In Need of Motivation...



  • notmac
    notmac Posts: 89
    One weekend would not equal 5 pounds. Forgive yourself, and next time try to just a little bit better. Also remember, women do have the entire cycle thing going on. This will affect weight, cravings, how the clothes fit, etc. I know I have days I wish I made different choices, but life will go on, and your weight loss journey (and mine) will continue.
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    I did the same thing yesterday at Monday Night Football. Pizza, mozzarella sticks, fried mushrooms, and a jello shot. But hey, I was good and didn't have a potato skin, right?
    As long as over time you're usually doing the right things, all will be good. This place is meant to keep you on track most of the time and to put those other times right in your face so you can't ignore them. just log it all and move on.

    Also - is it bad that when I see those tickers with scales on them they look like cupcakes to me?
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I agree with what the others have said. I'd also encourage you to only weigh yourself at most once a week and maybe do it on Friday morning so you're putting as much distance as possible between a weekend indulgence and your next weigh in. I think if you do this you'll see that you're still making progress and the initial gain on Monday won't be as discouraging because you're not seeing it on the scale.
  • mercymarque
    5 pounds in two days? Is there something wrong with your scale... Do you log your food everyday? Are you having too much sodium in your diet? Are you drinking enough water, exercising and getting enough rest? Five pounds in two days just doesn't seem right. I'm going to see if your dairy is open. I'm no expert but one bad day shouldn't do it. Stick to your goals, drink ur water, exercise, look how far u came. U don't want to go back. Stay on track.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I agree with all the above thoughts on your five pound weight gain.

    When we make mistakes in life, it's important to store those in our memory, to keep us from repeating the same ones over and over. However, what's done is done. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. Get back on track. You can do this. One bad weekend does not create a new bad pattern. It's an anomaly. Drink a boatload of water, and start where you left off before the fried food marathon! :)
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    By the way, I gained 4 lbs overnight as well... Drinking my water and getting back on track. Dragged myself through Day 8 of the 30 Day Shred.
  • laurap373
    Ahh! I'm the SAME way...when I's usually really bad! However, I am learning that beating myself up over it only makes me bummed and want to eat more to feel better.
    SO...just don't. It's over. It can't be undone, BUT you can start over and even put in an extra 10-20 min to each of your workouts and eventually it'll be like it never happened :)