Annoying friends and coworkers when you are dieting



  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Tell her she is welcome to control the food that goes into her body, but you are just fine controlling the food that goes into yours. Or just start making comments to her about everything SHE is eating to give her a taste of her own medicine. :wink:

    If you want to stop her in her tracks: Look at her and say, "I know. You're right. I shouldn't be eating this." Then walk away.
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    So, I just made myself some popcorn for a snack at work. A coworker of mine chimes in when she smells it and yells that it smells good and wants to know why I am eating it. I tell her it is low calorie and full of fiber. She replies that it is full of carbs and if I was REALLY on a diet or trying to get in shape that I wouldn't be eating it. What do you do when people say stuff like this to you? I feel that I should have never told anyone what I was doing. But it is the only way to shut down the request to go to lunch, have a slice of b-day cake, etc. How do you get people like this off or your back? I hate the critiques, judgements, and unsolicited advice. btw...most of the people giving it don't exactly look like Jillian Michaels. I want to say this, but I don't want to be tooo rude.

    I get "Is that on your diet?" about everything that I eat. Be it an apple or a piece of cake. I always just say yes. Then I inform them that I lost another 2 lbs this week and walk away.

    I love cake.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Where do people get off - putting cupcakes and candy on ANYONE's desk? WTH? If you brought in extra, leave it in the kitchen - it will get eaten. Good grief! Maybe on Friday, I'll come in early and put salads out on everyone's desk... or a bowl of broccoli - on every desk. :noway:

    So far, no one has questioned me if I'm eating something that doesn't seem very "diet-y" - they are much more likely to ask if I've been to the gym because they have seen the changes in my body over the last few months and can't think of anything else to say. My answer: yes! :happy:
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    i would just say, "Well, this works for me. So far so good. I've lost X lbs, how much have you lost?"

    ^^^^ this^^^^
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    You could also say something like "It works for me! Maybe you should try it.". Flaunt it when you do lose weight--buy sexy new clothes, tell everyone how good you feel, that kind of thing.People will always be jealous and rude. Tell them "Be happy for me, I'm doing SO well! Seriously, the best revenge is doing well.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    There is no one way to diet or become healthy. Don't take it personally.
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    Luckily my co-workers are considerate and don't do this to me! However, I love to bake and love to take things in for them to try. Little do they know they are low cal, healthy treats!! Made them flourless, butterless cake brownies last week....they were a big hit! They are my guinea pigs....little do they know!
  • So, I just made myself some popcorn for a snack at work. A coworker of mine chimes in when she smells it and yells that it smells good and wants to know why I am eating it. I tell her it is low calorie and full of fiber. She replies that it is full of carbs and if I was REALLY on a diet or trying to get in shape that I wouldn't be eating it. What do you do when people say stuff like this to you? I feel that I should have never told anyone what I was doing. But it is the only way to shut down the request to go to lunch, have a slice of b-day cake, etc. How do you get people like this off or your back? I hate the critiques, judgements, and unsolicited advice. btw...most of the people giving it don't exactly look like Jillian Michaels. I want to say this, but I don't want to be tooo rude.

    Just ignore her, if she asks why you are ignoring her tell her is it because you were hoping she would take the hint instead of giving you diet advice you didn't ask for. I hate people like that, they are ignorant and don't have the social skills to know they are being rude, or they enjoy being rude, so try not to worry about hurting their feelings!!

    At one time I worked at the same company as my mother-in-law (glad those days are over!!) and she once walked into my department and literally yelled across the room "what are you eating now!?' as I put a piece of gum in my mouth.
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    stare...just stare at them...force their gaze away like the lowly curr they are, and then once they turn away, draw your broaddsword* and cut off their head and then stand on their prostrate form and howl to the gods of battle, letting the entire office who has laid claim to this kill. Drag the body into your cubicle and then enjoy a high protein, high fat meal for your reward.

    After doing this once, none of my coworkers dare ask me about "why I'm just eating rice cakes".

    *if your sword is currently at the smith's being repaired from the trials of battle, then pull any weapon your office might have nearby off the wall and do the deed. If you office is lacking in wall mounted weaponry, find a new line of work, something more befitting a warrior.

    Can we be best friends?
  • You could also say something like "It works for me! Maybe you should try it.". Flaunt it when you do lose weight--buy sexy new clothes, tell everyone how good you feel, that kind of thing.People will always be jealous and rude. Tell them "Be happy for me, I'm doing SO well! Seriously, the best revenge is doing well.

    I like the way you think :smile:
  • stare...just stare at them...force their gaze away like the lowly curr they are, and then once they turn away, draw your broaddsword* and cut off their head and then stand on their prostrate form and howl to the gods of battle, letting the entire office who has laid claim to this kill. Drag the body into your cubicle and then enjoy a high protein, high fat meal for your reward.

    After doing this once, none of my coworkers dare ask me about "why I'm just eating rice cakes".

    *if your sword is currently at the smith's being repaired from the trials of battle, then pull any weapon your office might have nearby off the wall and do the deed. If you office is lacking in wall mounted weaponry, find a new line of work, something more befitting a warrior.

    LMAO - cannot wait to see my mother-in-law to try this!!
  • You could always print this thread and leave it on her desk so she knows the majority think she is rude and an idiot :happy:
  • So, I just made myself some popcorn for a snack at work. A coworker of mine chimes in when she smells it and yells that it smells good and wants to know why I am eating it. I tell her it is low calorie and full of fiber. She replies that it is full of carbs and if I was REALLY on a diet or trying to get in shape that I wouldn't be eating it. What do you do when people say stuff like this to you? I feel that I should have never told anyone what I was doing. But it is the only way to shut down the request to go to lunch, have a slice of b-day cake, etc. How do you get people like this off or your back? I hate the critiques, judgements, and unsolicited advice. btw...most of the people giving it don't exactly look like Jillian Michaels. I want to say this, but I don't want to be tooo rude.

    I'm lucky, I only work with a few people and they are more like the gym police (did you go to the gym this morning? What did you work?) which is good motivation but they don't do the food police thing.

    You could go with the somewhat *****y reply of "I didn't realise you were into healthy eaten too. I've lost Xlbs so far (with eating carbs). How's it going for you?"

    Or just go with "It seems to work for me" and start to comment on their food choices.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Where do people get off - putting cupcakes and candy on ANYONE's desk? WTH? If you brought in extra, leave it in the kitchen - it will get eaten. Good grief! Maybe on Friday, I'll come in early and put salads out on everyone's desk... or a bowl of broccoli - on every desk. :noway:

    So far, no one has questioned me if I'm eating something that doesn't seem very "diet-y" - they are much more likely to ask if I've been to the gym because they have seen the changes in my body over the last few months and can't think of anything else to say. My answer: yes! :happy:

    I can not tell you how often I go in to work in the morning to find CANDY sitting on my desk. Mind you.......this is in MY office.with people Ive work with for up to 14 years....People WHO FU@KING KNOW IM A DIABETIC WITH 100 POUNDS TO LOSE!!! ya wanna talk frustrating?? Anger? I whip right on by angry into pissy right on into downright snotty. It still happens. Ive had cake appear......brownies.......licorice (which they also know Im allergic to)

    What's that? Go to management or employee services you say? Hmmm interesting concept ...that. All they say is "you dont have to eat it...just throw it away"

    So yeah..its irritating

  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Where do people get off - putting cupcakes and candy on ANYONE's desk? WTH? If you brought in extra, leave it in the kitchen - it will get eaten. Good grief! Maybe on Friday, I'll come in early and put salads out on everyone's desk... or a bowl of broccoli - on every desk. :noway:

    I do have one 'well-meaning' relative who brought in a box of donuts (an assortment--plain, powdered-sugar, and chocolate). I ate three over a few days.

    Some people 'mean well', but I don't think they understand that YOU are trying to lose. Or they don't want to seem rude by not offering you their treats.
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    The colleagues I have trouble with are the ones who bring in biscuits and cakes and chocolate from home into the office so they aren't tempted to eat them themselves, thereby tempting me to eat them instead! Or decide that we all need cheered up so go and buy loads of cakes, and then don't eat any themselves. I know that they don't actually shove the food down my throat, but not putting it under my nose would be more supportive.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Ahh the diet Nazis. There are a couple here that do that. Super annoying. I haven't had it happen to me personally but it annoys me to listen to them give unsolicited advice to others. One of them has NO business giving diet advice. She has a good 40+lbs to lose herself. She gets on diet kicks then thinks she's the diet goddess of the office. Funny how no one says a word when she's not in diet mode. :/

    I have one of these in the office as well. On every diet you can think of and is a goddess of them all (Ideal Protien, Advocare, ect.). :grumble:
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    One of the reasons people do this sort of thing is because they see you enjoying something that they have previously denied themselves while on a super low-cal diet that consisted of lettuce leaves and it just makes them see red :explode:

    They don't think it's fair that you should enjoy something when they weren't able to. It's jealousy--and if they've noticed that you've lost even the smallest amount of weight, those stakes go double.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    You could always print this thread and leave it on her desk so she knows the majority think she is rude and an idiot :happy:

    I love this idea!

    And I hates my coworkers sometimes. I always get our garden salad at Schlotzsky's because it's only 61 cal and full of veggies and fiber, but I get it without dressing because I like it better and it's healthier. And then one of them always, like seriously never fails, "you know our raspberry vinaigrette is fat-free right?" And each time I have to explain "fat-free" doesn't mean calorie, sugar, carb, or sodium free. It doesn't even necessarily equate to "healthy". Plus, I'm on a budget with my sodium and I drink so much diet soda try to cut from elsewhere when possible, same for calories. I try to cut where possible to save up for a fiber one brownie or chewy bar at the end of the night.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Just throw 'em one of these:
