice that I'm actualy losing weight?


  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I tend to notice my difference first in my thighs (I'm a horseback rider, so they've always been strong and big, but they get tighter) and then I lose back fat. Did you do measurements before you started? If not, I recommend doing those now. Also, is there somebody you don't see as frequently? I'm 20 pounds down, but my closest friends don't see it yet because they see me daily. My husband feels it (back fat, ew), but I don't see his almost 20 pounds of weight loss. What about your clothes? Do you have a pair of jeans (or bra, or whatever) that was about 1/2 a size too small? I bet if you try some old skinnier clothes on, you might be surprised :smile:

    Either way - 25 pounds! That's huge! Did you see that load of fat that was posted early this morning? You've lost 5 of those!! Keep it up, keep your eyes on the prize, and you'll start to notice soon :):flowerforyou:
  • TwentyTen
    Congrats on being 25 lbs down , that is a great accomplishment!! I do not have an answer for you myself. Heck, I am only 5 down and wondering why I can't see it. I hear people are different, some see inches first, some see the scale first. Also I am seeing alot of posts from people who have lost twice that much and claim they aren't noticing. Have you measured inches?

    Either way , don't let it discourage you, you are well on your way, and one day you will wake up and discover you need a whole new wardrobe. Hang in there Ellie!
  • maria181
    You might only notice small changes first, but they count big: a button that you formerly could not button on a coat, being lighter on your feet when you get out of bed in the morning, less fullness in your face. Don't overlook these important small changes that mean your body is on its way to a brand new way of being!
  • kevcar0603
    kevcar0603 Posts: 18 Member
    I've lost 23 lbs since the beginning of January and I can see it now. I still have a long way to go, but I see the difference, especially from the side. I also took measurements in the beginning and have lost inches. My clothes are loose-fitting now. Congratulations on your weight loss!!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I noticed first in my chest, then my face, then my belly. Did you take your measurements when you started? Maybe you can't see a difference but you should be able to measure it.

    By looking at your ticker it looks like we have similiar weights to lose - No one really noticed on me until I reached the 30-35 pounds lost. Though, I did have people say later that they thought they noticed a difference earlier but didn't want to say anything until they were sure because they didn't want to hurt my feelings if I hadn't lost wieght.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    According to your ticker, it looks like we started with about the same amount of weight to lose and people started noticing before I really did. I noticed in the way my clothes were fitting but I couldn't really tell otherwise. One person noticed at around 20 pounds (I think she just asked because she saw me walking at lunch & was trying to be nice) but everyone else really started noticing and approaching me at about 30-35 lost. It was weird because it was like I was at work one day and no one said anything to me, then the next day 4 or 5 different people came up to me to comment.

    Now I see a huge difference in myself and people are making the "you're wasting away" type comments. People I don't even know at work in different departments (I work in HR) are making special trips to my office to comment now. :laugh:
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Are you able to wear smaller, better fitting clothes? My mom lost about 30 lbs. a few years ago but continued wearing the same clothes because nobody really noticed any difference including herself. She was getting really discouraged because no one noticed anything. She took measurements and such, all said that she had lost inches. We finally convinced her to get some new clothes that fit her better. She went shopping (felt better because she was buying smaller sizes) and wore her new clothes to work the next day. That's when people noticed. They said that they thought she looked smaller but she was wearing the same clothes so they weren't sure. When she wore the new clothes they could really see the difference. :O)
  • lovemyboys27
    I've been taking pictures once a month, and comparing them to my start, and that's the only way I can tell... A friend of mine I hadn't seen in a while noticed but everyone else has yet to notice anything.
  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    Congrats on the 25lbs lost.........Now for myself personally I don't see a difference....I've lost a total of 14 lbs since I started losing weight, even though on here it says 11.........See if your clothes are fitting a bit looser......not only that.....but are you wearing the same clothes you wore 25lbs ago?? Go to the store, try something on thats a smaller size and see how they fit. Like the others have said......its harder to see it when you see the person all the time...When you run into people who haven't seen you for awhile, guaranteed they will notice.........Keep your chin up, you're doing great!!
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    I've lost 15lb so far and no one has noticed on me, I don't really see it in myself either though. I don't let it get me down, even though I crave the "you look great" comments so bad! But by not getting them, maybe I just don't look great yet. It's kind of a backwards inspiration to keep working harder to reach my goals. I also see it as like my little secret, like people might start to notice soon but I knew all along! Keep pluggin away at that weight and you will get there! Congrats on the 25lbs too! Man, I can't wait to get there! Good luck my dear
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Several people have already said this, but for me it wasn't until about 30 pounds that people started to mention it. I had a couple students say something earlier, but they knew I was trying to lose weight. Stick with it. I really enjoyed the day that the football coach asked me how much I'd lost, and then said that I was looking good:bigsmile: When I told DH he just rolled his eyes and sighed. I asked him if he was get on Coach for "hitting" on me, and DH's reply was, "I've lost too much weight. I wouldn't dare take him on now.":laugh: I still think DH could take him, but Coach IS a very large guy (tall AND wide:wink: ).

    It'll happen. Just you wait. Pull out your "skinny pants" and wear them one day. Put on a shirt that is a little tighter than you would have worn before. You'd be amazed how people will notice when they aren't seeing the same old you.

    Keep up the good work!
  • thisemmabites
    I JUST noticed the difference. I thought I'd try a smaller pair of jeans on... and amazingly they fit! I also looked through photos from before I started and I really see it in my face. Keep up the hard work! It's hard for us to notice the changes when we look at ourselves every day and only see the weight we have left to go.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Before I had my daughter and this time around it was at about 30 or 35 that anyone started noticing. My co-work who I saw once a week (so not every day) didn't notice the last time until I was at about 40. I think it depends on how much you share with people what you are doing. I've also received more compliments this time around because I'm working out and eating healthy so I look healthier, not just thiner. Even if people or you don't notice it, your body notices and thanks you for making it a healthier running machine :flowerforyou:
    Great work!!! Keep up the good work! :drinker:
  • Ellie113
    Thanks for the words of encouragement ladies. I haven't taken any measurements yet ( thought that may be a bit too much after the shock of weighing myself for the first time in 6 yrs!!). I think that is on my to do list now, also I think I may invest in some new clothes as a few ppl suggested,................thanks for the support, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that has these thoughts. x
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Ellie, I've lost about 21 lbs since Jan 18th and no one has noticed either. People at work know that I am dieting and I've told them how much I've lost and they just say wow, that's great, but can't tell. My own husband of 23 years can't tell !!! I have noticed that my jeans fit me a little more comfortable and that I've tighten my belt down another hole, other than that, nope, can't see any difference. I agree with that if people see you frequently, they don't seem to notice. My daughter is coming home for Spring Break on March 13th, she will be my test. She has not seen me since Jan 18th, when I started with MFP. If she can't tell, oh well, guess I have to keep loosing until it is noticeable to everyone! :bigsmile:
  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    I agree with everyone above........like I said i'm down 16 pounds now.......and people at work who know i'm dieting ask what i've lost and I tell them and they say thats awesome.....but in the same sense, i'm a nurse and being in scrubs all the time, you really can't tell with them on.......haha, Today though after I came back from my Zumba class.....I had sweats and a tank top on, and I asked my fiance if he noticed any change.......haha, he thought I was setting him up......but after he really looked at me, and looked at a pic of me on the dresser from before, he said........Yes, I can see a difference........you slimmer up top and your belly is getting smaller........well needless to say, that made me feel like flying.........Like I said though, keep up the great work, and believe me they WILL notice!!!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I've lost about 19 pounds, and I really see it in my face. Not so much anywhere else.