When you fall off the wagon?



  • SabrinaLily
    Hey Sparkle! I posted a similar topic under this thread called "Sabotaging Myself" cause lord knows I fall off the wagon atleast one day a week and then punish myself for it by eating more crap! A lot of wonderful people responded so feel free to check it out or friend me. But long story short, this is the conclusion I've come to. It seems every Sunday I fall off the wagon but then come Monday, I pick myself back up. I may have lost 3 pounds and then gain 1-2 back and I used to see this as defeat. I don't allow myself to see it that way now. Now, I tell myself, yeah, you gained some (if not most all) of the weight back, but I still weigh less than I started out at, whether it's 2 pounds or 20! I am still lighter, I am still making progress even if it's very slow. That keeps me feeling a little more encouraged so I pick back up again from where I fell off. Like I said, I fall off damn near once a week, if not twice. Don't give up though! PICK BACK UP. So what if you had a bad day? That's still better than when you (or me, at least) were being bad 7 days a week and doing nothing about it! I've only lost 5 pounds but it's been a lot of work, a lot of back-and-forth to get those 5 off. Don't give up! No matter what you've lost or what you've gained back, you've put WAY too much hard work in to give up now! :)))

    PS: I dont log on the days I fall off the wagon cause lord, sometimes I'm eating or drinking more than I can count. You don't need the log to tell you that. Don't feel bad about that. If seeing you ate 5,000 calories one day is just going to make you feel worse and go further off the deep end, than it's better not to log it! Whatever helps you is what you should do!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I log everything even if it's bad. I like being able to look back and see how much better I've gotten over the months and also try to figure out why I slipped when I did (because I still do). I also think there's no point to not logging it just because it's not ideal...doesn't make it not true if you don't log it. The only exception is that I've decided to stop tracking weekends but that's because I'm at maintenance and I can't accurately track weekends so I've decided to skip it for now.
  • Danardeener
    I log everything no matter how good or bad I do....there is something to be said for holding yourself accountable.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    This weekend I fell off...ugh. I don't know why I do it because I feel like such crap afterwards. It isn't worth it.......
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    What wagon? Throw the wagon in the garbage and move forward. MFP is just a tool for you to assist in your life choices. You do not answer to it or need to follow it. You use it to your benefit. If you eat 3000 calories, log them, if you eat 1200 calories, log them. MFP allows you to go back and review previous days, months, etc. and this will allow you to see your weakness and confront them. It also allows you to see your accomplishments which I assure you, if only small, will be worth it!! Good Luck!
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    I try to log everything. I keep my diary closed because I dont really need to read a lecture about eating a cupcake and drinking two beers for my dinner. I know I messed up - but I'm gonna log it anyway.

  • LordByproduct
    logging daily despite setbacks (i have them CONSTANTLY) is the first step (for me anyway) of building a daily consciousness and intent to be a disciplined person. even if i have a bad day food wise, i feel like im doing good for myself by logging it. im building one habit that will help me get control over the rest of my diet/exercise/life.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Sometimes I know I haven't eaten very well, or I haven't been to the gym. So I don't log in to MFP. I'll wait until I feel better about what I ate or my gym day. Do you all do this? I have been logging in sporadically the last few weeks, and I know I've gained a pound or two. When you have a "bad" day, do you 'fess up and face the music by putting it in your MFP diary? Or do you log in only on "good" days?

    I suspect that I *should* log everything no matter what.

    You do what you have to do to get back on track. That differs from person to person, and what is beneficial for one person might be detrimental to another.

    If logging the "bad" days helps you be more accountable for making today better, then you up and do it, document your mistake, and learn from it.

    If you're the sort (like me) who will just wallow in self-pity by logging it and possibly suffer a relapse or run the risk of giving up, skip the day and forget about it, think about the behavior that cause it and resolve not to repeat that behavior, and move on.

    If you find yourself doing this on too many occasions, it's time to be honest with yourself about how badly you want this and whether your current approach is working. You may need to look for different motivations (up your exercise program by committing to a charity athletic event, for example, so your training is not only benefiting your body, it's also benefiting a cause greater than yourself).
  • katiegrl6
    I'm on day 14 right now. I have been logging everything, but something I've been trying to do is, in the section of notes at the bottom, log how I am feeling. I'm hoping to discover some patterns. One thing I've learned is that in between activities I tend to try and grab a little something of whatever is available. For whatever reason I associate 'transition time' or 'break time' with 'snack time'. I've found that 'cheating' or 'falling off the wagon' or just making bad choices has given me some insight to my habits and therefore is helping me break them.
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    So far, nobody has lectured me about anything and thank the lord for that - it wouldn't last with me.

    It's good to know others' are thinking about this topic, too, and knowing how you all deal with it - it's interesting reading your posts. Some people are logging everything every day, some are like me and feel sheepish about logging high-calorie days. Some of you have, I think fallen off the wagon and need MFP's AAA to come pick you up and give you a tow back to Fitland lol. (And I've done that, people, I have.)

    Anyway, send me a note and friend me (what do they call it here? Adding? Buddies?) and we can keep nudging each other.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I log everything. Keep yourself accountable.

    With that said, life happens. You will have good days and bad days. You fall off the wagon? Get the f*@k back up and get your *kitten* on the wagon!

    There is no failure in falling, there is only failure in refusing to get back up! Deep huh? :wink: :drinker: :drinker:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Sometimes I know I haven't eaten very well, or I haven't been to the gym. So I don't log in to MFP. I'll wait until I feel better about what I ate or my gym day. Do you all do this? I have been logging in sporadically the last few weeks, and I know I've gained a pound or two. When you have a "bad" day, do you 'fess up and face the music by putting it in your MFP diary? Or do you log in only on "good" days?

    I suspect that I *should* log everything no matter what.

    I keep my journal *private*... but I log EVERYTHING
    (I can lie in my journal, I can lie to myself, I CANNOT lie to my body it knows every single thing I consume)

    Logging honestly helps me see patterns and once I see patterns it's easier to find coping strategies.

    I know we all say we are never going to stress eat again, but I kind of think so some extent it's a fact of life.
    I kind of thought I knew what my stress triggers were, but I had a few surprises once I saw things written down.

    It comes down to finding strategies to deal with stress.

    And some time that means allowing myself to indulge, but making it up some place else.

    1) Be good when it's easy to be good.

    2) Look for things that feel like treat, but also have nutritional value.

    3) Recognize that sometimes "eating around a craving" is counter productive...
    (Looking for the *healthy choice* you end up consuming as many or more calories, but don't get the satisfaction)

    4) Don't feel guilty when you eat a treat...
    (It's your choice and your body will deal with the consequences regardless no need to stress yourself on top of that.)
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who skips logging when they have a bad food day. Mine turned into a month and yesterday I started back full force. After reading this I am determined to log everything no matter what because everyone is right...I am only cheating myself by not logging, even the bad days. Thanks for starting this thread! :smile:

    This is me....I haven't logged in a long time but am starting back today. I keep my diary private (and always will) When I do log, I get results (lose wt) but when I quit logging I gain it back. I just get tired of logging tho...I'm on a computer all day at work and when I'm at home don't want to get on the computer again. Can do logging from work I guess...
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I figure this is working on creating good habits with nutrition and exercise. Its not about 1lb or losing a race. This is journey to a better me will have ups and downs. And I do log it when I gain a lb. or two. I'm not perfect, but I want to be better. I just kick my own butt back into gear.
  • hrtease2
    hrtease2 Posts: 10 Member
    I log everything .. there has been more then one time ive went way over but somtimes not as bad as i had originallly thought..:):drinker:
  • Saaaam42
    Saaaam42 Posts: 154 Member
    Sometimes I know I haven't eaten very well, or I haven't been to the gym. So I don't log in to MFP. I'll wait until I feel better about what I ate or my gym day. Do you all do this? I have been logging in sporadically the last few weeks, and I know I've gained a pound or two. When you have a "bad" day, do you 'fess up and face the music by putting it in your MFP diary? Or do you log in only on "good" days?

    I suspect that I *should* log everything no matter what.
    Log everything!!!!!!! Don't let your friends see the "___________________ has not logged in for 3 days" lol!
  • Saaaam42
    Saaaam42 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who skips logging when they have a bad food day. Mine turned into a month and yesterday I started back full force. After reading this I am determined to log everything no matter what because everyone is right...I am only cheating myself by not logging, even the bad days. Thanks for starting this thread! :smile:

    This is me....I haven't logged in a long time but am starting back today. I keep my diary private (and always will) When I do log, I get results (lose wt) but when I quit logging I gain it back. I just get tired of logging tho...I'm on a computer all day at work and when I'm at home don't want to get on the computer again. Can do logging from work I guess...
    Get the smartphone app!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Generally, I log everything, good or bad. It's what keeps me on track, I think. Knowing that I have to log it makes me think twice about eating it. when I look at other people around me, whether on MFP or doing something like Weight Watchers, it seems that not logging/recording food goes hand in hand with going completely off track. That's why I'm determined to log, even if it's a bad day.

    That said, I've not logged 100% over Christmas because it was causing me more stress trying to work out the calories in what someone else had made, or in leftovers... I decided to take a week off logging, but I'm looking forward to getting right back to it. I know that not logging has contributed to me eating more than I would have otherwise.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    When I fall off the wagon, I just keep going. I shouldn't, but I do. I usually log everything, even if I'm over.
    I'm going to be down on myself anyway, so why worry?

    I'm not going to get mad at myself for an extra mouthful or whatever, if I'm gonna hate myself I'm damn well gonna give myself a good reason!