25 year old trying to fit into my "cool" clothes again!

Hello! I am in need of some friends on here for support! I am a 25 year old medical assistant and want to lose 20 lbs! I am currently at 158 and was at 138 this time last year :(
I am finding it really hard to get back into my old habbits! I used to work out like a maniac and really count my calories carefully. I think one reason I got a little lazy is because I met my boyfriend this time last year and we really enjoy cooking and eating out (not good for you food) a lot! :(

Anyway.... please add me if you have a similar situation and are in need of support!!


  • Filomenaaa
    Filomenaaa Posts: 61 Member
    Im a 24 year old medical assistant that is trying to lose 25 lbs overall! welcome:)
  • El_Ivers
    El_Ivers Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, I am 27 and in a very similar situation. i ahve put on about 20lbs in the past 3 years and need to work on that desperately. Good luck to you!
  • julieb3an
    julieb3an Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 27, nursing student. Just got married. I'd like to lose 20 lbs too.
  • bsuzanne88
    bsuzanne88 Posts: 61 Member

    I will be 24 in November. I have been with MFP for over a year. For the most part i think my body is done losing weight and now I am working on toning. I am currently in the process of completeing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (you can see great results from others who have completed this on MFP) and when I am finished I will start the 6 week 6 pack, also by Jillian Michaels. When I met my boyfriend 7 years ago I weighed 122 lbs. Our first year together we would eat out all the time and never consider the position we would be putting ourselves in for the future if we continued eating the way we did. Then along came birth control and a montrous 10 lbs. The heaviest I have ever been was 143 lbs. Now I am working on being completely comfortable with and proud of my body. Good luck to everyone.
  • Datorg
    Datorg Posts: 1
    cool man good job bro
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Lol....I am twice your age and I want to fit into my "cool" clothes again too! Age is a state of mind, right;) Beat of luck to you....you can do it!
  • Lost240
    25 year old former medical assistant currently back in school to finish my RN here. I had a similar weight gain! I'm trying to get back down to 130lbs currently. Pretty sure I grew into scrubs when I started wearing them! I'm back in regular office attire daily at the moment and I can barely fit into my favorites stuff. I hope to remember soon what it feels like to feel sexy in my clothes!
  • Cher2686
    Cher2686 Posts: 94 Member
    I am a 26 year old medical tech. I have been gaining steadily for the last 7 years (since I had my kid). I went from 110 to 190! I am aiming to lose a minimum of 60 lbs. I lose 30 lbs in 3 months last year and then got lazy and gained it back. I feel horrible and am bound and determined to lose the weight for good this time. Anyone add me... PLEASE! :smile: