feeling discouraged



  • MySunshine76
    You can't follow your dreams if you don't wake up.:smile:
    Just take one day at a time and change one thing at a time. For instance, say, starting tomorrow, you may not drink any more soda. It's just one small thing, but use it to build on. Good luck, and if you need a friend, I'm here.
  • Jmosejo
    Jmosejo Posts: 1 Member
    I'm J and I just joined and just wanted to tell you that just joining is scary and I share your same sentiments...but one thing that keeps me encouraged is my faith and reading the bible...I know it sounds crazy and maybe dumb to some..but it's where I find peace and encouragement.
    If you're a female-you have Worth!
    I heard a saying just Sunday..that fear and death are like cousins but God says Believe, fear is not from God, He provides the strength you need, love and of sound mind ( spirit of control-discipline) ..some folks are better at the latter..but it takes practice every day..you may not do it 100% perfect but that's your aim..and at the end you will see where you reached..so you did not loose 20 but you lost 10..no condemnation.
    I hope this helps..:smile :=) Jesus loves ya....yeah I know its corny but he does!
  • Fun4only1
    Just know that you can do it. We all have been through these feelings but get up everyday with the same thought that you know that you can do it!!
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I hear ya. I've been struggling myself, and I've just started. I try to be positive, but yet I question myself, and my ability to really stick this out. This whole process is brand new to me, counting calories, checking labels at the stores, exercising, ect. I went to Tijuana Mexico this past weekend and didn't gain a ounce, actually lost a tad bit of weight. The next full day back, weighed myself again and was 1.8 lbs heavier. True I drank over a gallon of water that day(yesterday), ate two big burgers(not normal for me anymore since joining MFP) and drank a few gatorades(not normal for me anymore since joining MFP), but I also burn a tremendous amount of calories, especially that particular day. I was so ticked off today I considered not logging my food.

    Bottom line is, nothing in life that's worth while is ever easy, not in my opinion at least. It's easy not to log what you eat, it's easy not to work out, it's easy to not look at labels of food to see what's in it. The fact is the easy way, in this scenario, leads to obesity, bad health conditions, unhappiness, a lack of self confidence, and so much more.

    I try to weigh the choices I have, and whatever one is easier...........is usually less productive and more destructive. Hang in there, one day at a time.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Most important thing to remember is that this is a learning process & a way of life - not a diet. Log EVERYTHING. This way you will see where you need to make changes. Read the "intelligent" threads here. They're very informative & it will save you a lot of legwork. Commit to making just a few small changes each week. Focus on them & master them. Then move on to more changes. Pace yourself, slow & steady wins the race. Best of luck to you.
  • Meganisaface
    Meganisaface Posts: 20 Member
    Take something out of your diet that is the worst for you. Like soda. And drink more water along with other beverages that are not soda. See where that takes you. That's always a great step and once you see changes you will have no problem getting motivated. Good luck
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    if you're here talking about it, you're definitely there. you want it! Go for it!. i just started five days ago and i'm so glad i did.. after one successful day, you feel like you don't want to spoil your good work, and that's enough to motivate you forward.. good luck!
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    Take things day-by-day...try not to dwell on what the computer says...or the website...or anyone. Just do your best to make the changes necessary to get you to your goal. You'll get tons of support here.
  • lcoliver
    lcoliver Posts: 3 Member
    I like this!!! great suggestion to just track things first and don't worry about changing until you see what your habits are. the first time i started using myfitnesspal, i lost 15 lbs JUST from tracking. no exercise! it's going to make a huge difference.
  • Kimberbuzz
    Excellent advice! :smile:
  • TORtheCarrot
    I haven't even sarted but I already feel like I'm up against an impossible task. Where to begin? how to start? how to take control over my life again? I'm not mentally "there" yet. help.

    Start small, this website is great to help you keep track of what you eat and do, to get an understanding of where you are. It also has a great support system built in.

    Another great website that has helpful exercises and recipes is http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/ which has a ton of advice on where to begin, how to begin, how to learn to exercise effectively and from the beginning. There is a community there as well, and the combination of these 2 sites is really helpful. They have a ton of success stories with a variety of people who started at various places and found things that worked for them, and they are available to email questions to.

    Definitely check it out!
  • cathy130veronica
    I just joined in the last 30 minutes & I am going to take it 1 day at a time. It is a simple concept that if I see it in writing what I am eating I will think twice about having something I know I shouldn't. for example I just filled in what I ate today as best as I could remember & in writing it all out I can't believe I ate that much. example not 1 cinnamon bun with icing sugar but I actually had 2.
    So I am putting today behind & tomorrow I will hope I make better food choices.