HCG diet?

Has anyone here done the hCG diet. I hear it helps you lose a lot of weight? But does it keep the weight off? Thoughts?


  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    It's a waste of money. HCG was actually banned by the FDA in all but injectable form so any drops or anything you can order over the counter is actually not HCG at all. The FDA has also issued a statement stating that injection of HCG for weight loss is not an authorized use of the hormone and that it's both ineffective and potentially dangerous.

    The weight loss from HCG comes from the 500-800 calorie diet that is often prescribed alongside the HCG supplements, not the HCG itself.






    Long story short, don't bother with it. Just stick to a reasonable diet and fitness program and be patient.

    Also, there's been a lot of heated discussion on HCG here in the past, and MFP does not condone this diet due to its ineffectiveness and potential health hazards, so this thread will likely be shut down.

    Good luck reaching your goals nonetheless! :smile:
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Yes it can help you lose weight. And yes, you have to get the prescription version, although it is available in sublingual drops as well as the injections. The weight loss is from calorie restriction, but the HCG makes it easier and makes it so you are burning fat. The diet is very strict and not for everyone. No, it does not help you keep it off. You can't just go back to eating whatever you were before and expect the results to stay. You need a solid plan for afterwards. I've had success using it as a tool that is part of an overall weightloss strategy, but wouldn't recommend it as a quick fix. If you have questions, feel free to message me.
  • Thanks! I was just curious. :)
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    It's a scammy type of diet. People might as well just take sugar pills and go on a 500 cal/day diet and and they'd get the same results, only they'd be saving at least 100 bucks.
  • You'll def lose weight, buuuuutttt the big question here, can you live like that the rest of your life? If you don't plan on living on 500 calories for the rest of your days then I wouldn't do it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Mods will shut this down so ill post a funny.....


    Try this!
    It works!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Looking at your tracker it seem like you only want to lose a couple pounds.
    Find TDEE and eat that daily.
    Use exercise to create a deficit.
  • I don't know about all the comments saying that it is a scammy diet because it is really the first diet that I ever really tried. It was very hard to stick with it but it did work for me. I lost like 50 pounds in 2 in a half months with little to no exercise. You have to really stay strictly to the diet or you will gain the next morning after a cheat. Each day that I followed it totally, I lost 1-3 pounds every morning when I weighed myself. After I did a couple of phase 2, I did phase 3 and still lost and/or maintained. However, I went back to old ways and stopped working out after starting a third shift job and I have gained a little back. I am getting ready to start the diet all over again but I just have questions as how to approach it reguarding the gorging and stuff. If anyone is familiar with this diet and can answer some questions, please let me know asap!!! Thanks!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    HCG in ANY for for weight loss is a complete waste of money!

    The FDA is trying to get the stuff off the market because it has been proven to be absolutely worthless for weight loss.

    The ONLY reason people lose weight so fast is the dangerously low calorie food plan they tell you to do with it.

    And while you can probably lose weigh fast by starving on 500 calories a day for weeks, why starve your body and risk your health when nearly everyone that attempts that diet regains more than they lost?

  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I used the drops from that website the whole time and their strict diet guidelines, which are also listed on that website.

    ever think that it was the strict diet and not the pretend HCG they scammed you into buying that helped the weight loss?
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Hey you can try my super duper sugar free gum diet if you like? Send me $50 and you will get 3 sticks of "special" gum. Chew gum 4 times a day, AND eat a very strict diet of 500-800 calories and you'll lose weight :)

    Sorry, being sarcastic of course but that is pretty much how I see the HCG diet, you lose the weight through the tiny amount of calories you consume, nothing to do with HCG.

    You produce HCG in pregnancy and most women I know gain weight in pregnancy :)
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Has anyone here done the hCG diet. I hear it helps you lose a lot of weight? But does it keep the weight off? Thoughts?

    Seeing as it only allows you 500 calories a day...Yea you'll lose weight, fat and muscle. You will lose weight with any diet that restricts your calories that much. It's unhealthy and a hot topic on here. Lose weight the sensible and intelligent way through a healthy calorie deficit. It's slower but more sustainable.
  • Someone I know has been on this diet for MONTHS. She started the same time I started my "reduce calories and exercise" diet. We have lost the same amount of weight over the same length of time. She got a significant jump start on me when she was losing 1-3lbs per day.
    But, now that she has realized that whenever she eats outside of the very strict diet she will also gain 1-3lbs per day I have caught up to her in wt. loss. And because I have ben exercising, my body is much firmer and without the weight loss lose skin. She still has the lose skin because she is unable to stop the HCG diet and severe calorie restriction, and cannot exercise. I thik that if she ever goes back to eating normally she will gain all that weight back and then some. I am waiting for the hair to begin falling out.

    I always feel so bad for her when we eat meals together and I am eating something delicious and she has to sit forlornly, watching me while she eats her apples because that is all she can have for the day.
  • rrneal625
    rrneal625 Posts: 69 Member
    Has anyone here done the hCG diet. I hear it helps you lose a lot of weight? But does it keep the weight off? Thoughts?

    Take the $ you would spend on these "miracle" dieting potions and redirect it toward healthy clean food and / or a gym membership.....nothing will "keep the weight off" like exercise and healthy eating.....consider permanent lifestyle change vs. "quick fixes". :smile:
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have never tried it. And, I never will. I had a friend who did this diet. She did lose. She lost a ton of weight. As soon as she stopped, though, she gained it all back and then some. It is better to lose steady with calorie counting and exercise. There's no quick fix for a healthy lifestyle.
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    I tried it and it made me weak and made my hair start to fall out. No one can survive on a 500 calorie diet!!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    It's a waste of money. HCG was actually banned by the FDA in all but injectable form so any drops or anything you can order over the counter is actually not HCG at all. The FDA has also issued a statement stating that injection of HCG for weight loss is not an authorized use of the hormone and that it's both ineffective and potentially dangerous.

    The weight loss from HCG comes from the 500-800 calorie diet that is often prescribed alongside the HCG supplements, not the HCG itself.






    Long story short, don't bother with it. Just stick to a reasonable diet and fitness program and be patient.

    Also, there's been a lot of heated discussion on HCG here in the past, and MFP does not condone this diet due to its ineffectiveness and potential health hazards, so this thread will likely be shut down.

    Good luck reaching your goals nonetheless! :smile:

    this sums it up
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