Weight Loss Help NEEDED

Back in July I visited my endocrinologist and she told me that I needed to lose weight. She gave me a choice of an 1800 or 1500 calorie diet. I did NOTHING and have not lost any weight, I think I even gained some. I used to have the motivation to eat right and now I just don't care. I eat when I'm bored, when I'm sad and sometimes I don't eat at all. I know that I have messed up my metabolism by yo-yo dieting, but enough is enough. I need to get on track. I used to diet to make my mother happy, but she will never be happy with the way I look, so now I just need to do this for me and NO ONE ELSE!!! I am going to do this on my own, but I hope that all of you will be my moral support. I know I can use it. The doctor will be disappointed and probably upset with me for not losing and gaining. Please HELP ME!!! I don't like how I look in pictures and how I feel. Any tips and suggestions about anything health, diet, and exercise related will be greatly appreciated!


  • julesan902
    julesan902 Posts: 79 Member
    Counting calories is one of the best ways to keep track of everything, and a huge factor in losing weight. Also, you need to stay committed. You need to weigh yourself and think, "this is the last time i'll weigh this much," and just give'r. What kind of routine are you looking for? A weightlifting regime with cardio, strictly cardio? This may help you in your weight loss journey.

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I did NOTHING and have not lost any weight, I think I even gained some. I used to have the motivation to eat right and now I just don't care.

    . Please HELP ME!!! I don't like how I look in pictures and how I feel. Any tips and suggestions about anything health, diet, and exercise related will be greatly appreciated!

    really? since doing nothing didnt work, .............do something. DUH

    quit whining and start eating right and walking. Good god. you are 32 years old and you are whining like a spoiled 12 year old.
  • wendylou224
    wendylou224 Posts: 40 Member
    If i can do it so can you. Don't think of it as a diet, its a life style change.

    I did a 1200 calorie/day (that's what mfp suggested for loosing 2 lbs a week). I also walked at least 30 mins a day. usually just after dinner, instead of sitting on the couch watching tv. This is key. You need some cardio and walking is great. if you are sad, go for a walk, if you are bored, go for a walk, you get the picture. And change your route so you don't get bored with the same walk.

    I bought a kitchen scale, measuring cups, and measuring spoons. If 4oz of something is a portion size then that's what I have. It can be tough at first if you are used to having more, but then you get into the healthy lifestyle and you feel icky if you over eat.

    Bags of chips should never leave the kitchen. drink lots of water. I prefer water now to sodas and even sweet tea.

    and i also take 2 gummy multi-vitamins every morning. and i log them on mfp since they are 5 calories each. They are a great B vitamin boost.
  • start out just walking, make it a daily thing. Have a goal to reach, once reached (no matter how short) then add to it! Once you see progress, even if it is a small one, it will influence you to keep doing it and reaching each goal! but you have to start, doing nothing isn't going to make you feel any better!! Good Luck
  • Jozie236
    Jozie236 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in a program where we are taught to eat every 4-6 hours, have 14 grams of protein per meal, stay within our calorie range (use 1 lb per week), not to eat our exercise calories back, and to try to incorporate physical activity into our lives. That's it - nothing is off limits. Honestly, to stay within your calories most days you are going to be forced to make healthy choices. It's not even about being perfect every day, or ever week, it's basically that if you try, really try, over a long enough period of itme you eventually see a benefit.
  • Paixnidiara4180
    Paixnidiara4180 Posts: 12 Member
    To those that gave me support and suggestions I THANK YOU!!!! This will help me tremendously. To the very RUDE Dave, it's people like you that make others feel about themselves. Please do not reply to any of my posts again. I need motivation and support, not someone telling me I am whining like a spoiled 12 year old. I get enough of the you are fat and do something at home, but when I do do something I don't get a good job, keep up the good work I get lose more. When is it going to be enough??? Anyhow, thank you to all the positive posts as of now. I really appreciate it!
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    you can't cheat life forever it will eventually catch up to you...
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Ok, ONE person was mean, others offered you suggestions. I was going to be nice and offer you suggestions as well but you have to be open for them and ready to change. It really isn't that hard-like another poster said, think of it as a lifestyle change. I can still eat what I want if I crave something if it meets my goals. Look at small pictures not the whole big picture-one day at a time.
  • melissawilson21
    melissawilson21 Posts: 74 Member
    I wouldn't go down to their level and I wouldn't leave the website, there are some amazingly motivational people on here. I know with thyroid problems and etc it is hard to get energy and the nerve to get up and go exercise and work on the eating habits.. but look at yourself in the mirror just as I have and reflect about who you want to be and make this your top goal. Don't let eating take over your life, eating is fun and great but we have to learn to control ourselves, support and admitting that is the first step. We can do this!!
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    It's people like you that make me leave message boards. I asked for suggestions and tips, some motivation, NOT someone to be rude to me. so thank, I think I will be leaving this website. Being the way you are doesn't help or motivate people it upsets them. You are rude. You don't know me to know what I have been through or am going through.

    as someone who has been in your shoes nobody can motivate you but yourself... people can tell you what they did what you need to do and everything else under the sun but until you muster up the strength to get your *kitten* off that couch and close that fridge nobody will or can motivate you.

    motivation comes from within... motivation is telling your body what it will do instead of your body telling you what it doesnt want to do.

    the only advice i can give you is start slow just eat a little better than exercise a bit and slowly you will start to notice the results... as your conditioning improves so should the intensity of your exercising...

    i see a man with one leg working out at my gym so i have all my digits in tact there is no excuse why my *kitten* shouldnt be in there working out
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    My suggestion is to not deprive yourself of the foods you love but to cut them down in moderation. If you do this as a diet you will more than likely fail so look at it as a lifestyle change instead. Just make sure you enjoy the foods your eating as that is the key to success along with watching your calorie intake
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Just do it!!! Then get up tomorrow and do it again...repeat!!! :wink:
  • laurastomlin
    laurastomlin Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, ONE person was mean, others offered you suggestions. I was going to be nice and offer you suggestions as well but you have to be open for them and ready to change. It really isn't that hard-like another poster said, think of it as a lifestyle change. I can still eat what I want if I crave something if it meets my goals. Look at small pictures not the whole big picture-one day at a time.

    Yes, I was going to mention that also...only that one person was mean and the rest took the time to give you their thoughts, tips and suggestions. If you are going to give up that easily, maybe you are just looking for an excuse...not to be mean, just honest. When you make up YOUR mind to get healthy, you will...remember, it's all YOU! Good luck and remember, nothing tastes as good as feeling healthy feels :)
  • Paixnidiara4180
    Paixnidiara4180 Posts: 12 Member
    Well, I am sticking to this. No one will get me down. I have dealt with being made fun of my entire life, especially from my mom, one mean person isn't going to break me now. Anyhow, thank you to all that gave me tips and suggestions, please keep them coming. I am enjoying reading what everyone has been saying. You are motivating in the right direction, unlike that mean person. Hope to hear some more advice. I am taking Metformin, thyroid medication and have PCOS along with insulin resistance. They have added to the extra weight, but I know it's how I have treated my body in the past and what I have and have not done that has gotten me to where I am right now.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    It was hard for me to get motivated at the beginning too. I technically started dieting March 2, 2012. But, the weight didn't really start coming off until the end of July. I've lost 50+ pounds since then. March to April, I did great. May to July, awful. I only started really getting motivated when I stopped making it about everyone else, and decided to lose weight for myself. Sure, I want to lose weight to look good, but it has to be more than just looks. I got to 325 pounds, and I was a whale. The picture that snapped me into focus was of me, sitting down and like three stomachs were hanging there. I was furious. Needless to say, it was a wake up call. You have to find your wake up call, and be motivated with that. As for the mom thing, yeahhh... I dealt with that too. But, my mom changed after my father passed away. So, IDK how to help with that. Moms will be moms. :(

    Also, tips to speed up metabolism:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
    2. Eat 6 times a day, small meals--around 250-300 calories each time.
    3. Eat breakfast, every day, even if you're not hungry.
    4. While exercising, drink plenty of water.

    Those are tips that I've learned about metabolism. I'm sure there are a ton more.