Week 2 done

Hi guys & girls,
Another week done - loss of 5 pounds :-) Found this week really hard and lacked motivation, is this normal? Anyway on-wards and down-wards :)



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Well done on your progress so far. I've found that not being too overly-restrictive with the kinds of food I eat, and not having too large of a calorie deficit (ie not trying to lose too much, too soon) has helped keep me motivated. For me, this isn't just a "diet" that I'm going to stop once I reach my goal, I wanted to be sure I could carry this way of eating on permanently, to make sure I keep the weight off. I still eat all my favourite foods, just in appropriate portion sizes. It really helps because I don't feel like I need to "cheat" or "fall off the wagon". I already eat what I want. If I've reached my calorie goals already, then I can always save whatever it is I'm craving for tomorrow. No big deal. :smile:

    Sometimes I find I can't be bothered measuring and logging everything, and I get sick of obsessing over food so much. But then I just remind myself of all the reasons I wanted to lose weight in the first place. Really, calorie counting is a small price to pay to achieve my goals. As far as exercise goes - again, I've made it as easy as I can for myself by only committing to activities that I really enjoy. Yes, there are some days I'd rather just stay warm and cozy at home than go out running, but I just have to push myself out of the door, and then once I'm out there, it's fine!
  • Kelvindavies11
    JesterMFP thank you very much for your reply, I really appreciate it. I am lucky in that the misses is also doing the 'diet' which helps allot.
