Need friends and motivators!

gdogra Posts: 43 Member
Hello awesome people!
I am a 31 year old microbiologist from Hagerstown MD. I am looking to lose 60 Lbs in the next year and need friends and motivators. I have been on this site/app for a week now and love it. However, old fears of falling off the wagon keep bothering me and I need friends who can push me to a happier, healthier and safer lifestyle/physical being. I have been putting this off for too long; making excuses at every turn. However, deep inside I know I am not happy with how I look and feel. Sometimes, I wonder why intelligent people (booksmarts) make silly life choices.
My strengths:
Naivete (perhaps unbridled optimism, which may help me keep with the program)
Self control (when I really realllllly put my foot down)

218 Lbs at 5'9" with a spare tire I HATE
Low motivation to do something strenuous
I make too many excuses
Emotional eating

Hopefully, I will connect with well-meaning, dedicated, strong individuals in this awesome community.
Please feel free to add me!!!

All the best in your pursuit of a healthier life! :)


  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP! I am very motivated to lose weight, but I'm trying to do it sensibly so that I can maintain. I've lost TONS of weight over the years, only to gain it back again. I'm losing, and I don't feel super deprived, so I'm hoping this is a keeper. I truly do like to's eating that is my downfall. Just love food :). Logging it keeps me on the straight and narrow (as well as knowing people are looking at my choices :)).

  • gdogra
    gdogra Posts: 43 Member
    Food is my downfall too. Oh, I can't tell you how tough it is sometimes to keep off of it. Additionally, I am a massive (pun intended) couch potato. Nothing goes together better than pizza and a movie. Recently, however, I changed my purchasing habits (more veggies, fruits and whole foods). I use this android app called Fooducate. It scans food and tells you if something better is available. Try it out :) Thanks again for connecting with me.
    Gaurav (pronounced Gore-av) :)
  • sending a friend request. Also, anyone can add me!
  • gdogra
    gdogra Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you! Accepted :)
  • becky210
    becky210 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm Rebecca and I just had a baby a month ago. I have about 40lbs I'd like to loose and need more friends to get through it as well. I LOVE sugar and it my total downfall. I have one strength...I actually like to workout. I have to keep it a little easy right now but in a week or two I hope to start running again. Would love to motivate each other! Welcome and good luck!
  • gdogra
    gdogra Posts: 43 Member
    Rebecca. First, congratulations on the little one :). Two, congratulations again on your mission to lose weight. I would be happy to connect with you so we can keep each other motivated! Cheers :)
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Hello Gaurav. All I can say that we can help you along but the success will come from you. Things will change for you if you are willing to make changes. Coming on here is the first and one the most important steps. Also recognising where you can make improvements is too. When ever you feel that you lack motivitation ask yourself these questions:

    What am I doing this for?

    Who am I doing this for?

    What do I want to look like/feel like when I get to my goal weight?

    You may want to ask yourself more questions that challenge but all I can say really is that if you want this you will get it. YOUR motivation coupled with encouragement and support from us MFP will certainly help you on your way.

  • gdogra
    gdogra Posts: 43 Member
    Very apt! And absolutely true. Here's an example of how I make excuses : I went out for a brisk walk with my dog this morning and it was raining. My first thought? "Oh the weather's bad for exercise". However I decided that fitness is not an option - rain, shine or snow. And I actually went for a nice walk, came home and finished my aerobics. Result: a happier me. I would love to connect with you! Thanks for the reply :)
  • Bconder3
    Bconder3 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!!! I'm Brittany I'm 20 years old, I am in need of friends and motivators too! I lost 20lbs using this app for about 2 months but recently fell off the wagon and gained 4 lbs back. I am looking to find new people who can provide support an encouragment throughout this weight loss journey. anyone can add me:)

    Weaknesses: I'm always on the go between working 12 hour shifts at the hospital and being a full time student I rarely have time to be as healthy as I'd like to be along with emotional eating or stress eating
  • gdogra
    gdogra Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for posting. Yeah, emotional eating sucks, and I have to deal with it too. One way I avoid it is by keeping busy (cleaning, washing dishes, anything) so I can keep my mind off of food :) However, you have to remember YOU lost 20 lbs. That's AWESOME! You can lose the pesky extra 4 Lbs too :) All the best and feel free to connect with me :)
  • Hi I have been registered on this site for awhile now but never took the time to commit until today. I'm currently 180 pounds at 5'2". I am suppose to be no more than 136 pounds. But as you can see I am way overboard. I am 44 years old and will be 45 on Nov. 15th. My goal is to try and lose 15 by then. Is it possible? Yes I know that it is without starving myself. I just need to be disciplined and stop snacking. My ultimate goal is to lose those 44 pounds I have been carrying around for quite some time. If I could also get down my water intake it will aslo be good. I just hate to drink water. Any suggestions? My short term goal is to lose this first 15 pounds by my birthday and 15 every month there after. By February I will be looking to see a new me. With prayers, exercise and discipline I think I can do it.
  • Friend request sent! I see you're doing the p90 program! I'm currently doing p90x... week 3... round 4 or 5?!!! I can use more friends! :)
  • gdogra
    gdogra Posts: 43 Member
    Oh wow I can't think about the P90X program yet. I am in the much more tame P90 program. Week 1 just ended :D And I feel awesome. Sculpt 1-2 and Sweat 1-2 with Ab ripper 100 :)
  • gdogra
    gdogra Posts: 43 Member
    Altenia: welcome to MFP and congratulations on your determination to get fit. However, losing 15 Lbs in a month is not a good idea. The idea is to count calories (maintain a healthy 25-30% deficit), stay hydrated and lose gradually. I plan on losing about 2 lb a month and I am pushing it. However, it is the determination that counts. :) You go!
    Water wise- I count water, therefore, I am more aware about how much I consume :) Also, I have a Klean Kanteen by my side all the time :) All the best! :D
  • krainbird
    krainbird Posts: 30 Member
    We can do this. Add me if you would like. I recently lost 42 pounds and plan on losing some more!!
  • Hi there, I also need friends, the motivational side is pretty good. Turning 40 next year is a good motivator. I love to exercise but my relationship with food is my down fall, yes the comfort eating. I really feel ready to start living the life I wish to live. So far so good.
  • gdogra
    gdogra Posts: 43 Member
    Yup - emotional eating sucks. And I always tend to overeat/binge. I have been off of binging for a week now, but thats only because I eat four square meals a day and meditate :) I wish you a lot of success in your journey and welcome you here :)
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Welcome!! Your attitude determines how well you do it. I keep myself motivated by setting new goals when I’ve reached one. I use to weigh 350lbs now I am at 168lbs still pushing hard so I can totally relate. So keep on pushing yourself trust me if I did it you can do it. If you need an extra buddy feel free to add me :)

  • If anyone needs friends and motivators please add me!
  • Feel free to add! I love to give out motivation and get some in return!! Positive energy feeds positive results!