I have never lost more than 20 lbs in my life...


I am here for inspiration and knowledge to get my life in order.

Hopefully, one day, I will be someone's inspiration too.

I have been overweight my whole life and obese for about the last 10-15 years and in denial for longer.

I just keep gaining 5 or 10 per year. Now I am around 360 at 5'11"

I have diabetes and high blood pressure and gout and I am disgusted with myself.

My doctor told me that if I don't get bypass surgery, I will die.

My wife and family are the only reasons I even get out of bed in the morning.

It is finally time to change my life for good.

I hope this website helps. I am looking forward to learning and changing.



  • Cookie_Munsta298
    I have been overweight my whole life as well and I know that losing weight is not easy. I have been in denial for a long time and I keep telling myself that I will lose the weight and diet, but I am still fat. I am losing weight because my little cousins look up to me and I see them gaining alot of weight. Just know that you CAN do this.
  • Brianna72994
    You've come to the right place, everyone on here is so inspirational. Find some good friends on here and hopefully they will help to motivate you :)
  • annairene8200
    annairene8200 Posts: 22 Member
    this website is really nice and there are a ton of supportive people on it. feel free to add me if you need some extra support. :)
    good luck
  • MrBryGuy
    MrBryGuy Posts: 115
    This is definitely the right place to be. That must be very tough to go through. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • luvhandles74
    luvhandles74 Posts: 85 Member
    This site will help a LOT. Log in everyday, log everything you eat without exception, even if it's bad. Logging keeps you accountable and I find, at least for me, that is the major component to losing weight. If you can't see what you are eating you will be putting in too much.

    And maybe walk...that's it...just count and move and you will have dropped 20 pds before you know it. Once you start feeling good you will be a machine :)

    Friend me if you like :)
  • triceever
    Johnny Orlando you can do it! The reason I am on here is b/c high blood pressure (HBP) and diabetes runs in my family. Not to mention, I am tired of being overweight. I gained access weight while carrying my third child and eating very unhealthy. The best thing to do is eliminate sugars, breads, pasta and other foods that contribute to putting on the pounds. Also get with a family member or friend to join the gym with you. It can be done. Keep in touch.

    P.S. You can add me also.
  • JohnnyOrlando
    Thanks to all of you for the instant support. I already feel a little better.

    It is just soooo frustrating. I had a personal trainer for 2 years a few years ago and did not lose 20.

    I was strong as an ox (thank God I saw some benefits) but could not lose.

    I watched what I ate, 30 min on treadmill and 30 min cross-training sessions 2-3 times per week.

    Anyway, I guess that is why I had just given up.

    Now, I can't even do 5 real push ups. :(

    I just can't give up now. For no other reason, it is not fair to my wife and family.

  • athryn
    athryn Posts: 59
    You can do it, it just takes something as simple as getting out of bed in the morning and going for a walk ... that's how it started for me. If you need a friend to help motivate you, feel free to send me a request!
  • SusannaDandana
    You can do this. It is hard but anything worth doing is a challenge. And just think how proud you'll be the day you notice you have lost 25 lbs! Woowee! i will send you a friend request.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Welcome and good luck... Be honest with yourself and track everything... Find a few people to report in with on a daily basis and just do it... I've dropped 86 since July... You can do it too! The most impressive things are my resting pulse rate has gone from 86 to 68, my blood sugar is in the 90s, and blood pressure has gone from 139/93 to 123/82... The number on the scale is important but so are the other vital statistics as well... Eat the best foods for your health and remember that your kids and wife are counting on you...
    Feel free to add this dad of two if you need another friend...
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    Keep going. I felt as if I could never get back to being healthy and when I set my goals I never thought I would reach them. Well
    I passed my original goal and with finely knowing how to eat I am finding maintaining my weight not so hard. Stay truthful
    about what you eat and make the calories you eat are healthy and nutritious.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    You can so do it Johnny. I have always been overweight too and I hate it. I have tried losing weight at least 8 times before and the most I ever managed to lose was about 2 stones (28lbs) and that was with a messy break up. Right now this is the most dedicated I have ever been and I know how hard it is. I want to lose about 100lbs altogether though I am not putting a definite number on it. Just going with the flow. I have a few mental issues too that make exercising not easy so I go on my treadmill and I workout on the wii or to dvds and I plan to get more equipment soon. Anyway enough about me, you sound really determined and I know you can do this. Keep positive and dedicated and you will get there! Good Luck!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I had never consciously lost weight before this (I did float up and down 10 pounds naturally for some time before that 10 became 35 and never went back down). You can do it, MFP is great for first-timers because it encourages a sustainable change, not just a fad diet.
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi, welcome to the beginning of your new life. This is a great site for support and inspiration, you have already taken the first step to sort out your new life. It wont be easy but once you get your head in the right place, it will be the best thing you have ever done. It also helps when you have some good friends, who wont judge you but will be there when you are losing your way. If you want to add me as a friend, feel free, if not good luck on your journey:smile:
  • JohnnyOrlando
    Thanks so much to all of you. I am already glad I joined this site.
    Welcome and good luck... Be honest with yourself and track everything... Find a few people to report in with on a daily basis and just do it... I've dropped 86 since July... You can do it too! The most impressive things are my resting pulse rate has gone from 86 to 68, my blood sugar is in the 90s, and blood pressure has gone from 139/93 to 123/82... The number on the scale is important but so are the other vital statistics as well... Eat the best foods for your health and remember that your kids and wife are counting on you...
    Feel free to add this dad of two if you need another friend...

    I assume you are diabetic since you know your blood sugar numbers?

    86 lbs in 4 months? That is amazing!

    My blood pressure was 195/110 the other day. I would have been thrilled with your "before" numbers.

    Can you just tell me three things that really helped you lose so much so fast?
